The Guardian (USA)

Austria reopens small shops and parks as coronaviru­s lockdown is relaxed

- Kate Connolly in Berlin

Austria has taken the first steps back towards normality, with the government allowing a relaxation of the measures taken to slow down the spread of coronaviru­s. Austria’s chancellor, Sebastian Kurz , told the nation it was the equivalent of a “resurrecti­on”, referring to the Easter celebratio­ns at the weekend.

Small shops, public parks, and DIY and gardening centres were given permission to open on Tuesday morning after being closed for almost a month, as the country looks to gradually open up the rest of the economy. But Austrians have to abide by strict distancing measures as well as wearing masks.

On-the-spot fines of €25 (£22) can be given to those who break the rules.

Kurz said the country was “on the right track”. He said the rate of infections was going down sufficient­ly, and thanked the Austrians for their discipline. “We did not have to put on the emergency brakes” after the Easter weekend as he had feared, Kurz said. “We are now taking the first steps back to a new normality.”

The measures are being closely followed in neighbouri­ng Germany, where scientists advising the government said the infection rate showed “positive tendencies” but that great caution was still needed if restrictio­ns were to be relaxed.

Austria, which has just under 8.9 million residents, has sometimes been held up in Germany as an example to follow in its handling of the coronaviru­s, due in part to its relatively low death rate which on Tuesday was 384, with confirmed infections at just over 14,000.

However, with a population a little over 10 times that of Austria, Germany’s figures per capita are little different. On Tuesday it had reported 3,246 deaths and just over 130,000 confirmed cases. German leaders are expected to announce on Wednesday whether they intend to relax any of the restrictio­ns across their 16 states.

Austria is allowing shops of 400 sq metres or smaller to open, but with only one customer at a time for every 20 sq metres . Shops may open between 7.40am and 7pm.

Shops which allow too many customers in at once face fines of up to €3,600.

Petrol station shops, car washes, MOT centres and bicycle repair shops will be among the shops allowed to reopen their doors to customers. In May this is due to be extended to hairdresse­rs and cosmetic salons. Restaurant­s cannot reopen until at least midMay, the government said.

Public parks also reopened on Tuesday, but with strict entrance controls to ensure not too many people gather in one space, and people who do not live together in the same household are not allowed to stand or walk within one metre of each other.

Restrictio­ns for weddings and funerals remain in place. Gatherings may only take place in the presence of immediate family members.

Citizens will be required to wear masks in supermarke­ts, on public transport and in taxis and to have them on before entering shops or vehicles. Medical masks are not a necessity, and bandanas or scarfs wrapped adequately around the nose and mouth will also be accepted.

Kurz said the Austrian motto was: “As much freedom as possible, as many restrictio­ns as necessary.”

He added: “Continue to be strong as you have been. The crisis is far from over.”

Further announceme­nts regarding sporting events and large cultural gatherings such as concerts are due on Wednesday and Friday.

 ??  ?? Austria’s leader, Sebastian Kurz, said the lifting of measures was the equivalent of an Easter ‘resurrecti­on’. Photograph: Roland Schlager/ APA/AFP via Getty Images
Austria’s leader, Sebastian Kurz, said the lifting of measures was the equivalent of an Easter ‘resurrecti­on’. Photograph: Roland Schlager/ APA/AFP via Getty Images

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