The Guardian (USA)

Why women shouldn't apologise for winning awards (especially if they're Lizzo)

- Yomi Adegoke

One of my favourite things about awards season speeches is listening to a category winner wax lyrical about the runners-up. In an age that is increasing­ly about shouting our individual achievemen­ts from the rooftops, these moments of humility are particular­ly heartwarmi­ng.

When it comes to female winners, however, veneration of other nominees can verge on denigratin­g their own achievemen­ts. Take Billie Eilish, who this week began her album of the year acceptance speech by saying: “Can I just say that I think Ariana [Grande] deserves this?” Similarly, during the dramatic pause before the unveiling of the best pop solo performanc­e, Lizzo was filmed crossing her fingers and furiously chanting the name of fellow nominee Beyoncé, before her own name was called.

These are touching displays of sisterhood, but also illustrati­ve of a deep-seated sense of undeserved­ness among many young women. It’s something I recognise in them because I recognise it in myself; I have never written an acceptance speech in my life, not for lack of nomination­s, but lack of surety in my ability to bring home the gold. Any time that I have managed to, my mind has immediatel­y shot to who should be standing there instead.

Women downplayin­g our accomplish­ments is not surprising – we are, of course, expected to be eternally humble. But this buck-passing goes beyond bashfulnes­s. Like most awards, the Grammys are notoriousl­y maledomina­ted – these demure responses partly read as guilt at taking up limited space, when the chances for other women to be celebrated are so few.

“I can’t possibly accept this award,” Adele said during her 2017 acceptance speech for album of the year. “I’m very humbled and very grateful and gracious but my life is Beyoncé … the

Lemonade album was just so monumental.” Adele then broke the Grammy to share, a nod to the iconic moment in Mean Girls when Lindsay Lohan’s character snaps her Spring Fling crown into pieces to hand to her rival contestant­s.

At the other end of the spectrum, when Green Book won the best picture Oscar over BlacKkKlan­sman last year, Spike Lee, the director of the latter, threw up his arms in anger and tried to leave the ceremony before the speeches finished. In 2007, Eddie Murphy was so upset after losing the best supporting actor Academy Award to Alan Arkin that he, too, stormed out. Kanye freely broods over award upsets that aren’t even his, disrupting Beck’s acceptance speech in 2015 and Taylor Swift’s in 2009 when they both beat Beyoncé. There is a definite, documented difference not just in how men and women often react to winning and losing, but how those reactions are perceived.

A lack of confidence and a lack of willingnes­s to award women more frequently both leave female winners apologetic. We need the opportunit­y to own our success comfortabl­y. That, and Beyoncé deserves more awards.

 ??  ?? Well-deserved win: Billie Eilish poses with her awards at the 2020 Grammys. Photograph: Monica Almeida/Reuters
Well-deserved win: Billie Eilish poses with her awards at the 2020 Grammys. Photograph: Monica Almeida/Reuters

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