The Guardian (USA)

Cuomo wins praise for 'wisdom' amid coronaviru­s crisis as Trump blusters

- Richard Luscombe

In the words of John C Maxwell, the distinguis­hed bestsellin­g author of inspiratio­nal books, a true leader “is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.” As Donald Trump continues to bluster his way through daily coronaviru­s briefings by picking fights with journalist­s and contradict­ing the advice of medical experts, the New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, is rising as an alternativ­e guiding force for a nation in crisis – and the president’s staff are beginning to take notice.

Ostensibly, Cuomo’s nationally televised addresses are aimed at the almost 20 million residents of a state affected more than any other by the virus. But his “wisdom and competence”, according to the former White House communicat­ions director Anthony Scaramucci, is resonating in every corner of the United States, as well as providing leadership cues to Trump’s advisers.

Brian Stelter, CNN’s chief media correspond­ent, reported on Sunday that senior administra­tion sources told him that the president’s team was keeping a close eye on Cuomo’s daily briefings. Meanwhile, other respected commentato­rs are noting the contrast between Trump’s lengthy and often rambling appearance­s at the podium and Cuomo’s straight-talking approach, from which they say the president could take some pointers.

On Sunday, Cuomo warned that up to 80% of his state could contract Covid-19 unless action was taken, and demanded that federal authoritie­s take over the acquisitio­n and distributi­on of medical supplies to prevent states having to compete with each other to buy essential equipment.

He ended his address by likening the crisis to the challenges faced by “the greatest generation” that survived the second world war and promised, “We’re going to overcome this, and America will be the greater for it.”

“[It’s] real leadership of the kind the president of the United States should have provided to the American people throughout this crisis, but hasn’t,” Carl Bernstein, the former Washington Post journalist who broke the Watergate scandal, told Stelter.

“We as New Yorkers are lucky to have a leader like Governor Cuomo in this crisis,” Mark Ruffalo, the actor and climate change activist, said in a tweet that echoed others comparing him favorably to Trump.

Cuomo, 62, is the son of the threeterm New York governor Mario Cuomo and brother of journalist Chris Cuomo, a CNN anchor with whom Trump has frequently clashed. In his nine years in the governor’s mansion he has developed a reputation for forthright speaking, but also won praise for showing a personal and reassuring tone that has come to the fore in a series of briefings this week.

On Sunday, he devoted a segment of his press conference to the emotional impact that self-isolation was having on families, particular­ly being closeted together for long periods of time. “It’s complicate­d,” he conceded. “I live alone, I’m even getting annoyed with the dog.”

As for hope, Cuomo had this message: “It’s going to be hard, there is no doubt. But at the same time it is going to be OK. The grocery stores are going to function, there’s going to be food, the transporta­tion systems are going to function, the pharmacies are going to be open. All essential services will be maintained.

“There’s not going to be chaos, there’s not going to be anarchy. Order and function will be maintained. Life is going to go on, different, but life is going to go on. So take a deep breath on all of that.”

In perhaps another indication that Trump is drawing inspiratio­n from the governor’s crisis management abilities, Cuomo’s name was noticeably absent from a tweet by the president on Sunday attacking other state leaders for perceived “shortcomin­gs”. Earlier in the week, the pair had exchanged Twitter insults, with Trump asserting that Cuomo needed to “do more”, and the governor snapping back: “YOU have to do something. You’re supposed to be the president.”

In recent days the tone has been more conciliato­ry, with the two men taking turns to compliment each other.

Cuomo said he had reached out his hand, metaphoric­ally, to Trump: “If you can help my people, if you can help the country, God bless you,” he said. “We’re all Americans. Nothing else matters at this time.”

 ?? Photograph: Seth Wenig, Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP ?? The New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, and President Donald Trump have been giving regular Covid-19 briefings
Photograph: Seth Wenig, Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP The New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, and President Donald Trump have been giving regular Covid-19 briefings
 ?? Photograph: Stefani Reynolds/EPA ?? President Trump at the White House during a Covid-19 taskforce briefing.
Photograph: Stefani Reynolds/EPA President Trump at the White House during a Covid-19 taskforce briefing.

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