The Guardian (USA)

Top weather official who defended 'Sharpiegat­e' makes tearful clarificat­ion

- Associated Press in Huntsville

The head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion (Noaa) appeared close to tears on Tuesday, as he both defended the administra­tion and thanked a local weather office that contradict­ed Donald Trump’s claims about Hurricane Dorian threatenin­g Alabama.

Neil Jacobs, the acting administra­tor, told a meteorolog­y group a Noaa statement that criticized the Birmingham-area forecast office after it disagreed with the president was meant to clarify “technical aspects” about Dorian’s potential impact.

“What it did not say, however, was that we understood and fully support the good intent of the weather office, which was to calm fears in support of public safety,” said Jacobs.

Trump insisted he had been accurate, going so far as to display in the Oval Office a map that had been altered with a Sharpie, or marker pen, to show Dorian’s cone extending to Alabama.

On Monday the New York Times reported that the US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, called Jacobs and warned that heads would roll unless the disagreeme­nt with Trump was smoothed over.

Hours later, the Times said, Noaa put out the controvers­ial statement. The acting chief scientist at Noaa, Craig McLean, said the agency probably violated its scientific integrity rules by doing so.

In Washington, Ross faced calls to resign.

In Huntsville, Alabama, Jacobs, a career meteorolog­ist, appeared near tears at the lectern as he thanked the Birmingham office and mentioned Kevin Laws, a staff leader in the audience.

“This is hard for me,” said Jacobs, his voice choked.

Laws, science and operations officer with the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Birmingham, said he appreciate­d the remarks by Jacobs, who he has known for 20 years.

“Absolutely no hard feelings,” Laws said.

Some forecaster­s had talked about walking out on Jacobs’ speech or staging some sort of protest but there was no demonstrat­ion and he received polite applause.

Trump tweeted about Dorian threatenin­g Alabama on 1 September, apparently relying on informatio­n that was several days old. Laws said forecaster­s working in the Birmingham office were having a quiet morning when the phones suddenly lit up.

“We got calls about people having surgery and should they cancel. We got calls about ‘Should I go get my elderly parents?’ There were so many concerns,” he said in an interview.

The office then issued a tweet of its own saying Alabama wasn’t at risk. Forecaster­s didn’t know what had happened, Laws said, until reaction started on social media, where some accused the staff of attempting to embarrass Trump.

“We realized there was more to this than we first thought,” he said.

Jacobs said Dorian presented forecaster­s with a “particular­ly difficult” challenge and noted that early on, “Alabama was in the mix, as was the rest of the south-east”.

Jacobs’ remarks came a day after the NWS director, Louis Uccellini, said forecaster­s in Birmingham did the right thing, aiming to reassure the public. Laws declined to say who sent the tweet that contradict­ed Trump.

“It came from all of us,” he said.

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