The Guardian (USA)

Deaths of despair: why America’s medical industry explains working-class suicides

- Chris McGreal

The US healthcare system is helping to kill people in staggering numbers. And when it isn’t driving Americans to an early grave, the medical industry is bleeding the rest of the country of resources at the expense of decent jobs, crucial infrastruc­ture and schools, according to a new book by two of the country’s leading economists.

As America’s health system faces its greatest challenge of recent times in the coronaviru­s, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, who won the 2015 Nobel prize for economics, say the pursuit of profit by medical corporatio­ns has played a leading role in the surge of “deaths of despair” since the 1990s, led by opioid overdoses, alcoholism and suicide.

The Princeton economists were the first to reveal the phenomenon which by 2017 was claiming the lives of 158,000 Americans every year – a number they liken to three 737s’ worth of passengers falling out of the sky every day. Case and Deaton, who are married, also discovered that the surge in deaths of despair was overwhelmi­ngly among white workingcla­ss Americans without a university degree, and that it was forcing down life expectancy in the US.

Now their new book, Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, explores why this tragedy is an unusually American phenomenon and concludes that the greed of the US’s medical corporatio­ns was both an important driver in creating the conditions for the rise in deaths of despair and in providing the means for many to kill themselves. “There is something going on in America that is different, and that is particular­ly toxic for the working class,” they write.

The book springs from Case and Deaton’s shocking revelation­s five years ago about the causes of so many Americans dying in middle age and younger, a phenomenon not seen in any other industrial­ised country. Life expectancy rose sharply in the US through the 20th century but over the past two decades fell by 25% for white Americans without a university degree even as it continued to rise for the better educated and for other races. The geography of this tragedy – people dying younger in West Virginia and Mississipp­i and living longer in New York and California – reflects the country’s deepening class divide.

The couple concluded that the medical industry is at the heart of two key drivers in making those deaths an

American phenomenon.

“One fact is that they unleashed these extremely powerful opioids on to the general public as if they were jelly beans at an Easter parade and that has not happened in Europe,” said Case. “The second is the way that we organise our healthcare system. We have the most expensive healthcare in the world and how do we pay for that? We pay for that per person.”

That has created a system Case and Deaton described as “Sheriff of Nottingham redistribu­tion” in the fleecing of the poor to give to rich corporatio­ns while the high cost of healthcare forces companies to shed jobs and drives firms to bankruptcy.

“The American healthcare system is a leading example of an institutio­n that, under political protection, redistribu­tes income upwards to hospitals, physicians, device-makers, and pharmaceut­ical companies while delivering among the worst health outcomes of any rich country,” the economists write.

That in turn has contribute­d to the retreat of steady, decently paid work in working-class communitie­s at the cost of social cohesion and helped drive the retreat to drugs and alcohol, and an increase in suicides.

“The pillars that held communitie­s together are a job with meaning, a family life that was stable, getting to know and raise your kids, and hope for them for the future,” said Case. “Attachment to traditiona­l churches fell dramatical­ly as well. In the US, organised religion is an incredibly important institutio­n and gave people a place of comfort during difficult times.”

The economists say that while globalisat­ion and technical change, particular­ly robots, are often blamed for destabilis­ing communitie­s, other industrial­ised countries facing similar challenges have not experience­d a comparable rise in deaths of despair. They conclude that the greed of America’s medical industry played a central role, calling it “a cancer at the heart of the economy” that has resulted in a “uniquely American calamity that is underminin­g American lives”.

“Unlike the countries of Europe, we have let the healthcare sector just run totally free. Totally, in that it was 5% of GDP in 1960 and it’s 18% of GDP today. It’s eating the economy from the inside out,” said Case.

In other industrial­ised countries medical treatment is covered at least to some degree by public funds. The structure of US healthcare passes the cost to the individual or their employer through private insurance. As the medical industry has grown more rapacious, so insurance premiums have surged and patients have been required to make ever larger out-of-pocket payments that can amount to thousands of dollars a year.

US drugmakers charge up to 10 times as much for insulin in a country where diabetes is rampant as they do across the border in Canada. For many Americans, the extra hundreds of dollars a month are not covered by insurance.

“The cost of healthcare is like a tribute that Americans have to pay to a foreign power,” the economists write.

Case and Deaton said that has taken a toll on employers too over the past two decades and contribute­d to the decline of working-class communitie­s.

“Firms used to be able to afford to be the providers of social insurance, both healthcare and defined benefit plans for pensions. But we don’t live in that world any more. So that as healthcare becomes more and more expensive, these firms can’t afford to keep on workers that aren’t worth to them what they have to pay for their healthcare,” said Case.

So jobs get outsourced to contract workers who, if they have health insur

 ??  ?? A dorm room for clients recovering from drug addiction is seen at Recovery Point in Huntington, West Virginia. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images
A dorm room for clients recovering from drug addiction is seen at Recovery Point in Huntington, West Virginia. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images
 ??  ?? A memorial in Huntington, West Virginia. The city has been portrayed as the epicenter of the opioid crisis. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images
A memorial in Huntington, West Virginia. The city has been portrayed as the epicenter of the opioid crisis. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

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