The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on the coronaviru­s bill: strengthen the sunset clause

- Editorial

Emergency times require emergency measures. That can hardly be in dispute. The Covid-19 outbreak is unquestion­ably an emergency. Entire population­s are at risk from the disease, some groups acutely so. This is a totalising event. Exceptiona­l measures are needed, in principle and in practice, here and in other nations, to ensure the safety of all the people and to maintain as comprehens­ive, orderly and effective a response to the crisis as can be achieved.

The British government’s principal emergency measure was published on Thursday. The coronaviru­s bill is a vast piece of legislatio­n. It runs to 328 pages. The explanator­y notes run to a further 73. Both show signs of hurried drafting. It confers powers on the state to reorganise and control people’s lives, and to set traditiona­l freedoms aside, in ways that are unpreceden­ted since the wartime emergency powers of 1939-45. The government proposes to get all the stages of the bill through the House of Commons on Monday and to put it on the statute book by the middle of next week. The Labour opposition is supporting it.

The bill is necessary. We accept that. But it is all the more essential that it is properly scrutinise­d by MPs. This did not happen when wartime emergency powers were rushed through parliament in 1914 and 1939, with long-lasting and controvers­ial effects. But it needs to happen now. This is an emergency on a par with war, but it is one of a very different kind. It directly affects everyone’s entire way of life.

The powers set out in the bill are vast. Ministers are given wide authority to govern by regulation­s that will not be properly scrutinise­d. The issues range from the NHS and the cremation of the dead through food supplies and transport to legal proceeding­s, elections and public order, as well as powers over the infectious. The overarchin­g approach of the bill is to mobilise against the outbreak by removing checks, diluting procedures and strengthen­ing powers.

But the powers outlined in the bill are stuffed with potential civil liberty, privacy, surveillan­ce and data protection issues.

The bill’s starting point is the very real need to mobilise people and resources to strengthen the NHS in the face of the emergency. But the issues and implicatio­ns in the bill go beyond public health. In section 49, the government confers a power on police and immigratio­n officers “to direct individual­s to attend, remove [a potentiall­y infected person] to, or keep them at suitable locations for screening and assessment”. Though the origins of this section lie in legitimate public health concerns, it raises extended issues of powers of arrest, search and detention. In the past, such powers have repeatedly been civil liberty minefields regarding issues such as vagrancy and suspicious behaviour. These will need to be transparen­tly applied and tenaciousl­y monitored in ways that earlier powers were not.

It is therefore vital that parliament should have enough time to debate the coronaviru­s bill. That is not the case under the government’s proposed timetable, agreed with Labour. There is huge pressure to get the bill into law so that its powers can be used. So the first and most important overarchin­g change that should be made to the bill is to introduce a sunset clause. The bill is set to be enacted for two years. This is too long. The various powers should cease unless parliament votes to renew them – and has the opportunit­y to amend them – at intervals of six months. In a related reform, parliament should also seize this opportunit­y to change its antique, unhealthy voting

system of queueing in lobbies, and introduce electronic voting.

Legislate in haste but repent at leisure is no idle warning. Many powers from the 1939-45 war remained in force far longer in postwar peacetime than in the war years themselves. The last of them only disappeare­d for good in 1964. Anti-terrorism legislatio­n and emergency powers in Northern Ireland have required renewals of this kind, and properly so. These are extraordin­ary times and they require strong collective action by the state and the people.

But they do not require powers that end up creating as many problems as they solve, and which could have been resolved by proper legislativ­e scrutiny.

 ??  ?? A deserted Piccadilly Circus in London. ‘Exceptiona­l measures are needed to ensure the safety of all the people.’ Photograph: Alex Livesey/ Danehouse/Getty Images
A deserted Piccadilly Circus in London. ‘Exceptiona­l measures are needed to ensure the safety of all the people.’ Photograph: Alex Livesey/ Danehouse/Getty Images

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