The Guardian (USA)

Iran's supreme leader rules out any talks with US officials

- Michael Safi in Beirut, Patrick Wintour in London and Julian Borger in Washington

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameneiha­s announced there will be “no negotiatio­ns on any level” with US officials, in remarks aimed at dousing speculatio­n of a possible summit between Donald Trump and Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of the UN general assembly next week.

As chances of any such diplomatic breakthrou­gh dwindled, Washington announced that the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, would leave on Tuesday night for Jeddah for talks with the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, to discuss Saturday’s attacks on Saudi oil installati­ons.

The state department said it would “coordinate efforts to counter Iranian aggression in the region”.

Pompeo is then due to fly to Abu Dhabi to see Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates, which has backed the Saudi proposal of a UN inquiry to identify the perpetrato­rs of the attacks.

Both Saudi and US officials have said they believe Iranian weapons were involved in the attack, and the US media has quoted unnamed US sources as saying the air strikes were launched from southern Iran and involved a salvo of cruise missiles.

But the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves le Drian, said he had no informatio­n on who was responsibl­e. The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, following a call with the prime minister, Boris Johnson, stressed the need to avoid further escalation.

The foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, has confined himself to condemning the attack and saying he is working to prepare a coordinate­d internatio­nal response. That is likely to come at the UN general assembly next week, where world leaders including the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, Trump and the French president, Emmanuel Macron, will all give speeches.

The departure of the US national security adviser, John Bolton, an advocate of forceful anti-Iran policies, from the White House last week, along with the scheduled arrival of Rouhani in New York, had raised a faint possibilit­y of renewed high-level talks between the two countries after months of escalating threats and military posturing.

Trump appeared less keen for such a meeting in the wake of the weekend attack.

“I never rule anything out, but I prefer not meeting him,” he told reporters on the way to a political rally on Tuesday.

Speaking on the same day, the vicepresid­ent, Mike Pence, said the US was still considerin­g its options

“We’re evaluating all the evidence. We’re consulting with our allies. And the president will determine the best course of action in the days ahead,” Pence said. “But I promise you, under President Donald Trump, America will maintain our energy dominance. And the United States of America will take whatever action is necessary to defend our country, our troops and our allies in the Gulf. You can count on it.”

Tehran had consistent­ly said that it would only hold talks if the US lifted sanctions imposed since Trump left the 2015 nuclear deal. In remarks posted on his official website on Tuesday, Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, restated that position in blunt terms.

“If America takes back its words and repents and returns to the nuclear deal, which they have violated, they can take part in the meetings of signatorie­s to this agreement with Iran,” Khamenei said. “Otherwise, no negotiatio­n on any level will happen between officials of the Islamic Republic and America, neither in New York nor anywhere else.”

Since pulling out of the 2015 nuclear agreement last year, the US has imposed a policy of maximum economic pressure on Tehran, including a commitment to drive Iranian oil exports to zero.

But Trump appears determined to ensure that Saudi Arabia takes a leading role in any military response, a move that has led some security experts to suggest the US, no longer a net importer of oil, is unwilling to act automatica­lly as the security guarantor for Saudi Arabia.

On Tuesday, the Saudi energy minister said its oil output would be back to normal by the end of the month, claiming that half the production lost in the attack had already been restored.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, who was appointed to the role earlier this month, refused to be drawn on who was responsibl­e for the strikes. “We don’t know who is behind the attack,” he said, adding that the kingdom wants “proof based on profession­alism and internatio­nally recognised standards”.

He insisted the sale of Aramco – Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil group – would continue as planned, adding that the Saudis had large oil reserves that it could draw upon to supply the market if necessary.

But Pierre Noël, an energy specialist at the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies, said: “The Saudis lost in 30 minutes the war for which they had been preparing for 30 years. Saudi Arabia lost 50% of their output due to Iran or its Iranian supporters.

“It has happened without a war being waged, and crucially for Saudi Arabia without the US offering immediatel­y an umbrella or delivering on what everyone expects since the 1970s that it would act as the guarantors of Saudi Arabian oil integrity. So we are talking about a major shift in Middle East oil geopolitic­s.”

He added: “The timing from the Iranian perspectiv­e was brilliant since if Trump goes to war with Iran, the oil security crisis could have potentiall­y quite dramatic macro-economic circumstan­ces that could badly endanger the Trump re-election campaign. But if the US does not go to war, Saudi Arabia is humiliated.

“The impact on the Aramco sale is incredible. How can you put an asset on a market that is incapable of protecting its physical integrity and is so dramatical­ly exposed to single acts of war?”

Kori Schake, the deputy director at the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies, said: “This is the destructio­n of Mohammed bin Salman’s strategy. What kind of foreign investment are you going to draw? He banked heavily on a personalis­ed relationsh­ip with the Trump administra­tion.”

In the past four months, at least 13 oil tankers in the Gulf and the strait of Hormuz have been seized by Iranian forces or been targeted by acts of sabotage, starting on 12 May with the appearance of large holes in the hulls of four ships docked in Fujairah, one of the United Arab Emirates. The US and Saudi Arabia have repeatedly accused Iran of perpetrati­ng the damage. Tehran denies the allegation­s.

 ?? Photograph: HO/AFP/Getty Images ?? A satellite image showing damage to the Khurais oil field in Saudi Arabia.
Photograph: HO/AFP/Getty Images A satellite image showing damage to the Khurais oil field in Saudi Arabia.

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