The Guardian (USA)

Accusing Bernie Sanders of antisemiti­sm? That's a new low

- Kate Aronoff

Bernie Sanders – son of Dorothy and Elias Ben Yehuda Sanders, who emigrated from Poland in 1921 to escape antisemiti­sm, and whose family that remained in Poland was slaughtere­d in the Holocaust – is not antisemiti­c. But some are trying to convince you that he is.

The conservati­ve Washington Examiner’s Tiana Lowe published a story accusing the Sanders campaign of being the “most antisemiti­c in decades”. Worth noting is that Lowe expressed gratitude several months back for her grandfathe­r’s service to the Chetniks, a nationalis­t armed front which collaborat­ed with the Nazis and delivered thousands of Jews to them in service of building an ethnically homogenous Greater Serbia. She also posed for a picture with Milo Yiannopoul­os, who once sent $14.88 on PayPal to a Jewish journalist, a reference to Nazi slogans.

For Lowe and others on the right that have jumped on this bandwagon, though, details don’t really matter. Sanders, an avowed democratic socialist, simply belongs to an opposing political camp with opposing values. Like the attacks against Corbyn abroad and Ilhan Omar at home, those now being lobbed at Sanders aren’t about defeating antisemiti­sm so much as using it as a narrative device to undermine a worldview that offends them. Sanders’s solidarity with Palestinia­ns suffering under occupation is not an affront to Jews but to the right’s propaganda that looking out for their best interest means a blanket, unquestion­ing support for whatever the Israeli government happens to be doing, which at the moment includes maintainin­g a brutal apartheid state.

This all stands in wild contrasts to Sanders’s actual views on antisemiti­sm. As the Vermont Senator himself explained a recent essay for Jewish Currents entitled How to Fight Anti-Semitism, we now live in one of the most dangerous periods Jews have faced in recent memory, from the deadly shootings like the one at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue last year to a wave of of far-right energy in Europe that waxes nostalgic for the continent’s fascist past.

“Opposing antisemiti­sm is a core value of progressiv­ism,” Sanders writes. “So it’s very troubling to me that we are also seeing accusation­s of antisemiti­sm used as a cynical political weapon against progressiv­es. One of the most dangerous things Donald Trump has done is to divide Americans by using false allegation­s of antisemiti­sm, mostly regarding the US–Israel relationsh­ip. We should be very clear that it is not antisemiti­c to criticize the policies of the Israeli government.” He goes onto lay out how a Sanders administra­tion will confront antisemiti­sm at home and abroad: immediatel­y appointing a special envoy to monitor and combat antisemiti­sm, rejoining the United Nations Human Rights Council and “helping to shape an internatio­nal human rights agenda that combats all forms of bigotry and discrimina­tion”, among other measures.

That the Sanders campaign is somehow abetting antisemiti­sm seems absurd on its face, but more outlandish blows have landed. As I wrote last week, antisemiti­sm itself has been a reliable tool of a right looking to ward off the left, and anti-socialism has often peddled in antisemiti­c tropes. Accusation­s coming from rightwing pundits and politician­s now follow proudly in this tradition, albeit with feigned concern for Jews now used to defend against policies they disagree with. Just last week, Trump called a room of Jews “brutal killers, not nice people at all” before selling an executive order to criminaliz­e campus protests as a defense of the Jewish people. Trump and his xenophobic allies abroad are undoubtedl­y bad for the Jews, and so are smear campaigns that play into their hands.

Before they snowball into something worse, the right’s allegation­s of antisemiti­sm against the left – and the first Jew within striking distance of the White House, at that – should be called out for what they are: cynical politiking in service of politician­s who will put more Jews in danger.

Kate Aronoff is a writer based in New York.

This article was amended on 18 December 2019 to correct the spelling of Milo Yiannopoul­os’ name.

Trump and his xenophobic allies abroad are undoubtedl­y bad for the Jews, and so are smear campaigns that play into their hands

 ??  ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Bernie Sanders at a rally on 16 December in Rancho Mirage, California. Photograph: David McNew/ Getty Images
Democratic presidenti­al candidate Bernie Sanders at a rally on 16 December in Rancho Mirage, California. Photograph: David McNew/ Getty Images

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