The Guardian (USA)

Perhaps we need to explain climate change to politician­s as we would to very small children

- Emma White

When I was an undergrad learning geology, the maxim that was thumped into me wasn’t how to build a mine or drill for oil and gas, it was simply: “The present is the key to the past.” The thing that took a while to accept was that the past was really, really, long.

It’s hard to comprehend the scale of geologic time: the timespan for continents to crash together and rip apart, for tiny sea creatures to live, die and condense into kilometres of limestone, or streams to carve epic canyons carrying mountains to the sea. We use comparison­s our minds can grasp, such as if all cosmologic­al time was the length of string or compressed into a single year (humans beings appear in the final six hours).

But kids deal with billions of years without a problem – 64 billion is my son’s favourite number. So, when I explained geologic time to my children as we travelled to the last students’ climate rally in Melbourne, they got it: geological­ly, things happen slowly. And yes, there are exceptions, volcanoes, landslides, earthquake­s, to name but a few, but I am talking about the fundamenta­l processes: mountain building, sediment creating, climate changingki­nd of processes.

Although geologists can handle deep time, they really can’t handle unpreceden­ted rates. It took life millions of years to change the compositio­n of the atmosphere first time round. Granted, that was 2 billion years ago and times, clearly, have changed. However, through all the corridors of conceivabl­e time, evidence indicates the climate has never, ever, changed as rapidly as we see today. Claude Albritton once wrote:

And ignorance, particular­ly wilful and entrenched ignorance, is a much harder rock to smash. A fundamenta­l tenet of the scientific method is that there is nevercerta­inty in science, only observatio­n, experiment­ation, hypothesis refinement and the empirical accumulati­on of evidence. Our past and present leaders exploit that fact, warning of the dangers of scientific consensus as if it reeks of climate conspiraci­sts.

Yes, there have been warmer periods and colder periods in the geologic record and while the effects may be similar, the various causes over time differ. Tony Abbott recently stated that despite there being no humans around in the Jurassic to burn stuff and produce carbon dioxide, incredibly, the climate was even warmer then - ergo manmade climate change is “absolute crap”. He failed to comprehend the other mitigating factors, like the volcanoes in the southern hemisphere spewing out gases, including, wait for it … carbon dioxide. Our Earth is immensely complex and scientists the world over are doing their best to understand it. So when they form a consensus, we should listen.

Perhaps we need to explain climate change to sceptical politician­s as we would to very small children. Here, let me try. The sun is very, very hot. Heat comes from the sun and enters the Earth’s atmosphere. But, some of that heat bounces off the Earth and heads back out to space. And before the heat escapes off into space, gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, capture and absorb it. Consequent­ly, the atmosphere heats up – warmsif you will. More heat-absorbing gases in the atmosphere, the greater the impact. It’s really not rocket science, simply Earth science.

Unlike many adults, kids know they have a lot to learn and they actively seek knowledge, they ask teachers, parents, peers. I don’t get it, they say how does it work? Kids love to learn, they are inquisitiv­e, excited and determined –

all the characteri­stics of good scientists. Kind of like all the good climate scientists out there churning out increasing­ly alarming reports.

While politician­s debate the cause, and incredibly, even the validity of climate change, scientists are measuring the effect. Because that’s what scientists do, they measure, they experiment, and they learn. It’s been stated that children will learn nothing from attending climate rallies except how to join the unemployme­nt queue and that is fundamenta­lly wrong. On Friday, children at my kid’s school will spend the morning discussing the protest, what it is about, why it is important and what it is hoped will be achieved. They’ll learn about the atmosphere, hydrospher­e and geosphere and how they interact with the biosphere – namely us.

While the past has impacted the future and will continue to do so for some time, decisions we make today are critical in ensuring a safe and sustainabl­e world. Our government is showing an appalling lack of climate leadership, that has just been made glaring obvious on a global scale, with our PM’s decision to not attend the UN climate summit.

But, on Friday, schoolchil­dren will show thatthe present is the key to the future.And as a scientist, academic and a parent, I cannot be prouder that my children are standing up for their future.

• Emma White is a hydrogeolo­gist and freelance writer

 ??  ?? ‘The more heat-absorbing gases in the atmosphere, the greater the impact. It’s really not rocket science, simply Earth science.’ Photograph: Régis Duvignau/Reuters
‘The more heat-absorbing gases in the atmosphere, the greater the impact. It’s really not rocket science, simply Earth science.’ Photograph: Régis Duvignau/Reuters

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