The Guardian (USA)

Trump to be at rally in Michigan when House votes on whether to impeach him

- Daniel Strauss

Donald Trump will headline a rally for his re-election campaign in Michigan at the same time that the House of Representa­tives is slated to vote on impeaching him.

The rally in Battle Creek, Michigan, is scheduled for 7pm ET on Wednesday evening. At that time time, the House should be nearing the conclusion of a six-hour floor debate on two articles of impeachmen­t at the president.

It raises the prospect that as Trump will be addressing some of his most fervent supporters in the upper midwest, he will also enter history live on national television as the third American president to be impeached.

Trump’s remarks will most likely center on the goings-on in Congress. On Tuesday, the president sent House speaker Nancy Pelosi a rambling sixpage letter in which he lashed out at her over the impeachmen­t moves.

Trump has used rallies to rant about impeachmen­t before. In front of a crowd of 10,000 people in Hershey, Pennsylvan­ia earlier this month,

Trump warned that “any Democrat that votes for this sham will be voting to sacrifice the House majority, their dignity, and their career”.

Trump has repeatedly argued that Democrats’ moves to impeach him is a politicall­y motivated move to reverse the results of the 2016 presidenti­al election.

“They’re impeaching me and there are no crimes. This has to be a first in history,” Trump said at the Hershey rally, in which he also lambasted his political enemies with insults and rhetoric.

The House is expected to approve impeaching Trump for obstructin­g Congress and abuse of power, almost completely along party lines.

In the lead-up to Trump’s speech and the impeachmen­t vote, proimpeach­ment protests erupted around the country.

 ??  ?? Trump at the rally in Hershey earlier this month. He warned that “’ny Democrat that votes for this sham will be voting to sacrifice the House majority, their dignity, and their career’. Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP
Trump at the rally in Hershey earlier this month. He warned that “’ny Democrat that votes for this sham will be voting to sacrifice the House majority, their dignity, and their career’. Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP

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