The Guardian (USA)

Conservati­ve moratorium on fracking is just an election ploy

- Letters

Should we temper exultation with realism (Fracking banned in UK after government U-turn, 2 November)? Remember that politician­s, even Conservati­ve prime ministers, have a record of telling high-profile lies, especially in the run-up to an election. Remember David Cameron’s emphatic assurance that there would be no new Heathrow runway, “no ifs, no buts”, repeated several times before the 2010 general election? Boris Johnson, whose promises have frequently been shown to be false, knows fracking is unpopular in a number of Midlands and northern constituen­cies, including Conservati­ve targets. He might well assure us that fracking will be banned, but in the longer term cite “changed circumstan­ces” to reverse the pledge. David PackhamBat­h

• The government has suddenly halted fracking until “compelling new evidence is provided” that proves it is safe. I would wager that Andrea Leadsom will unveil said evidence the week after the marginal Midlands and northern constituen­cies, who are strongly against fracking, have voted in her colleagues. The government hasn’t “banned” anything. It has temporaril­y halted an unnecessar­y and unpopular practice to gain some votes.Simon Richards-Beaconsfie­ld, Buckingham­shire

• On 1 May 1987 a Conservati­ve government announced it was abandoning plans for nuclear waste sites, in Bedfordshi­re, where I was involved in the anti-nuclear dumping movement, and in three other sites across England, prior to a general election that was held on 11 June that year. I can only hope that the results this year do not reflect those of 1987.Janice Gupta Gwilliam

Norton,North Yorkshire

• In October 2017 when a fracking ban was announced north of the border the Scottish Conservati­ves said that this was “a shortsight­ed economical­ly damaging decision”. It is of course welcome to see England following Scotland’s lead in this, but it is rather hypocritic­al of the Tories given their comments in 2017.Alex OrrEdinbur­gh

• On Saturday Andrea Leadsom said on the Today programme that the moratorium is in place “until the science changes”. I conclude that the science is on schedule to change around the same time Boris Johnson presents his next Queen’s speech. Just one of a vast number of reasons why the Tories should not be allowed anywhere near the next Queen’s speech.Phil Thomas Thingwall, Wirral

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 ??  ?? ‘The government hasn’t “banned” anything. They have temporaril­y halted an unnecessar­y and unpopular practice to gain some votes,’ says Simon Richards. Photograph: Gerry Penny/EPA
‘The government hasn’t “banned” anything. They have temporaril­y halted an unnecessar­y and unpopular practice to gain some votes,’ says Simon Richards. Photograph: Gerry Penny/EPA

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