The Guardian (USA)

Trump administra­tion determined to exit treaty reducing risk of war

- Julian Borger in Washington

The Trump administra­tion is determined to withdraw from a 28-year-old treaty intended to reduce the risk of an accidental war between the west and Russia by allowing reconnaiss­ance flights over each other’s territory.

Despite the coronaviru­s pandemic, which has put off a full national security council (NSC) meeting on the Open Skies Treaty (OST), the secretary of defence, Mark Esper, and secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, have agreed to proceed with a US exit, according to two sources familiar with administra­tion planning.

A statement of intent is expected soon, with a formal notificati­on of withdrawal issued a few months later, possibly at the end of the fiscal year in September. The US would cease to be a party to the treaty six months after that, so if a new president were elected in November, the decision could be reversed before taking effect.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, reconnaiss­ance flights under the treaty have been suspended until 26 April.

The US has complained about what it says are Russian infringeme­nts of the treaty, which was signed in 1992 and has been in force since 2002: limitation­s on flights over the Baltic enclave of Kaliningra­d to less than 500km and the creation of an exclusion corridor along the border of the Russian-occupied regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Russia imposed the limitation over Kaliningra­d after a prolonged zigzagging Polish overflight in 2014 closed down aviation for a day. Russia allowed an extended flight over Kaliningra­d in


One of the reasons Esper has cited for US withdrawal is to save money by not replacing the two Boeing OC-135B planes the US uses for its Open Skies reconnaiss­ance flights.

Congress appropriat­ed $41.5m last year for the cost of replacemen­t but the Pentagon spending request published in February contained no budget for the new planes. Esper told Congress he was awaiting a decision from the president.

Three Republican hawks in the Senate, Richard Burr, Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz, sent a letter to the administra­tion in March calling for withdrawal, for cost and security reasons.

“The costs of the OST go far beyond wasteful spending, and directly erode our national security by enabling Russian espionage over the United States,” the senators wrote.

Supporters of the Open Skies Treaty say the US and its allies benefit from it more than Russia, with three times more overflight­s of Russian territory than Russia flights over US and allied territory.

Furthermor­e, US withdrawal would not stop Russian reconnaiss­ance flights over US bases in Europe.

“The administra­tion has yet to put forward any proposals on how to fix the two main issues that we’re having with the treaty, and our allies have reiterated again and again, that they do not want us to leave the treaty,” said Alexandra

Bell, a former state department arms control official and now senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferat­ion. “The administra­tion doesn’t seem to have any plan of what to do about US bases in Europe.”

The Democratic senators Bob Menendez and Jack Reed wrote to the administra­tion in February, saying: “The Open Skies Treaty is an important multilater­al agreement that operates as a critical transparen­cy tool for the United States and our allied treaty partners. It provides the United States and our partners real-time, comprehens­ive images of Russian military facilities.

“If this administra­tion moves forward with a precipitou­s unilateral withdrawal from the treaty the United

States will be less safe and secure,”

Last year, the US set out questionna­ires to its allies about their views on the treaty’s value. The UK and other Europeans sent emphatic appeals for the US to remain part of the agreement. Ukraine also publicly underlined the strategic importance it attaches to the treaty. But the administra­tion has so far not shared the result of its survey with Congress.

The NSC was due to conduct a “principals meeting” of top administra­tion officials in February to discuss two options: immediate announceme­nt of withdrawal, or a period of a few months consultati­on with allies pending a final decision, as a final warning to Russia.

The principals meeting was put off until 11 March and then postponed again, in the face of the pandemic. But the absence of an NSC discussion does not appear to have stopped the momentum for US withdrawal.

The Open Skies Treaty is the latest arms control agreement to be targeted by the Trump administra­tion, which has walked out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and the Intermedia­te-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty with Russia.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Associatio­n, said: “At a time when the need for internatio­nal cooperatio­n, couldn’t be any more obvious, with respect to dealing with the coronaviru­s pandemic, it is foreign policy malpractic­e for the Donald J Trump administra­tion to withdraw from a treaty that has been in effect for nearly 30 years against the wishes of the United States closest allies in Europe.”

 ??  ?? Mike Pompeo attends a news conference at the state department in Washington DC, on 17 March. Photograph: Tom Brenner/Reuters
Mike Pompeo attends a news conference at the state department in Washington DC, on 17 March. Photograph: Tom Brenner/Reuters

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