The Guardian (USA)

Dear President Trump: I need a coronaviru­s test right now. Where is it?

- Graeme Simpson

Americans have been told that all people who need Covad-19 tests will get them. That is a patently false claim. I am 61 years old and recently returned home to Brooklyn, New York, after a five-day work trip to Barcelona, Spain. Days after my return, I developed the classic symptoms of a dry cough and high fever. As a mild asthma sufferer – and therefore a high-risk person – I was particular­ly concerned, and so on the morning of Tuesday 3 March, I called ahead and then presented myself at my local ER to get tested for the coronaviru­s. After a cursory examinatio­n in which my blood pressure and temperatur­e were monitored, a young physician’s assistant listened to my chest, there was some online exploratio­n of the CDC guidelines, and after a brief discussion with an attending physician that I was not privy too, I was told that I did not qualify for the test because I had not travelled to any of the listed “global corona hotspots”. I was asked to please wear the mask they had given me on my walk back home.

Three days later, as my cough worsened, I called and got an appointmen­t with my personal doctor who could thankfully squeeze me in when she heard my concerns. She examined me and referred me for a chest Xray. Before I left her office, she thoroughly investigat­ed the CDC criteria for Covad-19 testing, and for the second time I was told that I did not satisfy the protocols for the test because I had not travelled to one of five listed countries. I went for the X-ray and later that afternoon my doctor called to notify me that I had pneumonia and to prescribe some medication­s.

The following day, 7 March, my doctor called again to check in on me and noted that the criteria for testing seemed to have expanded. So, based on her setting it up, I returned to the ER for my third attempt to get a test. I spent approximat­ely six hours isolated in a private room in the ER, finally winning an argument to get nasal swabs done to test for flu and Covad-19. Before I left the ER I received notificati­on that my flu tests were negative, and that I could expect to hear back from the Department of Health about my corona test results within 24-48 hours. Once again, I trudged home, wearing my mask.

Over 60 hours later I had heard nothing. When I called the ER to inquire, I was told that I would only hear back if my test results were positive. I pointed out the absurdity of that and was told to call the CDC. In the meantime, my tenacious doctor was able to establish that my nasal swabs had in fact never been processed and my test had been ‘rejected’ by the health department – with no communicat­ion or explanatio­n. One day later, I made my fourth attempt to be tested when advised to call a nearby Urgent Care center (Northwell Health) where testing was apparently being done. In a conversati­on on their Covad-19 hotline, I was told that I likely was not eligible for the test, but I could present myself for evaluation at the urgent care facility. Having traversed that path three times before, I decided that I had arrived in a cul-de-sac.

I have traipsed gingerly past waiting lines of patients in the ER, not only exposing them to my potential infection, but also exposing myself, as a high-risk candidate, to Covad-19 infection from them (assuming I did not already have it). I have been incorrectl­y informed that I had been tested and that my results would only come back if positive, potentiall­y paving the way – were it not for the tenacity of my personal physician – for me to erroneousl­y step out of my front door on the incorrect assumption both that I had been tested when I had not, but also that I was all clear. And in each instance where I have been refused a test, a key factor has been that I did not satisfy the protocol based on the fact that I hadn’t travelled to one of five countries. Yet just over 24 hours ago, the president of the US, initiated a prohibitio­n of all travel to and from the country I had visited before I took ill.

I am still sick. I am still self-quarantine­d at home, and I am still in the dark. The bungling of this endeavor is spectacula­r, the lived experience of it, a theatre of the absurd. And rather typically, in this country at this time, the prevailing political rhetoric is utterly disconnect­ed from the experience of ordinary people – as much as it is from the truth.

Graeme Simpson is Interpeace Principal Representa­tive (NYC) & Senior Peacebuild­ing Adviser. The views expressed are personal and not on behalf of his organizati­on

 ??  ?? ‘I did not qualify for the test because I had not travelled to any of the listed ‘global corona hotspots.’ Photograph: Aleli Dezmen/Getty Images/Cultura RF
‘I did not qualify for the test because I had not travelled to any of the listed ‘global corona hotspots.’ Photograph: Aleli Dezmen/Getty Images/Cultura RF

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