The Guardian (USA)

'He lifts spirits': Limpy the limping turkey becomes Thanksgivi­ng star

- Adam Gabbatt in New York

No one can quite remember when Limpy first arrived in Reading. But it quickly became apparent that life in this small Massachuse­tts town would never be the same.

Limpy, who is a turkey, quickly charmed residents. His right leg doesn’t quite work properly, and his rolling gait made Limpy stand out from the other wild turkeys in town – as did his singular disregard for traffic laws and people’s property.

“He’s very confident, very nonchalant, just does his thing,” said Kristen Bruce Lachance, a Reading resident who started a Facebook page – Limpy the Town Turkey – in his honor. “He just does not care.”

Bruce Lachance set up the page in October, and it has since amassed 4,500 followers – not bad for a town of only 25,000 people. Members post photos and videos of Limpy, and update each other on his whereabout­s. Recent clips show Limpy atop a telegraph pole, apparently bedding down for the night.

Many show the turkey engaged in his favorite pastime: disrupting traffic. Limpy particular­ly enjoys hobbling down the center of a busy road during rush hour, and also pursuing vehicles.

“He most likes the buses, town trucks. I don’t know if it’s the colors or what but he will chase them down the street,” Bruce Lachance said. “Mail trucks are probably his number one. He will chase them down the street, he pecks at the tires, and then he likes to jump on top of the mail trucks.”

Looking at Limpy’s Facebook page, it is apparent that the turkey has infiltrate­d almost every aspect of town life. “Ride to school today,” a woman wrote on Limpy’s Facebook page this Wednesday.

“Asking kids what they’re thankful for. Daughter 1 says all of our family’s names. Daughter 2 says ‘Limpy’.”

He has also proved to be an inadverten­t contributo­r to charity. Townspeopl­e have made magnets and

T-shirts bearing Limpy’s image, with the proceeds going to a local food bank, while a local bakery made Limpyshape­d cookies.

Bruce Lachance said more than $1,400 had been raised through Limpy-associated activities. She believes the turkey’s refusal to let his disability define him has given people both an inspiratio­n and an escape.

“People are rooting for him. People are in his corner,” Bruce Lachance said.

“Quite honestly, I think people have just become so sick of the politics in the world, and in our town, that it’s been such a refreshing change of pace for people to kind of get away from all that drama, and just enjoy something and kind of come together.”

With winter approachin­g, no one knows how long Limpy will stay in town. It is clear, though, that most want him to stay.

“The really remarkable thing is how he has brought our community together,” said Erin O’Halloran Gesmundo, who works as a nail stylist in Reading. “It is just so amazing when you are out taking pictures and other people come along and you strike up a friendly conversati­on and help each other with pictures.”

O’Halloran Gesmundo, who described Limpy as a “quirky turkey”, recently held a Nail Bar Party, donating 25% of sales to a charity called Understand­ing Disabiliti­es. She said Limpy has provided her with uplifting moments during a difficult time.

“My mom passed away earlier this year,” she said. “And I was reflecting that when I’m really missing her I tend to take a break and go find Limpy, because he always makes me laugh at his antics, and always puts me in a good mood.

“He lifts your spirits. He is a beautiful bird.”

 ??  ?? Limpy particular­ly enjoys hobbling down the center of a busy road during rush hour, and also pursuing vehicles. Photograph: Erin O'Halloran Gesmundo
Limpy particular­ly enjoys hobbling down the center of a busy road during rush hour, and also pursuing vehicles. Photograph: Erin O'Halloran Gesmundo

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