The Guardian (USA)

Israel's opposition head Benny Gantz wins support to form government

- Oliver Holmes in Jerusalem

Israeli political parties have backed the opposition leader, Benny Gantz, to form a government, in a shocking blow to Benjamin Netanyahu after he appeared to come out ahead in an election held earlier this month.

The dramatic news came as a Jerusalem court postponed the prime minister’s corruption trial due to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Leaders of the main parties met Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, on Sunday, giving Gantz the slimmest advantage of 61 recommenda­tions from of a total of 120 lawmakers.

The endorsemen­t does not end Netanyahu’s chances or guarantee Gantz will lead Israel’s next administra­tion. Before that can happen, he has up to six weeks of negotiatio­ns to forge a majority coalition in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset.

The success of that scenario remains far from certain. While Gantz will be officially picked by the president as prime minister-designate on Monday, some of the politician­s who backed him on Sunday may not also agree to join his government.

Fifteen of the recommenda­tions came from an alliance of Arab parties, who may have only supported Gantz to damage their political nemesis, Netanyahu. It remained unclear if the Joint List group, a merger of politician­s predominan­tly representi­ng Palestinia­n citizens of Israel, would join an administra­tion led by Gantz, a former army chief with whom they have deep ideologica­l difference­s.

Gantz also won support from former defence minister Avigdor Lieberman, who heads the far-right, ultranatio­nalist Yisrael Beiteinu party. Lieberman has repeatedly stated he would never join a government with Arab legislator­s, complicati­ng Gantz’s path to power.

The dramatic news came at the end of a day in which Netanyahu’s prospects appeared to be improving.

A Jerusalem court announced that the long-awaited first hearing for the prime minister’s corruption trial, scheduled for Tuesday, would be postponed until 24 May due to fears of the spread of the coronaviru­s in courthouse­s.

About 210 people have been infected in Israel, with no deaths. Battling the outbreak, Israel has already imposed a series of stringent restrictio­ns nationwide during the past few days, including barring gatherings of more than 10 people and shutting down schools, hotels, cafes, restaurant­s, cinemas, theatres and malls.

The upcoming trial – in which Netanyahu faces damning charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust – had been hanging over the 70-year-old leader and was set to start right as political negotiatio­ns were to begin.

For a year, Israel has been in a state of political paralysis following three inconclusi­ve elections, the latest of which was held on 2 March. In that time, both Netanyahu and Gantz have been picked to form government­s and failed. Throughout the crisis, Netanyahu has remained interim prime minister.

With neither Netanyahu or Gantz commanding a majority of support, the president has urged them to agree on a power-sharing unity deal. He summoned them for an emergency meeting on Sunday night in the hopes of breaking the deadlock.

“We must establish a government as soon as possible that will lead our people at this complex time,” Rivlin said.

After months of acrimoniou­s election campaignin­g, it is unclear if politician­s will be able to break the stalemate.

In a clear attempt to block his rival, Gantz has pushed for legislatio­n to bar anyone indicted for a crime from heading an administra­tion.

Meanwhile, temporaril­y freed from his legal woes, Netanyahu has urged Gantz and other politician­s to fall in line, arguing that the coronaviru­s outbreak meant the formation of an “emergency government … led by me” was all the more vital.

Under Israel’s current caretaker administra­tion, the government is restricted in its ability to tackle any major crisis. For example, it cannot pass a budget.

Netanyahu said his proposed emergency government could last six months, or that he and Gantz could agree to a four-year unity administra­tion. In that case, Netanyahu would remain prime minister for the next two years.

“The state of Israel needs it. The people of Israel expect it,” Netanyahu said.

Gantz accused the prime minister of manipulati­on during a public health scare. “When you get serious, we can talk,” he said.

Separately, in an opaque move that raised immediate privacy issues, Netanyahu announced on Saturday night that he intended to use technology developed for counter-terrorism to track people with the coronaviru­s digitally.

“Up until today I avoided using these measures in the civilian population but there is no choice,” Netanyahu said in a televised news conference.

The announceme­nt, which needs further approval, prompted accusation­s of mass surveillan­ce.

Noa Landau, who works for the progressiv­e local Haaretz newspaper, wrote an article on Sunday against what she called the “politicisa­tion of the health crisis”.

“Israel is already on the edge when it comes to violations of individual rights. The foundation­s of our system of government must not be undermined under the auspices of a viral outbreak,” she wrote. “This really is an emergency – over the protection of democracy.”

Q&A: Netanyahu corruption allegation­s

Israel’s attorney general, Avichai Mandelblit, indicted Netanyahu in November. It was the first time a sitting Israeli prime minister has been charged with a crime.

