The Guardian (USA)

Ex-White House counsel Don McGahn must testify in impeachmen­t inquiry, judge rules

- Ed Pilkington in New York

A federal judge has landed a damaging blow on Donald Trump in the US president’s ongoing fight with Congress, ruling that the former White House counsel Donald McGahn must testify in the impeachmen­t hearings despite claims that he had “absolute immunity” as a top presidenti­al adviser.

The judgment from Ketanji Brown Jackson, of the US district court in Washington, has potentiall­y far-reaching implicatio­ns for Trump as he struggles to fend off impeachmen­t. Not only is McGahn an important witness in his own right – as Trump’s first White House counsel he had broad influence until he left the post in October 2018 – but the ruling could also affect other key witnesses called before Congress.

Those high-value witnesses include John Bolton, the former national security adviser who is reported to have been deeply unhappy about Trump’s posture on Ukraine, Bolton’s deputy, Charles Kupperman, and the current acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney. In each of those cases the White House has deployed the same argument – that the officials were so core to executive functions that they enjoyed immunity in the face of congressio­nal subpoenas.

Jackson’s ruling has blown a large hole in that legal argument. In terms that left no room for ambiguity, the judge scathingly remarked that the White House had got its separation­of-powers thinking in relation to the respective standing of the president, Congress and judiciary “exactly backwards”.

Pointedly, the judge added: “It is a core tenet of this nation’s founding that the powers of a monarch must be split between the branches of the government to prevent tyranny … Stated

simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that presidents are not kings.”

It was the role of the judiciary to interpret the law and of Congress to conduct investigat­ions of suspected abuses of power by the government, she wrote in the 120-page opinion. The Department of Justice’s claim “to unreviewab­le absolute testimonal immunity on separation-of-powers grounds … is baseless, and as such, cannot be sustained.”

Adam Schiff, the chair of the House intelligen­ce committee and key Democratic figure in the impeachmen­t inquiry, called the ruling a “very significan­t victory”.

“With today’s ruling, the courts have made it absolutely clear … that absolute immunity is not a legitimate basis by which to prohibit senior White House officials from testifying before Congress.”

The justice department instantly moved to appeal against the decision, rendering an appeal hearing inevitable and opening up the possibilit­y that such a fundamenta­l dispute over where power lies in modern America will end up at the door of the US supreme court. In the short term, though, the immediate question is whether the

Democrats in control of the impeachmen­t process in the House of Representa­tives will be able to use this legal opening to oblige McGahn and other crucial witnesses to testify.

McGahn has already spent many hours in front of the special counsel on the Russia inquiry, Robert Mueller. His testimony may be important in determinin­g whether obstructio­n of justice is included as grounds for impeachmen­t.

The House judiciary committee is still investigat­ing whether Trump tried to have Mueller himself sacked, as recorded in the Mueller report citing McGahn. Jerrold Nadler, the committee’s chair, said in a statement following the ruling that McGahn was “a central witness to allegation­s that President Trump obstructed special counsel Mueller’s investigat­ion … Now that the court has ruled, I expect him to follow his legal obligation­s and promptly appear before the committee.”

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said that multiple court rulings had made the point clearly: “The president’s insistence that he is above the law is an offense to our constituti­on and to every American.”

Bolton and Mulvaney promise to be critical witnesses should they eventually be forced to testify in the impeachmen­t hearings under Jackson’s ruling. Several officials who have already appeared before Congress have named Bolton as having disapprove­d of attempts by Trump’s inner circle to coerce or bribe Ukraine by withholdin­g military aid and an Oval Office welcome for the country’s new president unless an investigat­ion was publicly launched into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Bolton reportedly objected to the desired arrangemen­t in lurid terms, calling it a “drug deal”.

Mulvaney has become more deeply implicated in the Ukraine scandal this week after new secret documents emerged from a confidenti­al White House review. According to the Washington Post they show that Mulvaney had tried after the event to create a justificat­ion for why almost $400m of military aid to Ukraine had been suspended that would obscure its role as part of the quid pro quo.

 ??  ?? Don McGahn during the US Senate judiciary committee confirmati­on hearing for Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Photograph: Saul Loeb/Pool/AFP via Getty Images
Don McGahn during the US Senate judiciary committee confirmati­on hearing for Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Photograph: Saul Loeb/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

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