The Guardian (USA)

Archaeolog­ists fear Bolsonaro agenda will kill Amazon civilisati­on research

- Laurence Blair in Floresta Nacional de Tefé, Amazonas

When archaeolog­ists Eduardo Kazuo and Márjorie Lima recently unearthed nine pre-Columbian funerary urns in Tauary – a tiny community in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest – their immediate reaction was “a mix of pleasure and desperatio­n”.

The bulbous vessels – containing human remains and writhing with anthropomo­rphic painted serpents and monkeys – are the only ones of their kind to be excavated intact.

But the extraordin­ary find last year underlined the precarious situation of the small team at the Mamirauá Institute for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t which found them.

Reliant on internatio­nal funding, they are the only archaeolog­ists for 500km in every direction. “We need students, researcher­s, money,” said Kazuo. “And now we have the government that we have …”

Recent findings are radically changing our understand­ing of the region’s prehistory. New evidence suggests that pre-Columbian Amazonian civilisati­ons were comparable in scale and complexity to better-known Andean and Mesoameric­an cultures. They had population­s numbering in the millions, living in interconne­cted, fortified villages. They left rock art, vast ceremonial earthworks, sprawling irrigation channels and causeways, but any stone buildings, described in fanciful accounts by conquistad­ors, have not survived. Perhaps even more intriguing­ly, a growing body of research suggests that much of the world’s largest rainforest was moulded by humans.

But archaeolog­ists across the Amazon warn that progress is imperilled by the policies of Brazil’s nationalis­t president, Jair Bolsonaro. The field is facing dramatic funding cuts, while proposed legal changes on salvage archaeolog­y will endanger priceless physical evidence.

And the mass displaceme­nt of indigenous communitie­s – resulting from Bolsonaro’s promises to turn the Amazon over to loggers, miners and farmers in the name of developmen­t – risks destroying the local knowledge needed to reconstruc­t the Amazon’s past, and potentiall­y safeguard its future.

“It’s a great time to be doing archaeolog­y, but it’s threatened,” said Eduardo Neves, a professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) and the doyen of modern Brazilian archaeolog­y. “Science and higher education in Brazil are under a major cloud … The whole outlook is pretty bleak.”

In Rondônia, western Brazil, Eduardo Bespalez and Silvana Zuse – archaeolog­ists at the state’s federal university UNIR – squeezed through thick foliage.

On both sides of the trail rose huge banks of terra preta, or Amazonian dark earth: dense, fertile soil, produced from ancient cooking fires, rubbish and farming. Spongy to the touch, the black dirt was studded with fragments of preColumbi­an pottery to several metres’ depth.

Rondônia – now one of Brazil’s most deforested states –was once a crucible of South American civilisati­on. This site, known as Teotônio, displays “some of the deepest, oldest and most fertile terra preta in the Amazon”, said Bespalez, with some deposits 7,000 years old.

Ancestors of the Arawak, Tupi-Guarani

and Pano linguistic groups overlapped here, farming, fishing and foraging amid the forest and extending networks of migration, trade and cultural exchange as far as the Orinoco Basin, the Gran Chaco forest and the Andes.

“The cultural diversity here is one of the greatest in the Amazon,” added Zuse. “There are materials dating back 9,000 years.”

The excavation was spurred by the constructi­on of the nearby Santo Antônio hydroelect­ric dam. Such projects currently require archaeolog­ical surveys beforehand , but even this chance to rescue some priceless evidence is set to be foreclosed. Bolsonaro’s administra­tion has revived proposals that prior surveys are only carried out where archaeolog­ical material is already proven to exist.

Most describe this as absurd: in most cases the archaeolog­y is completely unknown until surveyed. “If they change the law, archaeolog­y in Brazil is over,” said Bespalez.

The vast data produced by such surveys has enabled archaeolog­ists to challenge traditiona­l ideas about the Amazon’s peoples – that they were primitive and constraine­d by the forest, rather than adapting to and shaping it – and redraw the shape of human history.

“Agricultur­e is older here in the Amazon than in the Andes,” said Bespalez.

Scientific expedition­s have so far concentrat­ed on accessible areas along major rivers. Forays into far western and inland areas could uncover untold additional evidence, further supporting estimates of a pre-Columbian Amazonian population larger than 10 million people.

But these investigat­ions may now be put on hold indefinite­ly. In March, Bolsonaro’s administra­tion announced a surprise budget cut of 42% to the science ministry and of 30% to university funding.

In September, the government indicated that CNPq, the main grant-providing body for trainee scientists will lose 87% of its research budget in 2020, while another scientific funding agency, Capes, will suffer cuts of 50%.

These drastic cutbacks could produce a “lost generation” among Brazilian scientists, forcing many archaeolog­y department­s to close, warned Jennifer Watling, an archaeolog­ist at USP.

The cuts are defended by Bolsonaro’s government as balancing the books and encouragin­g researcher­s to collaborat­e with the private sector. But Lima argued that the president wants to “discredit the role of science”, because recent research poses a direct challenge to his vision of the Amazon as an untouched wilderness ripe for modern developmen­t.

Palaeobota­nists have identified at least 83 species of plant in the Amazon– including manioc, cacao, sweet potato, peppers, fruits, palms and tobacco – that were domesticat­ed and up to 5,000 that were exploited by pre-Columbian peoples across their houses, gardens, fields and orchards.

Even after European diseases killed many of its indigenous peoples from the early 16th century, the Amazon remained profoundly shaped by ancient human hands. And their descendant­s retain a strong understand­ing of how to manage their surroundin­gs sustainabl­y.

This knowledge is still evident in Tauary, where on a 20-minute walk through the forest resident Francisco Dias pointed out a dozen different trees whose bark, fruit, wood, sap and roots are used in food, medicine, ceramics, perfumes, adhesives and even to immobilise fish for the net.

Most researcher­s identify the violent, mass displaceme­nt of traditiona­l communitie­s likely to result from Bolsonaro’s policies as the biggest threat to their work – and a tragedy in itself.

“Large dams or mining will destroy a lot of archaeolog­ical sites,” said Anne Rapp Py-Daniel, an archaeolog­y professor at Ufopa, a university in Santarém. “But seeing people losing everything worries me more.”

Neves argued that archaeolog­ists can bring “another perspectiv­e” to the debate over the Amazon, polarised between conservati­onists emphasisin­g its supposedly pristine state and those seeking to extract its undevelope­d resources.

“The Amazon has to be protected, not only because it’s natural, but because it represents very sophistica­ted systems of knowledge that have been developed over the millennia,” he argued. “We don’t have any idea what we can learn.”

Leaders of an indigenous occupation in Rio de Janeiro known as the Aldeia Maracanã, who hope to set up a university to preserve and share such knowledge, agreed.

“Internatio­nal organisati­ons should take note,” said Ash Asháninka, a member of a the Asháninka indigenous group in Acre state.

“If they want to conserve the planet, leave forested land to indigenous peoples. Because we know how to protect it and live there without destroying, poisoning or burning it. We know how to live well.”

 ??  ?? Archaeolog­ist unearth urns buried near from the community school in Tauary, in the Brazilian Amazon. Photograph: Mamirauá Institute
Archaeolog­ist unearth urns buried near from the community school in Tauary, in the Brazilian Amazon. Photograph: Mamirauá Institute
 ??  ?? A view of Tauary community, where ancient urns were found in late July. Photograph: Jessica dos Anjos Oliveira
A view of Tauary community, where ancient urns were found in late July. Photograph: Jessica dos Anjos Oliveira

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