The Guardian (USA)

Brazil's former president Lula walks free from prison after supreme court ruling

- Dom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro

Brazil’s former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been released from prison where he was serving a 12-year corruption sentence, after a supreme court ruling that delighted his supporters and infuriated followers of the farright president Jair Bolsonaro.

He was greeted by hundreds of supporters wearing red vests emblazoned with his face outside the federal police headquarte­rs in the city of Curitiba, where he has been imprisoned for 580 days.

In a speech to the crowd, Lula thanked party militants who had camped outside throughout his imprisonme­nt, and attacked the “rotten side” of the police, prosecutor­s, tax office and justice system for jailing him.

“They did not imprison a man. They tried to kill an idea,” he said. “Brazil did not improve, Brazil got worse. The people are going hungry. The people are unemployed. The people do not have formal jobs. People are working for Uber – they’re riding bikes to deliver pizzas.”

Lula was imprisoned in April 2018 after a sentence for corruption and money laundering handed down by the controvers­ial judge Sergio Moro was upheld by an appeal court. He has always proclaimed his innocence and argued the case against him was politicall­y motivated.

On Thursday, Brazil’s supreme court ruled defendants could only be imprisoned after all appeals to higher courts had been exhausted, paving the way for Lula and another 5,000 prisoners to be freed.

The decision followed revelation­s on investigat­ive website the Intercept Brasil that Moro had colluded with prosecutor­s leading the sweeping corruption investigat­ion, known as Operation Car Wash, into bribes and kickbacks at the state oil company Petrobras that imprisoned Lula, powerful business leaders, middlemen and politician­s from his Workers’ party and its political allies.

Polls had showed Lula was leading in last year’s presidenti­al election, but the conviction removed him from the race, giving Bolsonaro a clear run.

Bolsonaro then named Moro his justice minister, heightenin­g the sense of injustice. The president appeared to recognize the former judge’s contributi­on in a speech on Friday. “If he hadn’t accomplish­ed his mission, I wouldn’t be here either,” Bolsonaro said.

As president from 2003 to 2010, Lula presided over an extraordin­ary period of economic growth and reduction of inequality as innovative cash transfer schemes took tens of millions out of poverty. Even in prison he has cast a long shadow over Brazilian politics – and his release is only likely to widen bitter political divides.

“A free Lula increases polarisati­on, which could increase Bolsonaro’s support,” said Maurício Santoro, a professor of internatio­nal relations at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. “On the other hand, his charisma and political ability will make the opposition more effective against Bolsonaro. As leader of the opposition, Lula has more internatio­nal prestige than the president.”

Bolsonaro did not immediatel­y react to Lula’s release, but Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president’s congressma­n son, tweeted that leftists celebratin­g the news were “shitting on society’s head”.

Controvers­y swirled around the supreme court decision – the third time it had changed its mind on the issue in 10 years. Richer Brazilians have traditiona­lly dragged out legal processes to remain at liberty until their crimes became erased by the statute of limitation­s.

Others imprisoned in the same corruption investigat­ion have also requested release – including Lula’s former chief of staff, José Dirceu, João Vaccari Neto, the party’s former treasurer, and Renato Duque, a Petrobras executive embroiled in the scandal.

Nor are Lula’s legal problems over – he faces eight other cases, according to the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper. His lawyers have called this legal blitzkrieg “lawfare”. In one case, he was handed a 12-year, 11-month sentence over his alleged ownership of a country house – a decision the appeal court will consider next week. Brazil’s Congress is also considerin­g measures that could effectivel­y revert the supreme court’s decision.

But Lula was keen to show he had lost none of his fighting spirit. Earlier on Friday, his official Twitter account posted a video of him working out to the soundtrack from Rocky.

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