The Guardian (USA)

‘A manatee is worth more alive’: the mission to save Africa’s sea mammals

- Annika Hammerschl­ag

It is a blistering day in the Senegalese coastal town of Joal and a group of biologists are standing in a motorised dugout canoe, scanning the cyan waters for floating manatee dung.

Suddenly, a bobbing brown mass appears in the distance.

“Look! Over there! Poo!” cries Lucy Keith-Diagne, the lead researcher. But her excitement is quickly stifled when it turns out to be a piece of wood.

For the past 14 years Keith-Diagne has been on a mission to protect the African manatee. There are an estimated 10,000 left, spread across 21 African countries, from the coast of Senegal down to Angola and inland to Chad. The DNA extracted from faecal samples allows Keith-Diagne to isolate individual population­s and determine which groups are most endangered.

African manatees are classified as a vulnerable species on the Internatio­nal Union for Conservati­on of Nature’s Red List. They face many threats, including entangleme­nt in fishing nets and entrapment in dams. In some countries they are heavily poached.

The animals are so elusive that many locals know them only from myths. In countries such as Senegal, where the animals are revered as auspicious water spirits, poaching is rare. But dams still pose a major threat: the cumbersome mammals can get trapped in narrow passageway­s and drown.

Keith-Diagne said local dam authoritie­s have been receptive to her proposed modificati­ons of the structures. Politician­s have also come on board. In 2014, her husband, Tomas Diagne, also a biologist, successful­ly petitioned the government to set aside 275 hectares (679 acres) for an aquatic reserve. The area is now home to an estimated 100 manatees as well as hundreds of Adanson’s mud turtles – a species unique to the local lake. The couple are also helping the surroundin­g communitie­s to develop an ecotourism industry.

Keith-Diagne’s conservati­on work has extended into other parts of Africa. With the help of a Pew Marine fellowship, she formed a network of nine biologists in Senegal, Gambia, Nigeria, Cameroon and Democratic Republic of Congo to document every manatee captured or killed over three years. The project has already identified one clear trend: Nigeria is a leader in manatee mortality.

Hunters can make up to $2,000 (£1,626) from a single catch in the country, where manatee meat is said to be beneficial for diabetics and their oil is thought to be cholestero­l-free. In addition, their penises are believed to cure impotence, their ear bones to ward off bullets, and eyes believed to possess magical powers. The faeces left over in manatee intestines are dried and used to mend broken bones.

According to Nigerian myth, upon encounteri­ng a human, a manatee will tickle them until they laugh so hard they drown.

Rumours of manatees breaking fishing nets and capsizing canoes led to their classifica­tion as a “rogue animal” in the 1970s – an official classifica­tion for animals that threaten human livelihood­s, such as crocodiles and hippopotam­i.

The classifica­tion was intended as a way for government officials to meet revenue targets, says Edem Eniang, a professor of wildlife resource management at the University of Uyo in Nigeria.

Nigeria began issuing manatee hunting permits but stopped in the early 1990s when hunters began returning empty-handed, demanding refunds. The animals had been driven to the brink of extinction. Now Nigeria has conservati­on laws that protect manatees and other endangered wildlife, but critics say they are rarely enforced.

“Poachers trade them openly on the street, and nobody does anything,” says Eniang. Last month, Nigeria’s environmen­t ministry announced it was launching an investigat­ion after a video emerged of a manatee being dragged along a road by a group of young men.

The manatee market in Nigeria is so profitable that poachers traffic the animals from neighbouri­ng countries. A growing demand for live manatees in Asia has made matters worse, Eniang adds.

“I’m sitting out here like a lone wolf, crying into the wilderness,” he says. “If we don’t do something now, we’ll end up eating the last manatee.”

In addition to poaching, manatees in Nigeria are suffering from habitat loss. During the dry season farmers graze their cattle on the nutritious wetlands where manatees feed – the climate crisis has left the herders little alternativ­e. As the cattle graze, the farmers set what’s left on fire, hoping it will spur growth.

Oil spills, sand dredging and urban developmen­t have also contribute­d to the destructio­n of Nigeria’s manatee habitat.

Eniang and his team often go undercover, posing as buyers to keep tabs on poachers and document manatee killings. They visit schools to teach the importance of conservati­on and they run TV and radio informatio­n campaigns. Such campaigns can and have made a difference. In Cameroon, education and awareness initiative­s have pushed manatee hunting to its lowest level.

Aristide Takoukam, the director of the African Marine Mammal Conservati­on Organisati­on in Cameroon, gives frequent presentati­ons at schools and organises field trips to Lake Ossa, a wildlife reserve created in 1948.

“I want to teach them to see nature in a different way than their parents,” he says. “I want to show them that in animals, they can also find beauty.”

He also trains fishermen in how to make a living from bee farming and soap making instead of manatee hunting and with the help of an American ecotourism expert, is developing an industry around manatee sightseein­g, complete with lakeside bungalows, kayaking and bird watching.

“I want to show them that a manatee is worth more alive than dead,” he says.

Though Takoukam has effectivel­y shifted local attitudes toward manatees, another threat has emerged in the waters of Lake Ossa.

