The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on Tory election plans: the mask is slipping already

- Editorial

An early casualty of any general election campaign is perspectiv­e. News cycles accelerate, the volume goes up and it becomes difficult to detect a clear signal about what is happening amid the noise. Those caveats must accompany the observatio­n that the Conservati­ve campaign has had an inauspicio­us start.

Among the items making headlines: Downing Street obstructin­g the release of a report on Russian interferen­ce in British elections, raising suspicion that its contents compromise the Conservati­ves; Jacob Rees-Mogg causing distress by suggesting that victims of the Grenfell Tower fire defied “common sense” in following fire service advice; Tory backbench MP Andrew Bridgen aggravatin­g the offence, implying that Mr Rees-Mogg’s comments express the superiorit­y of his intellect.

Meanwhile, chancellor Sajid Javid had planned to seize the agenda with a document attacking Labour’s economic plans, using research carried out by the Treasury. He was thwarted by the cabinet secretary on grounds of civil service impartiali­ty. That attack had been lined up for the morning of Boris Johnson’s official campaign launch. By lunchtime, the Welsh secretary, Alun Cairns, had resigned over his associatio­n with a Tory Welsh assembly candidate accused of sabotaging a rape trial to help the defendant.

These setbacks would challenge the sang-froid of the most confident candidate. But Mr Johnson is an experience­d campaigner and – belying his disorderly appearance – a discipline­d one. His method is to affect a loose, spontaneou­s style without, in reality, deviating from a strategica­lly focused script. The message, delivered in front of No 10 on Wednesday, is that parliament has thwarted Brexit but the Conservati­ves will unblock it – and a bounty of investment. There would follow “moderate and compassion­ate one-nation Conservati­ve government”.

That is surely the shrewd place for a Tory candidate to stand, but that doesn’t mean Mr Johnson can hold the ground. A small rash of bad headlines might not swing many votes on 12 December, but they highlight the big strategic challenge for the prime minister, which is that the party he leads does not look like the one described in his campaign. It keeps declaring itself instead to be immoderate, lacking in compassion, and indifferen­t to the views and experience­s of much of the nation.

The callous, arrogant remarks made by Mr Rees-Mogg will match many voters’ intuitive sense of who the Tories are – and whose side they are on – better than anything Mr Johnson claims they want to be. MPs who are truer to the party’s one-nation tradition have been standing down. The next intake has been selected by local associatio­ns with instincts closer to the hardline agenda pioneered by Mr Rees-Mogg. It is reasonable for the electorate to expect that those values and priorities, not a more moderate manifesto, will shape the Downing Street agenda under a Tory majority government.

That expectatio­n exposes another contradict­ion in Mr Johnson’s position. His campaign is based on the idea that Brexit can be “done” swiftly, acknowledg­ing that voters are fed up with the whole thing. But Brexit is also the consuming passion of his party – its animating purpose since 2016. When the prime minister recognises that the public is sick of Brexit he is admitting, unwittingl­y perhaps, that many are sick of the Tories too. It is risky for an incumbent to call so directly for a change of national tune.

With five more weeks yet to run, it is impossible to foresee the trajectory of the campaign. Mr Johnson is not in control of events, as the past week has shown. He might well fulfil the high expectatio­ns set by a pattern of opinion poll leads. But if he fails, hindsight will find the flaws and contradict­ions that weakened his candidacy well advertised in the opening days of his campaign.

 ?? Photograph: Mark Thomas/REex/Shuttersto­ck ?? ‘Boris Johnson is not in control of events, as the past week has shown.’
Photograph: Mark Thomas/REex/Shuttersto­ck ‘Boris Johnson is not in control of events, as the past week has shown.’

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