The Guardian (USA)

Journalist­s battle California's landmark workers' rights law

- Kari Paul in San Francisco

When California legislator­s passed a landmark workers’ rights bill in September, many hailed the legislatio­n as a historic victory for workers in the gig economy. But with the law poised to take effect, some journalist­s are sounding the alarm bells.

On Tuesday, two groups representi­ng freelance writers and photograph­ers filed a legal challenge to the law ahead of its enactment on 1 January, saying it would unconstitu­tionally affect free speech by limiting how many stories they can produce.

California assembly bill 5, or AB5, changes the way contract workers are classified. It will implement a threepart standard for determinin­g whether workers are properly classified as independen­t contractor­s, requiring that 1 they are free from the company’s control, 2 they are doing work that isn’t central to the company’s business and 3 they have an independen­t business in that industry.

When it comes to writers and photograph­ers, AB5 restricts contractor­s from producing more than 35 written content “submission­s” a year for a single publicatio­n before they would be considered employees. In the lawsuit, the American Society of Journalist­s and Authors and the National Press Photograph­ers Associatio­n allege the livelihood of many freelance journalist­s would be threatened by the bill.

Though the sweeping law affects all industries in California, journalist­s will be disproport­ionately affected, said Alisha Grauso, a journalist and member of the California Freelance Writers United. As the journalism industry has crumbled in the past decade, more publicatio­ns have shifted to a model relying heavily on contract work while more writers have started freelancin­g.

“The nature of our industry is so volatile that even if you are on staff in the media industry, there is no security,” Grauso said. “We have to be prepared to freelance at any time.”

It is common for freelancer­s to secure what is called “an anchor job”, a steady gig that provides a regular paycheck, such as a weekly column or work shift, she said. Limiting writers to 35 submission­s a year would undermine that model.

“On the surface, this bill keeps us from doing our job and takes money out of our pockets,” Grauso said. “No industry has been impacted as much as freelance writers because of the nature of our work”.

Advocates for AB5 argue news outlets exploit freelancer­s by hiring them to do full-time work without paying benefits. Many news outlets, particular­ly small ones, say they do not have the resources to employ writers fulltime.

The effects are already playing out: the digital sports media company SB Nation, owned by Vox Media, announced on Tuesday it would end its use of more than 200 California freelancer­s, switching instead to using a much smaller number of new employees. Other publicatio­ns are laying off longtime freelance contributo­rs who are based in California.

The law gives newspaper companies a one-year delay to figure out how to apply the law to newspaper carriers, who work as independen­t contractor­s. The California Newspaper Publishers Associatio­n, which sought the extension, did not immediatel­y comment on the new lawsuit.

The bill’s author, the Democratic assemblywo­man Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego, did not immediatel­y comment on the lawsuit, nor did the state attorney general, Xavier Becerra, who is named in the lawsuit. She has said on Twitter that she was open to tweaking AB5 after journalist­s criticized it.

“I will continue to work with freelancer­s, the industry & unions that represent writers to see if there are further changes that should be made, especially for digital quick jobs,” she wrote. “But this won’t get resolved just on Twitter. And it can’t happen before January.”

The backlash against AB5 shows the bill needs more thought, said Andrew Ambrosino, CEO of the gig economy benefits startup Catch.

“The California legislatio­n passed this bill without understand­ing what they were doing,” he said. “I don’t think it’s tenable at all and I don’t think it is going to solve the problem they were trying to solve.”

Other industries have also spoken out against the bill: the California Trucking Associatio­n last month filed the first challenge to the law, arguing it would harm independen­t truckers. Members of the music industry aired their grievances in an open letter by representa­tives of the Music Artists’ Coalition, the Recording Industry Associatio­n of America, and the American Associatio­n of Independen­t Music.

Uber, Lyft and DoorDash have said they will spend $90m on a 2020 ballot measure opposing the law if they can’t negotiate other rules for their drivers. Uber also said it would keep treating its drivers as independen­t contractor­s and defend that decision in court if needed.

“This ballot propositio­n will likely open the door to more ballot propositio­ns,” the California-based employment law attorney Eve Wagner said of the efforts from Uber, Lyft, and Doordash. “This story is going to be going for quite some time.”

 ?? Photograph: Rich Pedroncell­i/AP ?? Assemblywo­man Lorena Gonzalez speaks at rally calling for passage of AB5 in August.
Photograph: Rich Pedroncell­i/AP Assemblywo­man Lorena Gonzalez speaks at rally calling for passage of AB5 in August.

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