The Guardian (USA)

Billionair­e-funded protest is rearing its head in America

- Hamilton Nolan

Last week, Elizabeth Warren went to Atlanta to give a major speech about issues of concern to black women. Her speech touched on knotty, existentia­l topics such as the legacy of slavery, institutio­nal racism, voter suppressio­n, mass incarcerat­ion and reparation­s. But the next day’s headlines overwhelmi­ngly focused on the fact that the speech was interrupte­d by a loud group of pro-charter school protesters.

We were supposed to be talking about challengin­g centuries of institutio­nal racism, but now we’re talking about charter schools. How did that happen? If you suspect that some sort of nefarious action that can be traced back to plutocrati­c billionair­es is involved – well, of course.

The protesters themselves were, by all accounts and appearance­s, a group of concerned people who passionate­ly oppose Warren’s plan to bolster public education and crack down on the charter school industry. But they did not all materializ­e in the crowd together in matching shirts by chance. Their existence was orchestrat­ed by pro-charter school groups that are funded by an array of billionair­es, including Netflix founder Reed Hastings, art and philanthro­py titan Eli Broad and, most prominentl­y, the Walton Foundation, controlled by the staggering­ly wealthy family that owns Walmart. Thus we are all forced to deal with the spectacle of classic tactics of grassroots protest being coopted and fueled by a tiny group of the very sort of people that such tactics were developed to target in the first place.

Of course, astroturfi­ng is nothing new – the suburbs of Washington

DC are strewn with post office boxes that serve as the headquarte­rs address for zillions of groups that all have names like Working Americans for Freedom and Reduced Taxation on Pass-Through Business Structures. And charter schools, in particular, have long been an issue that seems created in a lab to entice billionair­es to pour money into groups that have as their public faces working parents or former union leaders. (A book could be written on why the ultrarich are so drawn to the charter school movement, but the short answer is that it combines the fiction that education rather than capitalism is responsibl­e for our nation’s ills and the ability to privatize a longstandi­ng public good, all in one.)

It would be a mistake, though, to think that this little propaganda incident is about a single issue. The real lesson of this is how well even transparen­tly corrupt tactics like this work. One of the emotional backbones of Warren’s speech was the story of the 1881 Atlanta washerwome­n strike – a relatively little known incident in labor history that she was no doubt inspired to cite by the union leader Sara Nelson’s recent speech on the same topic in front of the Democratic Socialists of America convention. Yet what should be a shining example of radical ideas rising to mainstream prominence in a presidenti­al campaign has been pushed to the bottom of most news stories in favor of the charter school ruckus. This points to the fact that astroturf campaigns don’t have to be very sophistica­ted, or even very secret; they just need to make enough noise to weasel their way into a 30-second TV hit to get the job done.

And so we are all left to gaze in dread at our dystopian very near future, when an increasing­ly small and savvy pool of billionair­es is responsibl­e for not only the majority of businesses, political connection­s and wealth, but also protests. If you thought that misleading stories on Facebook were bad, imagine a horde of angry activists, staging classic protests around the country, whose existence is entirely facilitate­d by the richest and most powerful people on earth.

The one thing that rich people forever lust for is authentici­ty, that elusive quality that tends to disappear the more that your influence is bought rather than organicall­y developed. (A huge portion of the public relations industry exists to sell rich people the illusion of authentici­ty, with the assumption that the rich are too insulated from reality to realize that they are being ripped off.) Nothing is perceived as more authentic than real live chanting, sign-waving demonstrat­ors. It is a trivial matter to find people who genuinely believe in a cause. Plutocrats can supply them with organizers and resources while still maintainin­g plausible deniabilit­y of actually controllin­g them. As a side benefit, in the same way that Fox News has undermined the public’s belief in factual journalism, billionair­e-funded protests will inevitably make everyone more cynical about the integrity of real protests.

There’s really no downside, from the perspectiv­e of billionair­es.

The most straightfo­rward way to avoid this creeping problem, of course, is to have everyone personally flog a billionair­e before being granted admission to a protest. Until we sort out a few minor logistical problems with that system, we will have to settle for something even simpler: keeping private money out of politics, by law. The Walton family’s net worth is nearly $200bn. If they are so concerned about education, they can pick up the tab for the entire US Department of Education for the next three years and still have a few billion left over.

Perhaps ironically, getting money out of politics is one of the big ideas at the center of Warren’s campaign. But a lot of people may not have heard about it, over the shouting of all of those grassroots protesters.

Hamilton Nolan is a writer based in New York City

 ?? Photograph: Dual Dual/Getty Images/fStop ?? ‘Billionair­e-funded protests will inevitably make everyone more cynical about the integrity of real protests.’
Photograph: Dual Dual/Getty Images/fStop ‘Billionair­e-funded protests will inevitably make everyone more cynical about the integrity of real protests.’

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