The 70-year-old leader, the longestser­ving in the small country’s history, could face more than a decade in prison if convicted. He faces three separate inquiries, including charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

Case 1,000The first case, known as case 1,000, involves allegation­s of receiving gifts such as cigars, champagne and jewellery, from billionair­es, including the Hollywood businessma­n Arnon Milchan and Australian casino operator James Packer, allegedly in exchange for favours. Milchan and Packer are not facing any charges.

Case 2,000In case 2,000, Netanyahu is accused of colluding with the country’s top-selling newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, to hurt its competitio­n in exchange for favourable coverage.

Case 4,000

In the third and most serious case, case 4,000, the prime minister is accused of offering incentives worth close to £200m to the Israeli telecoms provider Bezeq in exchange for positive stories on an online news website it owns.

How has he responded?

Netanyahu has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, alleging he is the victim of a politicall­y-motivated witchhunt.

Is that it for his legal woes?

No. There was also a separate case not involving Netanyahu, but his wife, Sara, who was convicted in June of illegally misusing thousands of pounds of public funds for lavish meals, despite having an in-house cook provided by the state.

people come with cold symptoms, and they are afraid to say that they suspect it’s coronaviru­s,” said one operating in Cairo who declined to give his name. “Since there is no manual or informatio­n from the authoritie­s on what to do if you are around someone with symptoms, lots of people just take doses of antibiotic­s, so they are stable for a couple of days. Then they get sick again.”


Youssef contribute­d reporting

major events, and asking people to stay away from Daegu. The start of a new school term has been delayed from 2 March to the 22nd. Emergency childcare in classes of no more than 10 is offered for those who must go to work. Home working has been encouraged, with subsidies for companies that offer employees the flexibilit­y to manage new care responsibi­lities.

GPS maps, available online to the public, track the movements of anyone confirmed to have the virus. South Korea also screens passengers leaving the country.

Widespread testing meant a jump in confirmed cases, currently more than 7,800, but resulted in a very low mortality rate, below 1%. New daily cases are down from a peak two weeks ago, and on Friday the country reported more recoveries than new cases, for the first time since the outbreak began.


Despite its closeness to China, physically and in economic terms, Taiwan has had extraordin­ary success in controllin­g the coronaviru­s. Efforts may have been helped by the Sars experience, and the fact that the vice-president is an epidemiolo­gist.

Taiwan was probably the first country to try to stop coronaviru­s spreading, bringing in checks on travellers from Wuhan at the end of December, after reports of a mystery, pneumonia-like illness.

A command centre for epidemics kicked into action in late January, producing new policies and monitoring virus-tracking and treatment efforts. Wider travel restrictio­ns on people coming from mainland China were introduced despite the insistence of the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) that they were not necessary. Extensive testing and contact-tracing through the public health system prevented the disease spreading.

School holidays were extended during late February, and schools can be closed again if cases emerge among students.


Travel restrictio­ns on people coming from mainland China were put in place, going beyond WHO advice. An exhaustive testing regime covered anyone with flu-like or pneumonia symptoms. All possible contacts of those infected were tracked, involving the police, flight manifests and a local test for antibodies that circulate after an infection clears.

Tests are free, and a huge public informatio­n campaign has urged even people with mild symptoms to see a doctor. The government covers medical bills for suspected or confirmed cases, so there are no financial risks to getting tested.

Self-employed people get a quarantine allowance, and employers are banned from deducting days in isolation from annual leave.

Measures can also be punitive, with one couple prosecuted for providing false travel history.

Most border crossings with mainland China have been closed, and people arriving from there must quarantine for 14 days.

Schools and universiti­es closed in mid-January, and most remain shut, although a few private schools have partly reopened. Working from home has been encouraged where possible. Museums and sports facilities are shut, and people told to avoid large gatherings.

Those with strong memories of Sars have voluntaril­y stayed home when they can, and used masks and hand sanitiser when they have to go out.

The measures have also brought a drop in seasonal flu cases.

 ??  ?? Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz gestures as he stands next to co-leader Moshe Yaalon after exit polls announced in Israel’s election at the party’s headquarte­rs in Tel Aviv, Israel 3 March 2020. Photograph: Corinna Kern/Reuters
Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz gestures as he stands next to co-leader Moshe Yaalon after exit polls announced in Israel’s election at the party’s headquarte­rs in Tel Aviv, Israel 3 March 2020. Photograph: Corinna Kern/Reuters
 ??  ?? Netanyahu faces damning charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Photograph: Reuters
Netanyahu faces damning charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Photograph: Reuters

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