Since 2017, the lake has seen a proliferat­ion of salvinia molesta, an invasive plant that kills the antelope grass manatees feed on. The animals have begun migrating into unprotecte­d waters in search of food.

Takoukam suspects that a reservoir dam erected on the Senegal River in 2016 is to blame. The structure flooded vast areas of land, causing plants to decompose and release high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. When the gates lift, those nutrients are released downstream, ultimately accumulati­ng in the stagnant waters of Lake Ossa. The concentrat­ion of phosphorus in the lake has doubled over the past three years.

Takoukam contacted a number of experts asking for help and Louisiana State University answered. They sent him 350 salvinia-eating insects called salvinia weevils, which are currently being reared in a facility near Lake Ossa. As soon as the tick-sized bugs have multiplied they’ll be released onto the lake.

“My manatees were at risk so I needed to find a solution,” Takoukam says.

It is this kind of attitude that inspired Keith-Diagne to organise the first-ever African manatee symposium. The event, planned for April in Senegal, will bring together more than 50 manatee conservati­onists from at least nine African countries, as well as experts from Florida, Malaysia and Brazil.

It will be the first time activists such as Takoukam and Eniang have a platform to present their work.

“People think nothing is being done to help the African manatee, but actually there’s been a lot of progress,” Keith-Diagne says. “It’s an opportunit­y to inspire others.”

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their withdrawal, but Taliban attacks on Afghan targets have almost returned to their pre-ceasefire level and there is no immediate prospect of political negotiatio­ns between the insurgents and government officials that were supposed to start on 10 March.

The two sides held talks via Skype on Sunday, but there was no sign of a breakthrou­gh on the core disagreeme­nt. The Afghan government wants a staggered release of prisoners, but the Taliban are demanding that Kabul free 5,000 of its fighters at once, as the US agreed in February – apparently without full consultati­on with the Afghan government.

The official number of coronaviru­s cases in Afghanista­n stands at 34, but testing there is limited and the disease is expected to be much more widespread, posing dangers of an epidemic among prisoners in particular.

“Everyone clearly understand­s the coronaviru­s threat makes prisoner releases that much more urgent,” the US special envoy for Afghan peace talks, Zalmay Khalilzad, said in a tweet.

Pompeo staked his diplomatic reputation on the deal with the Taliban, which he signed in Qatar on behalf of the US. He took the decision to fly at a time when face-to-face diplomacy has been reduced to a minimum. The state department has urged US citizens not to travel abroad.

Press reports have quoted US diplomats as complainin­g that they have not received clear guidance from the state department on how to handle the crisis, leaving embassies to come up with their own procedures. There has also been criticism over delays in repatriati­ng US citizens trapped abroad. On Monday, the state department said it had brought more than 5,700 Americans home from 17 countries.

The first confirmed coronaviru­s case at state department headquarte­rs in Washington was confirmed on Thursday, and department officials told congressio­nal staff on Friday that fewer than 10 foreign service officers had been confirmed as Covid-19 positive. Most Washington staff are now working from home, but have been told that any time spent on childcare will be deducted from their pay.

“We’re trying to get clarity,” a US official said. “We don’t have enough informatio­n, frankly, from the leadership, and we’re looking for more transparen­cy and more informatio­n about what’s going on.”

“What we’re asking for is basically facts and figures,” the official continued. “We still don’t know exactly how many members of the foreign service have been confirmed positive.”

Eric Rubin, president of the American Foreign Service Associatio­n, said:

“Our foreign service colleagues serving around the world are anxious for details about the spread of the virus and how it has affected Americans serving their country overseas.

“We have called on the leadership of our agencies to provide maximum transparen­cy, and to share as much informatio­n as possible with our colleagues, while respecting confidenti­ality concerns. No one is asking for zero risk, and in fact our foreign service is committed to serving in dangerous and unhealthy situations when it is necessary to defend our country and its interests.

“At the same time, our people need to know that their leadership has their backs, and will do everything possible to keep them informed and supported in this difficult time.”

Diplomats deemed to be at high risk from the disease have been told they can leave their posts, but it has been left unclear which jobs, if any, they would be returning to, according to CNN.

Pompeo did little to allay claims of absent leadership during the health emergency when he posted personal tweets over the weekend of his family doing a jigsaw puzzle and watching television.

“Pro tip: if you’re missing the beach, just throw on Top Gun!” he said.

 ??  ?? A manatee calf tangled in a fishing net. The mammals face many threats, including death as bycatch and entrapment in dams. Photograph: Courtesy of AMMCO
A manatee calf tangled in a fishing net. The mammals face many threats, including death as bycatch and entrapment in dams. Photograph: Courtesy of AMMCO
 ??  ?? African manatees are classed as a vulnerable species and are on the IUCN Red List. Photograph: Lucy Keith-Diagne/African Aquatic Conservati­on Fund
African manatees are classed as a vulnerable species and are on the IUCN Red List. Photograph: Lucy Keith-Diagne/African Aquatic Conservati­on Fund
 ??  ?? The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, meets the incumbent Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, in Kabul on 23 March. Photograph: AP
The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, meets the incumbent Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, in Kabul on 23 March. Photograph: AP

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