The Guardian (USA)

Why don’t we treat the climate crisis with the same urgency as coronaviru­s?

- Owen Jones

It is a global emergency that has already killed on a mass scale and threatens to send millions more to early graves. As its effects spread, it could destabilis­e entire economies and overwhelm poorer countries lacking resources and infrastruc­ture. But this is the climate crisis, not the coronaviru­s. Government­s are not assembling emergency national plans and you’re not getting push notificati­ons transmitte­d to your phone breathless­ly alerting you to dramatic twists and developmen­ts from South Korea to Italy.

More than 3,000 people have succumbed to coronaviru­s yet, according to the World Health Organizati­on, air pollution alone – just one aspect of our central planetary crisis – kills seven million people every year. There have been no Cobra meetings for the climate crisis, no sombre prime ministeria­l statements detailing the emergency action being taken to reassure the public. In time, we’ll overcome any coronaviru­s pandemic. With the climate crisis, we are already out of time, and are now left mitigating the inevitably disastrous consequenc­es hurtling towards us.

While coronaviru­s is understand­ably treated as an imminent danger, the climate crisis is still presented as an abstractio­n whose consequenc­es are decades away. Unlike an illness, it is harder to visualise how climate breakdown will affect us each as individual­s. Perhaps when unpreceden­ted wildfires engulfed parts of the Arctic last summer there could have been an urgent conversati­on about how the climate crisis was fuelling extreme weather, yet there wasn’t. In 2018, more than 60 million people suffered the consequenc­es of extreme weather and climate change, including more than 1,600 who perished in Europe, Japan and the US because of heatwaves and wildfires. Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe were devastated by cyclone Idai, while hurricanes Florence and Michael inflicted $24bn (£18.7bn) worth of damage on the US economy, according to the World Meteorolog­ical Organizati­on.

As the recent Yorkshire floods illustrate, extreme weather – with its terrible human and economic costs – is ever more a fact of British life. Antarctic ice is melting more than six times faster than it was four decades ago and Greenland’s

ice sheet four times faster than previously thought. According to the UN, we have 10 years to prevent a 1.5C rise above pre-industrial temperatur­e but, whatever happens, we will suffer.

Pandemics and the climate crisis may go hand in hand, too: research suggests that changing weather patterns may drive species to higher altitudes, potentiall­y putting them in contact with diseases for which they have little immunity. “It’s strange when people see the climate crisis as being in the future, compared to coronaviru­s, which we’re facing now,” says Friends of the Earth’s co-executive director, Miriam Turner. “It might be something that feels far away when sitting in an office in central London, but the emergency footing of the climate crisis is being felt by hundreds of millions already.”

Imagine, then, that we felt the same sense of emergency about the climate crisis as we do about coronaviru­s. What action would we take? As the New Economic Foundation’s Alfie Stirling points out, a strict demarcatio­n between the two crises in unwise. After all, coronaviru­s may trigger a global slowdown: the economic measures in response to this should be linked to solving the climate crisis. “What tends to happen in a recession is policy-makers panic about what the low-lying fruits are; it’s all supply chains and sticking plasters,” he tells me. During the 2008 crash, for example, there was an immediate cut in VAT and interest rates, but investment spending wasn’t hiked fast enough, and was then slashed in the name of austerity. According to NEF research, if the coalition government had funded additional zero-carbon infrastruc­ture, it would not only have boosted the economy but could have reduced residentia­l emissions by 30%. This time round, there’s little room to cut already low interest rates or boost quantitati­ve easing; green fiscal policy must be the priority.

What would be mentioned in that solemn prime ministeria­l speech on the steps of No 10, broadcast live across

TV networks? All homes and businesses would be insulated, creating jobs, cutting fuel poverty and reducing emissions. Electric car charging points would be installed across the country. Britain currently lacks the skills to transform the nation’s infrastruc­ture, for example replacing fuel pumps, says Stirling: an emergency training programme to train the workforce would be announced.

A frequent flyer levy for regular, overwhelmi­ngly affluent air passengers would be introduced. As Turner says, all government policies will now be seen through the prism of coronaviru­s. A similar climate lens should be applied, and permanentl­y.

This would only be the start. Friends of the Earth calls for free bus travel for the under-30s, combined with urgent investment in the bus network. Renewable energy would be doubled, again producing new jobs, clean energy, and reducing deadly air pollution. The government would end all investment­s of taxpayers’ money in fossil fuel infrastruc­ture and launch a new tree-planting programme to double the size of forests in Britain, one of Europe’s least densely forested nations.

There is a key difference between coronaviru­s and climate crisis, of course, and it is shame. “We didn’t know coronaviru­s was coming,” says Stirling. “We’ve known the climate crisis was on the cards for 30 or 40 years.” And yet

– despite being inadequate­ly prepared because of an underfunde­d, under-resourced NHS – the government can swiftly announce an emergency pandemic plan.

Coronaviru­s poses many challenges and threats, but few opportunit­ies. A judicious response to global heating would provide affordable transport, well-insulated homes, skilled green jobs and clean air. Urgent action to prevent a pandemic is of course necessary and pressing. But the climate crisis represents a far graver and deadlier existentia­l threat, and yet the same sense of urgency is absent. Coronaviru­s shows it can be done – but it needs determinat­ion and willpower, which, when it comes to the future of our planet, are desperatel­y lacking.

• Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist

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 ??  ?? A home in Mozambique destroyed by cyclone Idai. Photograph: Zohra Bensemra/Reuters
A home in Mozambique destroyed by cyclone Idai. Photograph: Zohra Bensemra/Reuters
 ??  ?? Residents of Bangkok, Thailand, wear masks to protect themselves against pollution. Photograph: Narong Sangnak/EPA
Residents of Bangkok, Thailand, wear masks to protect themselves against pollution. Photograph: Narong Sangnak/EPA

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