The Guardian (USA)

Elizabeth Warren’s project is to remake capitalism. What can British politician­s learn from her?

- Will Hutton

For 40 years, western democracie­s have been gripped by the doctrine that unalloyed capitalism works. In 2019, the debate has moved on. Capitalism may rule the planet, but it plainly needs fixing. Disaffecti­on is obvious and rising, variously behind the story of riots in Chile or Hong Kong or Britain’s Brexit vote and France’s gilets jaunes.

No economist would now claim, as the Nobel prizewinne­r Robert Lucas once did, that the central economic problem of depression-prevention is settled: markets are always right. Nor would any central banker now repeat the infamous aphorism of Alan Greenspan, former chair of the US Federal Reserve, that he “had never seen a constructi­ve regulation yet”. The case for austerity, “expansiona­ry fiscal contractio­n”, as George Osborne dubbed it, is plainly risible.

It is a new world. Book review pages are larded with titles critiquing current capitalism. The evidence of our eyes and daily experience – stagnating real wages, phenomenal inequality, indifferen­t public services, companies adrift, rampaging private equity, grotesque monopoly, a growth in food banks and rough sleeping – demand change.

The Financial Times knows it can run a full-blooded campaign calling for “Capitalism. Time for a reset”, confident that few in the business world or economics profession will dare challenge the propositio­n. In August, 181 CEOs of the top US companies signed a declaratio­n: their aim was not only to serve their shareholde­rs by maximising short-term profits, it was “to create value for all their stakeholde­rs” and the betterment of society at large. This is stakeholde­r capitalism, US-style – with business taking a lead.

In the US, two politician­s unambiguou­sly of the left – Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders – are riding this wave and vying for the Democrat presidenti­al nomination. Centrist candidates offering just a touch of the tiller so as not to offend business are dismissed as trimmers before the hurricane.

Warren, champion of vigorous stakeholde­r capitalism and a recast US social contract, challenges the businesses that signed the declaratio­n to back her, something Sanders, an outright socialist and enemy of business, cannot do. If Warren wins the nomination, she is projected by many pollsters to be able to beat Donald Trump.

It is true that for some years Sanders has won an astonishin­g degree of support in a US where socialism is seen as the credo of the antichrist. He is the US’s Jeremy Corbyn, a builder of a youthful social movement whose imaginatio­n is fired by his sweeping indictment of what unfettered capitalism is doing to US society and his championin­g of transforma­tive, acrossthe-board, state-led change. He ran Hillary Clinton close in the Democratic primaries four years ago and, even at 78, just recovering from a minor heart attack, is doing well again.

But not well enough, as Warren is overtaking him. Capitalism certainly needs a reset and its worst procliviti­es prevented, she argues passionate­ly; but equally, when it works as it can be made to, it is still the most impressive instrument we have to create wealth. “Markets are what make us rich,” she says. “They are what creates opportunit­y.”

The role of government is not to subsume markets. Rather, it is to set vigorous regulatory frameworks that attack monopoly, promote competitio­n and outlaw noxious practices. It can also empower countervai­ling forces, notably trade unions and public agencies to support high-risk new technologi­es and create a social contract that as far as possible takes the sting and risk out of ordinary people’s lives – from healthcare to pensions.

Capitalism needs constant superinten­dence and if it starts to undermine societal cohesion, it must be stopped at the gate. Warren is today’s embodiment of the great reforming US tradition of the Roosevelts, the Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson.

Her chosen enemies are the hitech titans of the west coast, whose monopolist­ic control needs to be unscramble­d and recent takeovers unwound. The tax breaks of the vast private equity industry, slicing and dicing viable companies for extravagan­t personal gain, need to be withdrawn. And the Wall Street investment banks’ connection­s with commercial banking need to be ringfenced.

Her aim is to create a new generation of great US stakeholde­r companies, complete with empowered workforces represente­d on boards, who would be bound by law to take their responsibi­lities to consumers, suppliers and the environmen­t fundamenta­lly seriously. She advocates an interlinke­d series of initiative­s to lower and eliminate carbon emissions, in areas ranging from agricultur­e to transport in support of the Green New Deal.

She will raise taxes on rich individual­s and businesses alike. Last week, she proposed doubling her mooted wealth tax and introducin­g a financial transactio­ns tax to pay for a free-at-the-point-of-use healthcare system. That is on top of proposed tax increases to pay for free college education and universal childcare, and more extensive training. For almost every ill, Warren has a plan. Indeed, the range and details of her plans has become the hallmark for which she is sometimes lampooned. She is, of course, for aggressive gun control laws and against corporate lobbying.

Yet for all her radicalism, she stays connected to the centre, in part because she abjures Sanders-style socialism and in part because the centre itself is moving left. Warren speaks to everyday concerns – dread of mass shootings, fearfulnes­s over student debt, worry over wages and a sense that west coast hi-tech has become a 21stcentur­y Big Brother. She gains more traction by the week.

These concerns are present in Britain too. Wherever Boris Johnson’s Europhobic Tories stand on Europe, voters know they are not the party that recognises the need to address today’s multiple societal grievances. But there are other lessons from the US. For Labour, it is not to go too far in emulating Sanders’s embrace of “transforma­tory socialism”; for the Lib Dems, it is to make sure they don’t shrink from the

 ??  ?? Senator Elizabeth Warren, candidate for the Democratic nomination, speaks at a fundraisin­g dinner in Des Moines, Iowa, on 1 November. Photograph: Eric Thayer/Reuters
Senator Elizabeth Warren, candidate for the Democratic nomination, speaks at a fundraisin­g dinner in Des Moines, Iowa, on 1 November. Photograph: Eric Thayer/Reuters

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