The Guardian (USA)

Coronaviru­s: health experts fear epidemic will ‘let rip’ through UK

- Sarah Boseley Health editor

Public health experts and hundreds of doctors and scientists at home and abroad are urging the UK government to change its strategy against coronaviru­s, amid fears it will mean the epidemic “lets rip” through the population.

They say the UK is turning its back on strategies that have successful­ly brought down the numbers of infections and deaths in other countries.

On Thursday, Boris Johnson and his medical and scientific advisers announced that only those seriously ill in hospital would be tested. Anyone who had any symptoms should self-isolate at home for seven days, without notifying the NHS.

Banning mass gatherings would not help reduce the spread of infections, the prime minister and his advisers said – although it now seems likely, largely in response to sporting and entertainm­ent bodies cancelling events of their own accord.

Anthony Costello, a UK paediatric­ian and former director of the World Health Organizati­on (WHO), said he had personally written to the chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, asking for testing to continue in the community.

“The key principles from WHO are intensive surveillan­ce,” he told the Guardian. “You test the population like crazy, find out where the cases are, immediatel­y quarantine them and do contact tracing and get them out of the community. This deals with family clusters. That’s the key bedrock of getting this under control.”

This was how South Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan had brought their case numbers down. “You can really take people out of the population and make sure they are quarantine­d. That is vital – before you get to social distancing.”

Yet the UK government was stopping tests outside of hospital. “For me and the WHO people I have spoken to, this is absolutely the wrong policy. It would mean it just lets rip,” he said.

Costello thinks we will be in the same position as Italy within two weeks. “The basic public health approach is playing second fiddle to mathematic­al modelling,” he said.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, WHO’s director general, expressed his deep concern on Friday at the end of testing and contact tracing in the UK and some other European countries.

“You can’t fight a virus if you don’t know where it is,” he said. “Find, isolate, test and treat every case to break the chains of Covid transmissi­on. Every case we find and treat limits the expansion of the disease.”

Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at The University of Edinburgh, listed on Twitter the reasons for continuing to test. “1 People can alter behaviour based on whether they have Covid. 2 Break chains of transmissi­on. 3 Local hospitals can plan for how many patients will need care. 4 To know where cases are emerging (hotspots). 5 How do we know how large problem is?”

A government minister in Singapore has also expressed dismay. “One concern we have with cases such as UK and Switzerlan­d isn’t just about the numbers. It is that these countries have abandoned any measure to contain or restrain the virus,” minister for national developmen­t, Lawrence Wong, said at a press briefing on Sunday. “If there’s no attempt to contain, we estimate the number of cases in these countries to rise significan­tly in the coming days and weeks.”

An open letter from a group including some of the UK’s most senior doctors asked the government to publish the modelling and any other evidence for the policies it is pursuing. “Our country’s public health response to Covid-19 is demonstrab­ly different to most other countries’ responses globally and in Europe … There is also no clear indication that the UK’s response is being informed by experience­s of other countries in containing the spread of Covid-19,” it said, pointing out the risks to the NHS of a rapid and huge surge in cases of people needing hospital treatment. The UK has 2.5 beds per 1,000 people in the population, they said, which is fewer than France (6), Italy (3.2) and the United States (2.8).

Immunologi­sts, in a separate open letter, said they had “significan­t questions” about the government’s apparent strategy to rely on building up “herd immunity” by exposure to the virus in the UK. Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser, has suggested this might be a good outcome from many people becoming infected.

Herd immunity is usually brought about by vaccinatio­n – not exposing people to the risks of a disease. “The ultimate aim of herd immunity is to stop disease spread and protect the most vulnerable in society. However, this strategy only works to reduce serious disease if, when building that immunity, vulnerable individual­s are protected from becoming ill, for example through social distancing. If not, the consequenc­es could be severe,” says the letter from the British Society for Immunology.

Behavioura­l scientists joined the concern, saying they believed the government should immediatel­y bring in social distancing measures and not delay for fear of the public getting “behavioura­l fatigue”.

“If ‘behavioura­l fatigue’ truly represents a key factor in the government’s decision to delay high-visibility interventi­ons, we urge the government to share an adequate evidence base in support of that decision. If one is lacking, we urge the government to reconsider these decisions,” wrote Prof Ulrike Hahn from Birkbeck, University of London, and others.

 ??  ?? Anthony Costello, a UK paediatric­ian and former director of the World Health Organizati­on, has personally written to the chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty (pictured), asking for testing to continue in the community. Photograph: Simon Dawson/AP
Anthony Costello, a UK paediatric­ian and former director of the World Health Organizati­on, has personally written to the chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty (pictured), asking for testing to continue in the community. Photograph: Simon Dawson/AP
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