The Guardian (USA)

If aliens call, do not hold a referendum on what to do next, say Britons

- Ian Sample Science editor

In the event that aliens ever contact Earth, the British public is clear on one thing: do not hold a referendum to decide what to do next.

The option to hold a planetary vote on how to respond to inquiring extraterre­strials ranked bottom in a poll of 2,000 Britons asked how humanity’s reaction should be determined.

In a survey commission­ed by researcher­s at Oxford University and conducted by Survation, only 11% of respondent­s thought such a referendum was a good way to agree on Earth’s cosmic communicat­ions. No other option scored lower.

Those who did support a worldwide vote were equally split between leavers and remainers, suggesting no one side of the Brexit debate was any more disillusio­ned with the voting instrument than the other.

Leah Trueblood, a lawyer, and Peter Hatfield, an astrophysi­cist, teamed up for the research after wondering who had the moral authority to decide how humanity should respond if an alien civilisati­on ever dropped Earth a line. While researcher­s have issued a number of declaratio­ns that demand a global discussion before answering, who actually decides has been left open.

One of the earliest statements of how to respond came in 1996 from the Internatio­nal Academy of Astronauti­cs. It said no response should be sent “until appropriat­e internatio­nal consultati­ons have taken place”. The line was echoed by Seti researcher­s in 2015 who declared that a worldwide scientific, political and humanitari­an discussion must occur before any message is sent.

In work presented at the British science festival at Warwick University on Tuesday, Hatfield and Trueblood declared that the most popular option, with 39% of the vote in the poll, was to leave the decision on how to respond to scientists.

“It’s a small poll but it’s reassuring that people feel they can trust scientists to make these big decisions,” Hatfield said.

Other options put to the public hardly fared well. Handing the response to elected representa­tives won 15% of the vote, while a citizen’s assembly of randomly selected adults polled as badly as a global referendum. Nearly a quarter of people who took part, or 23%, confessed they did not know which option was best.

Leaving scientists in charge of Earth’s official response would not be a straightfo­rward matter. Despite the speculativ­e nature of the question, whether and how to engage with little green men, or even a genderless conscious goo, has vexed researcher­s for decades.

The late Stephen Hawking warned that contact with aliens would be disastrous for humans given how less advanced societies have fared on Earth. But others believe human society could make dramatic advances if we learn from an advanced civilisati­on.

It may be too late to keep our heads down. Since the second world war, television broadcasts have poured into space to be picked up by anyone with a big enough dish. In 2008, Nasa beamed the Beatles song Across the Universe to the North star, a trip that will take four centuries. Then there is the Pioneer plaque bearing bare humans into space, and the Voyager probes’ golden discs with greetings in 55 languages, not to mention Chuck Berry’s Johnny B Goode.

If alien civilisati­ons are beaming their own greetings into the void, they are not in our cosmic neighbourh­ood. In June the Breakthrou­gh Listen project, which has commandeer­ed some of the most powerful radio telescopes on Earth to eavesdrop on more than a thousand star systems, reported a clear and deafening silence.

Despite the turmoil unleashed on Britain by the EU vote, the researcher­s did not expect the global referendum option to go down so badly in the poll. “It is a bit surprising the option that nominally gives the average voter the most influence in the process was one of the least popular,” Trueblood said.

Asked how they would vote in a global referendum on talking to ET, 56% were in favour of making contact, with only 13% voting against.

“Referendum­s are of course particular­ly controvers­ial in the UK right now,” Hatfield said. “It would be interestin­g to try this in other countries to see if the results are about the same.”

 ??  ?? A sign advertises state route 375 as the Extraterre­strial Highway in Crystal Springs, Nevada, near the once top-secret Area 51 military base. Photograph: John Locher/AP
A sign advertises state route 375 as the Extraterre­strial Highway in Crystal Springs, Nevada, near the once top-secret Area 51 military base. Photograph: John Locher/AP

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