The Guardian (USA)

Democratic debate takeaways: Buttigieg unscathed as candidates focus on impeachmen­t

- Oliver Laughland in Atlanta


Some of the candidates used the explosive congressio­nal testimony from the ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, earlier in the day as a launchpad to renew calls for Donald Trump’s impeachmen­t.

“We have a criminal living in the White House,” said Kamala Harris, the California senator. Elizabeth Warren, the Massachuse­tts senator, argued her Senate colleagues had a “constituti­onal responsibi­lity” to remove Trump from office.

Others, while condemning the president’s actions in the unfolding Ukraine scandal, urged their competitor­s to focus on their own vision for the country, rather than ongoing impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

“We cannot simply be consumed by Donald Trump, because if we are, you know what? We’re going to lose the election,” said the Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.

The candidates were later pushed on whether they would support a criminal investigat­ion into the president should they win office and Trump return to civilian life.

Joe Biden, the former vice-president, offered a fairly procedural response, suggesting he would allow his attorney general to make an independen­t call on the matter. “I would not dictate who should be prosecuted,” he said.

Candidates spar over the climate crisis

The climate crisis has so far stayed on the fringes of the Democratic debates, but tonight saw a robust discussion on the immediacy of the issue and how some of the candidates planned to attack it.

Tom Steyer, a billionair­e former hedge fund manager, argued he was the only candidate in the field who has placed the climate crisis as the central issue in their campaign.

“It it isn’t priority one,” he said, challengin­g Biden and Warren’s positionin­g. “It’s not going to get done.” Steyer said he would use his presidenti­al power to declare a state of emergency when he assumed office.

Biden retorted immediatel­y, pushing the Obama administra­tion’s record on climate.

“I don’t need a lecture from my friend,” Biden said, arguing that Steyer’s track record investing in coalmining spoke for itself. “I welcome him back into the fold here,” the former vice-president said.

Sanders also pushed his record introducin­g climate change legislatio­n in the Senate declaring an emergency.

Tulsi Gabbard reinforces her status as a pariah candidate

Tulsi Gabbard, the congresswo­man from Hawaii, continued to reinforce her outsider status by criticisin­g the Democratic

mainstream and laying into Hillary Clinton, who she has already labelled “personific­ation of the rot that has sickened the Democratic party”.

In defending those comments, Gabbard argued she was criticisin­g her party that “has been and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishm­ent in Washington, represente­d by Hillary Clinton and others’ foreign policy, by the military industrial complex and other greedy corporate interests”.

Kamala Harris was invited to respond, and issued a particular­ly pithy put-down.

“I think that it’s unfortunat­e that we have someone on this stage who is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, who during the Obama administra­tion spent four years full time on Fox News criticizin­g President Obama.”

Harris also said that Gabbard had “buddied up to Steve Bannon to get a meeting with Donald Trump in the Trump Tower” before Trump was sworn in as president.

Gabbard also sparred with Pete Buttigieg at the end of the debate, challengin­g his national security credential­s. Buttigieg responded by criticisin­g Gabbard’s decision to meet with the Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad.

Finally, a question on voting rights

Despite its pivotal importance to the 2020 election, the issue of voting rights and modern-day voter suppressio­n has not been raised by moderators at any of the previous four debates or at all during the 2016 primary.

Tonight’s debate ended that silence. “We need federal leadership to establish voting rights for the 21st century because this affects every other issue that we care about,” said Buttigieg. He urged the Senate to pass legislatio­n currently passed in the house that ensures automatic voter registrati­on, and said he would make election day a public holiday should he be elected president.

Earlier in the debate the Senator Amy Klobuchar attempted to force the issue through on another question.

She made reference to allegation­s of widespread voter suppressio­n in Georgia last year during a gubernator­ial election contested by the Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams. She argued, were it not for voter suppressio­n, “Stacey Abrams would be governor of this state right now.”

Buttigieg avoids major overt criticism

Despite a clash with Tulsi Gabbard, Pete Buttigieg avoided any real direct criticism from the other candidates, despite many commentato­rs believing he would be targeted for his lack of experience after strong recent polling in Iowa.

Buttigieg struck a strong tone when asked by moderators about his lack of legislativ­e history at the highest levels of government. He portrayed himself as a Washington outsider who would bring small-town values to the presidency and shake up the Capitol from the inside. He added that he was “literally the least wealthy person on this stage”, with reference to the perceived privilege of the other candidates.

Nonetheles­s, the Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar revised her specific criticism of Buttigieg – namely that a woman with his level of experience would not be on the debate stage – to a broader critique of societal sexism.

If the United States was a genderequa­l society, the candidate said, “We’d be playing the game ‘name your favorite woman president’.”

She later added: “If you think a woman can’t beat Donald Trump, [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi does it every single day.”

 ??  ?? Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders listen during the fifth 2020 Democratic presidenti­al debate in Atlanta, Georgia. Photograph: Brendan McDermid/Reuters
Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders listen during the fifth 2020 Democratic presidenti­al debate in Atlanta, Georgia. Photograph: Brendan McDermid/Reuters

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