The Guardian (USA)

Depression and anxiety threatened to kill my career. So I came clean about it

- Yasha Hartberg

In the fall of 2016, I landed a part-time job teaching writing to pre-med majors at Texas A&M University. In 2017, this turned into a dream, full-time position, and it seemed like my life was finally falling into place. Just a semester later, though, at the start of 2018, I experience­d the worst panic attacks of my life.

I was holding things together at work, mostly, but a few times each week I closed my office door, turned off the lights, and crawled under my desk to bawl. I constantly suffered near-paralyzing fear, and it was affecting my students. I debated what it would mean to tell my class. Would students no longer respect me as an instructor?

I finally decided to share what I was going through, but, in nearly 20 years of teaching, I’d never been more terrified to be in front of students.

I don’t remember exactly what I said at the end of class that day, but I tried to describe the situation straightfo­rwardly.

The explanatio­n was this: for months, pressure had been building on me from so many different directions that it was almost inevitable that something would give.

Ever since I was a kid I had dreamed of getting a doctorate. I finally accomplish­ed that goal, earning my PhD in biology in 2016. While immensely gratifying, that dream had come with a cost. I’d taken out as much in student loans as many people borrow to buy a house. I had no idea how much my payments might be, and as the date for repayment drew nearer, I couldn’t bear to find out.

Meanwhile, I was just starting to

come out of the closet. By the end of 2017, most of my closest friends knew the secret I’d been hiding – even from myself – for 48 years. But many in my family didn’t, and I was desperatel­y afraid of their rejection.

Since adolescenc­e, cycles of anxiety and depression had been part of life, and they were predictabl­e in their progressio­n. If I just waited them out, they eventually dissipated.

While they were miserable in the moment, I’d come to look forward to a kind of rejuvenati­on I always felt at their end. However long they lasted, once the fog of depression lifted, I would be bursting with new ideas, filled with creative energy and a renewed sense of purpose.

This time, though, there was no end in sight, no resurrecti­on, no rebirth. Death was becoming attractive. I knew I desperatel­y needed help, and I knew it had to be now.

Even though I have health insurance, the demand for mental health services far exceeds supply and, it turns out, the start of the new year is an especially terrible time to seek psychologi­cal care. Counselors are busy catching up with clients and post-holiday paperwork. Voice messages never get returned. “First available” was often two months or more away, hardly helpful when I couldn’t see a future beyond two weeks. The choice between suicide and cold calling therapists may seem obvious, but I just didn’t have the strength to be turned away again.

My students were the slender thread that stayed my hands from doing myself harm. What would happen to them if I killed myself? How would my sudden death disrupt their graduation plans? As for my colleagues, they were already stretched thin teaching their own classes. I couldn’t burden them with more.

Before reaching the point where I felt compelled to confess, I had caught a lucky break. A clinic called to let me know that a counselor had an unexpected opening. I just needed to hold on for another week for my first appointmen­t.

The morning of my first session, I was terrified. In fact, I almost ran out of the clinic before I was finally called back to a cozy office.

The counselor introduced herself and started explaining her background and doctor-patient confidenti­ality while I scratched at a red spot on my thumb, already rubbed raw from a nervous tic I’ve had since I was a kid. I had no idea where to begin, but fortunatel­y I didn’t need to. The counselor had prepared questions and answering them proved comforting – even though it meant divulging things I’d never shared with anyone before. We scheduled weekly sessions, something to hold on to.

I saw signs of improvemen­t over the next couple of weeks – small, silly things to anyone not living in my head. Checking the mail is hardly herculean, but I had avoided my mailbox for two months fearing the bills inside.

Just as things were looking up again, tragedy struck. My dad and stepmom had come to visit me the last weekend in January, an extremely rare treat. We’d had a good time as I showed them my apartment, my new office, and some of my favorite restaurant­s. They were worried – I’d let slip on social media that I was having panic attacks – but I deftly deflected any conversati­ons that touched on my mental health.

We parted ways in the early afternoon. As they started the 200-mile drive back to Dallas, I hiked in the woods. About an hour later, still on the road, they tried to call me and I knew something must be wrong, especially since my mother, who was living in Nebraska, tried to call shortly afterward.

I found a clearing in the forest with phone service and called my mom. It turned out that my 45-year-old sister, Molly, was in a coma in a Montana hospital, and no one really knew what was happening.

If things were desperate before that call, I don’t know what words would describe the weeks that followed. Grief.

Anxiety. Pressure. So much pressure. The dutiful son ripped to shreds from conflictin­g impulses. Mom all-butasking me to stay away. Dad all-but-begging me to accompany him to see his daughter one last time.

My colleagues were supportive, offering to take over my classes if needed. I knew they were sincere, too, but that only heightened my anxiety. Academic jobs are hard to find and funding for my position wasn’t stable. What would happen if it looked like I was unreliable?

Even if I’d been able to overcome that set of fears, the logistics proved too much for me to cope with in my emotional state. When your sister lies close to death 1,500 miles away, what is the best time to show up at her bedside? Is it five days into her coma, when she won’t know you’re there but there are still hopeful signs she might recover? Is it on day 11, when her eyes finally open, but she’s at best only dimly aware of what’s happening? Or would it be more supportive to save my limited vacation days to help with funeral plans if it came to that?

Worst of all, I didn’t feel it was right

 ??  ?? ‘Far from rejecting me, students stayed after class to tell me how sorry they were.’ Photograph: Getty
‘Far from rejecting me, students stayed after class to tell me how sorry they were.’ Photograph: Getty

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