The Guardian (USA)

Is Donald Trump's Iran strategy working?

- Mohamed El-Erian

The US president Donald Trump’s authorisat­ion of the targeted killing of the Iranian al-Quds force commander, Qassem Suleimani, is, in many ways, similar to his administra­tion’s approach to trade. In both cases, the administra­tion has demonstrat­ed a willingnes­s to surprise by unilateral­ly leveraging US strength in the pursuit of long-term outcomes, despite considerab­le short-term risks and without wide consultati­ons. As Ronald Reagan showed in the 1980s with his strategy vis-a-vis the Soviet Union, such aggressive unilateral­ism can work. But it is best used selectivel­y and sparingly.

In seeking to address long-term US (and European) grievances against certain Chinese trade practices, the Trump administra­tion decided to abandon the traditiona­l approach of seeking redress through existing multilater­al institutio­ns such as the World Trade Organizati­on. Instead, it opted for what game theorists call a noncoopera­tive approach, imposing harsh tariffs on Chinese imports and then threatenin­g even more should China retaliate. By weaponisin­g what is traditiona­lly an economic-policy tool, the US has been able to pursue national-security objectives alongside economic and financial goals.

So far, at least, the underlying calculatio­n has worked for Trump. Just like his unilateral push to overhaul the North American Free Trade Agreement, he has shown a willingnes­s to tolerate some damage at home in the hope that the damage inflicted on the other parties would be far greater and force them to make concession­s.

The Reagan administra­tion perfected this approach when it embarked on an accelerate­d arms race with the Soviet Union (or what Reagan labelled the “evil empire”). In ratcheting up defence spending, Reagan leveraged the US’s economic and financial strength in the knowledge that the Soviets could not possibly keep up. In the end, he secured not only a narrow tactical victory but a wider geopolitic­al triumph, eventually culminatin­g in the Soviet Union’s collapse.

Pressing an adversary into a corner in the hope that it will make a mistake is an old strategy. And as with any strategy, it comes with potential costs and risks. In Reagan’s case, his administra­tion had to bear the economic and political costs of creating large budget deficits, as well as the risk of a serious military confrontat­ion with the Soviets.

In the case of Nafta, the Trump administra­tion ran the risk that retaliatio­n by Canada and Mexico would result in beggar-thy-neighbour outcomes for all. After an initial attempt to do so, however, they made many of the concession­s the US wanted and that are now included in the US-MexicoCana­da Agreement (USMCA). China, however, initially reacted differentl­y, and may have overplayed its hand. By prolonging trade tensions with the US through an extended tit-for-tat escalation of tariffs, the authoritie­s allowed the economy to slow and prompted many companies to start diversifyi­ng their supply chains in an effort to reduce their reliance on China. The new mantra among a growing number of those operating in China reflects this: “In China, for China”.

The immediate effect of these developmen­ts has been to complicate China’s effort to implement the structural reforms needed to maintain its historic (if not unpreceden­ted) rise. But over the longer term, the furtherrea­ching effects of the trade war could increase the possibilit­y that China will become ensnared in the middleinco­me trap, like so many developing countries before it. If that happens, the US will have managed to avert the global economy’s full evolution from an American-led order to a bipolar one.

All of this takes us to Iran, where the Trump administra­tion’s recent confrontat­ion seems to be following the same playbook. The pattern is clear: the administra­tion takes a surprise step that its predecesso­rs might have considered but never pursued; it does so without wide internal and external consultati­ons. The immediate result is a significan­t spike in tensions, with third countries (including allies) raising concerns about America’s unilateral­ist turn. The adversary (in this case Iran) issues a response that, while less severe, leads it also to make a tragic mistake (the accidental downing of a civilian passenger flight). Now, even the European countries that had long sought to salvage the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are accusing Iran of violating that agreement.

How this conflict will play out remains to be seen. But it is already clear that the US has made some gains, and that the greatest immediate risk – an outright war or a destabilis­ing asymmetric­al conflict – has been avoided, at least for now.

Again, however, this is not to suggest that the strategy of pressing one’s relative strengths is always advisable. Excessive reliance on aggressive unilateral­ism risks dismantlin­g an internatio­nal architectu­re that has served US interests well. Moreover, the Trump administra­tion’s actions, if pressed too hard, could force third countries to make choices that run counter to US interests. Witness, for example, some countries’ continued willingnes­s to deepen their economic and financial relationsh­ips with China through its “Belt and Road Initiative,” despite US objections.

In the end, aggressive unilateral­ism is not an approach that can be applied as a general rule. It should be used in a highly selective and infrequent manner, and only after a careful assessment of the costs and benefits. Done right, it can help achieve targeted gains while containing collateral damage. But if it is abused, far-reaching unintended consequenc­es could follow, implying ever-higher costs over time.

• Mohamed A El-Erian is chief economic adviser at Allianz. He served as chair of President Barack Obama’s Global Developmen­t Council and was one-time deputy director at the IMF.

© Project Syndicate

Pressing an adversary into a corner in the hope that it will make a mistake is an old strategy

 ??  ?? The Trump administra­tion’s actions, if pressed too hard, could force third countries to make choices that run counter to US interests. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images
The Trump administra­tion’s actions, if pressed too hard, could force third countries to make choices that run counter to US interests. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

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