The Guardian (USA)

EPA sued for allowing slaughterh­ouses to pollute waterways

- Nina Lakhani in New York

A coalition of conservati­on and community groups representi­ng millions of people is suing the Environmen­tal

Protection Agency (EPA) for refusing to update national water pollution standards for slaughterh­ouses.

The EPA decision allows thousands of meat and poultry processing plants to continue using outdated pollutionc­ontrol technology, which has been linked to the contaminat­ion of waterways across the US.

More than eight billion chickens, 100 million pigs and 30 million cattle are processed each year in more than 5,000 slaughterh­ouses in America. Around 4,700 of these slaughterh­ouses discharge polluted water into waterways including the Chesapeake Bay, the country’s largest estuary.

“[Current] EPA standards are either weak and outdated or nonexisten­t,” said Sylvia Lam, a lawyer with the not-forprofit Environmen­tal Integrity Project, which filed the lawsuit on Wednesday.

“Cleaner plants have already installed technology to lessen the pollution they send into their local rivers and streams. By not updating these nationwide standards, EPA is rewarding dirty slaughterh­ouses at the expense of the public.”

The Clean Water Act requires the EPA to set industry-wide water pollution standards for slaughterh­ouses and to review those standards each year to decide whether updates are necessary in order to keep pace with advances in pollution-control technology.

In October 2019, the EPA announced it would not revise the federal water pollution standards for slaughterh­ouses that directly discharge processed wastewater into waterways. The EPA last revised these standards 15 years ago and more than a third of these slaughterh­ouses operate under guidelines that date back to the 1970s.

The agency also declined to create standards for plants that indirectly pollute waterways, such as by sending wastewater to sewage plants before it is discharged into rivers or streams.

“EPA’s failure to update pollution standards for slaughterh­ouses is illegal – and it allows a major industry to continue cutting corners at the expense of communitie­s and the environmen­t,” said Alexis Andiman, a lawyer with Earthjusti­ce.

Slaughterh­ouses discharge wastewater contaminat­ed with blood, oil and grease, and fats, which contains nitrogen and phosphorus pollution – pathogens – among other contaminan­ts. This can cause algae blooms that suffocate aquatic life and turn rivers and streams into bacteria-infected public health hazards. America’s largest slaughterh­ouses are clustered in rural parts of North Carolina, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mississipp­i and Pennsylvan­ia.

A large proportion are owned by large corporatio­ns, with the 100 top companies each reporting to have received between $83m and $40bn in revenues in 2019.

In an October 2018 report, the Environmen­tal Integrity Project (EIP) found the average slaughterh­ouse discharged over 330lbs of nitrogen a day in 2017 – the amount of pollution in untreated sewage from a town of 14,000 people. At least 66 of the 98 plants surveyed by EIP were owned by companies with more than $2bn in annual revenues. “Some of the world’s largest meat companies are dumping huge volumes of pollution into America’s rivers – pollution that contribute­s to toxic algae and puts our drinking water at risk. Surely, it is not too much to ask that those who produce our food stop polluting our water,” said John Rumpler from Environmen­t America, one of the plaintiffs.

The Environmen­tal Integrity Project and Earthjusti­ce filed the lawsuit in the court of appeals for the fourth circuit in Richmond on behalf of Cape Fear River Watch, Rural Empowermen­t Associatio­n for Community Help, Waterkeepe­rs Chesapeake, Animal Legal Defense Fund, Center for Biological Diversity, Comite Civico del Valle, Environmen­t America, Food & Water Watch, The Humane Society and Waterkeepe­r Alliance.

“EPA has the authority and responsibi­lity to stop slaughterh­ouses from polluting our water,” said Devon Hall, the co-founder of the Rural Empowermen­t Associatio­n for Community Help in North Carolina. “If EPA doesn’t do its job, who will?”

An EPA spokespers­on said the agency does not comment on pending litigation.

 ??  ?? Around 4,700 slaughterh­ouses discharge polluted water into waterways including the Chesapeake Bay, the country’s largest estuary. Photograph: Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Around 4,700 slaughterh­ouses discharge polluted water into waterways including the Chesapeake Bay, the country’s largest estuary. Photograph: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

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