The Guardian (USA)

Rohingya refugees refuse to return to Myanmar without rights guarantee

- Hannah Ellis-Petersen and Shaikh Azizur Rahman

Plans to begin repatriati­ng the thousands of Rohingya Muslims who fled ethnic cleansing in Rahkine state in 2017 look likely to fail once again, with the refugees refusing to go back to Myanmar voluntaril­y.

Over 3,000 Rohingya were placed on a list of refugees and approved for repatriati­on as part of a fresh attempt by the government­s of Bangladesh and Myanmar to start sending back some of the more than one million refugees living in squalid camps in Cox’s Bazar.

Bangladesh’s refugee relief and repatriati­on commission­er, Abul Kalam, said on Wednesday that transporta­tion and logistical assistance was on standby for any refugees who wanted to cross the border on 22 August, the given date for repatriati­ons to begin.

“Today 214 Rohingya families were interviewe­d in the process of the intention surveys,” Kalam told the Guardian on Wednesday. “We are currently uploading the collected data of those families. Right now we cannot reveal anything about the intention of any family on the issue of return to Myanmar this week.”

However, aBanglades­h refugee relief official who was present during the intention surveys, led by UNHCR, said they did not find a single family willing to return to Myanmar on Thursday.

“Almost all of the 214 families we interviewe­d today said they would not return until their key demands are met. Rakhine is still hostile and unsafe for them, they said,” said the official, who asked not to be identified as he did not have permission to speak to the press.

He was echoed by one of the Rohingya camp leaders, known as a majhi, who said that he had not spoken to any refugees willing to go back under current conditions. “The Bangladesh government sought some names of some refugees and some other majhis, and I supplied some list of the refugees to the government officials,” he said, also asking not to be be identified, fearing reprisals from the authoritie­s.

“We were never told that those names would be sent to Burma seeking clearance for their repatriati­on. Many refugees are aggrieved for their names were sent to Burmese authoritie­s without taking their consent.”

More than 700,000 Rohingya fled over to border to Bangladesh after a military-led crackdown in Rahkine state in which villages were razed, women raped and thousands killed. A UN fact-finding mission declared the violence had “genocidal intent”.

While repatriati­on is due to begin tomorrow, Louise Donovan, UNHCR spokespers­on in Cox’s Bazar, said the officials of her agency were still carrying out the “intention surveys” of those on the list of 3,450 approved for return. “We are not currently commenting on the process of intentions surveys, as it is still ongoing,” she said.

However, with conditions in Rahkine state still volatile, and with Myanmar’s refusal to guarantee a pathway to citizenshi­p for the Rohingya, the consensus is that all the refugees remained too fearful to go back.

“We want a guarantee of citizenshi­p first and they must call us Rohingya, then we can go,” said Ruhul Amin, who was speaking for a nine-member family. “We can’t go without our rights.”

Another refugee who found out he was on the list of 3,450 approved for return, and asked to remain unnamed, was adamant that he would not be crossing the border on Thursday. “We cannot return unless there is a guarantee from the Burma government that our citizenshi­p rights would be returned,” he said.

“Burma is telling the world that it is trying its best to make the situation for the Rohingya safe so that we can return to our homes. But, the reality is it has done nothing to help us return peacefully.”

This would be the second failed attempt to start the repatriati­on of the Rohingya. A similar plan in November failed when none of the refugees listed for return agreed to go voluntaril­y. In the days before, panic had gripped the camps, with many refugees fleeing to the woods out of fear that they would be forced back, and extra military forces were brought in who restricted movements in the camps.

This time the mood was described as “much calmer” by Kalam and others on the ground, as UNHCR went door to door through the three camps where most listed for return live.

However, UNHCR has been banned from visiting Rahkine state by the Myanmar government, so could not verify for itself the conditions the Rohingya would be returned to. There are fears that they would just be placed in newly built transit camps, which have been described as “open-air prisons”, as their Rohingya villages, which were almost all burned to the ground during the violence, have not been rebuilt.

The announceme­nt of the repatriati­on plans last week was met with almost universal condemnati­on from human rights groups, which stressed the conditions in Myanmar were still highly unsafe for the Rohingya. “Repatriati­ons now would be dangerous and reckless,” said Matthew Smith, the chief executive of Fortify Rights.

A UN-establishe­d fact-finding mission last year recommende­d the prosecutio­n of Myanmar’s military commanders on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity for their actions in Rahkine against the Rohingya. Myanmar has rejected the report and any suggestion that its forces did anything wrong.

 ??  ?? Rohingya children in a refugee camp in Bangladesh. None of the families interviewe­d about repatriati­on wanted to return to Myanmar. Photograph: Allison Joyce/Getty Images
Rohingya children in a refugee camp in Bangladesh. None of the families interviewe­d about repatriati­on wanted to return to Myanmar. Photograph: Allison Joyce/Getty Images

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