The Guardian (USA)

The Covid-19 pandemic shows we must transform the global food system

- Jan Dutkiewicz, Astra Taylor and Troy Vettese

It was bats. Or pangolins. To hear common narratives about the origins of Covid-19, there is a simple causal relationsh­ip between China’s consumptio­n of wild animals and the coronaviru­s ravaging the globe.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the United States’ top epidemiolo­gist, told Fox: “It boggles my mind how when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal interface, that we don’t just shut it down.” His opinion echoes a growing chorus across the political spectrum that singles out China’s so-called “wet markets” as the culprit for the pandemic. The Republican senator Lindsey Graham has called the Chinese exotic animal trade “disgusting” and conservati­onist Jane Goodall has called for “a global ban”.

Science and political economy, however, tell a more complex story. The principal driver of zoonotic diseases (such as the virus Sars-Cov-2, which spread from animals to humans) is industrial animal agricultur­e. When food production encroaches on wild habitats, it creates opportunit­ies for pathogens to jump to livestock and humans. Industrial agricultur­e also breeds its own diseases, like swine flu and avian flu, on hellish factory farms. And it contribute­s to antibiotic resistance and climate change, both of which exacerbate the problem.

We need to have an honest public discussion on how to produce our food. Individual­ly, we must stop eating animal products. Collective­ly, we must transform the global food system and work toward ending animal agricultur­e and rewilding much of the world. Oddly, many people who would never challenge the reality of climate change refuse to acknowledg­e the role meateating plays in endangerin­g public health. Eating meat, it seems, is a socially acceptable form of science denial.

Researcher­s have long issued warnings about the consequenc­es of our livestock-dominated food system. After the Sars outbreak in 2003, an essay in the American Journal of Public Health lamented that “changing the way humans treat animals – most basically, ceasing to eat them or, at the very least, radically limiting the quantity of them that are eaten – is largely off the radar as a significan­t preventive measure.” In 2016, the UN Environmen­t Program warned that the “livestock revolution” was a zoonotic disaster waiting to happen.

Yet meat consumptio­n continues to rise. Now, just as experts predicted, eating animals is coming back to bite us.

Xenophobes call Covid-19 the “Wuhan virus”, but in reality zoonoses emerge worldwide, and do so with increasing regularity. The 1918 “Spanish flu” probably came from a midwestern pig farm. In the 1990s, ecological destabiliz­ation in the US south-west led to the Four Corners hantavirus outbreak. The Hendra and Menangle viruses are named after Australian towns. The Reston virus is an Ebola strain named after a DC suburb. Marburg virus emerged in Germany. These last two diseases sprang from monkeys imported for laboratory use – the Chinese are not the only ones with a large and dangerous wildlife trade. Sars, Mers and

Zika are only three of many novel zoonoses to strike in the new millennium.

Fauci, Graham and Goodall’s call for a clampdown on the “exotic” animal trade is a valid demand, but ignores how that industry is inextricab­ly intertwine­d with “convention­al” food production. The Chinese government has encouraged smallholde­rs to breed and procure wild game to compensate for losing market-share to large livestock firms. Similarly, reliance on “bush meat” in west Africa increased after local fishers were pushed out of coastal waters by foreign trawlers in the 1970s, leading to the outbreaks of HIV and Ebola. The problem isn’t some people’s taste for seemingly strange delicacies, but rather our global, profitdriv­en, meat-centered food system.

Just as zoonotic threats are multiplyin­g, combating them is becoming harder. Antibiotic­s are increasing­ly ineffectiv­e in part because commercial livestock farmers abuse them, hoping to speed up growth rates or as a prophylact­ic measure against the spread of disease on overcrowde­d factory farms. Overuse of antibiotic­s spurs the evolution of “super-bugs” like MRSA, a flesh-eating bacterium now found at hospitals worldwide. Modern solutions, like viral cures and vaccines, are elusive. The World Health Organizati­on reported that the most important techniques for controllin­g the 2003 Sars outbreak were not cutting-edge medicines so much as “19th-century public health strategies of contact tracing, quarantine, and isolation”. This has also been the case with Covid-19.

Our short-term priority is the developmen­t of a vaccine for Covid-19. But we must also start thinking about more radical measures to address the roots of this crisis. We need a more resilient food system that puts less stress on the planet and on public health.

This requires three interventi­ons. The first is ending subsidies to industrial animal agricultur­e and taxing animal products to incorporat­e the cost of environmen­tal and public health externalit­ies, with the aim of the industry’s eventual abolition.

The second is support for local, sustainabl­e plant farming to replace the monocrop-focused status quo. We must relieve pressure on soil and wildlife while creating better, safer agricultur­al jobs. (We should also remember that meatpackin­g workers, like their peers in wet markets, tend to be the first exposed to new pathogens.)

The third is large-scale, public-directed investment in both plant-based meat alternativ­es and cellular agricultur­e (ie, growing animal tissue from stem cells), which would expand scientific research and employment while spurring a transition to animal-free protein.

The post-meat age will be a healthier one. Between farming, ranching and feed crops, the livestock industry gobbles up 40% of the world’s habitable surface. A vegan food system would require a tenth as much land. Restoring the natural environmen­t could also create jobs through a public works program akin to the New Deal’s Civilian Conservati­on Corps. And it would reduce the outbreak of new epidemics by reducing contact between humans and wild animals and by restoring biodiversi­ty.

Old habits can change. In the last few weeks, as the coronaviru­s has spread and millions shelter in place, bean sales have surged. People, it seems, are willing to eat legumes if it’s part of a public health effort. When this pandemic ends they’ll need to keep doing just that, lest a more lethal disaster comes to pass.

Jan Dutkiewicz is the Connie Caplan postdoctor­al fellow in the department of political science at Johns Hopkins University

Astra Taylor is the author, most recently, of Democracy May Not Exist, but We’ll Miss It When It’s Gone

Troy Vettese is an environmen­tal historian and a William Lyon Mackenzie King research fellow at Harvard University

 ??  ?? ‘Individual­ly, we must stop eating animal products. Collective­ly, we must transform the global food system and work toward ending animal agricultur­e.’ Photograph: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg /Getty Images
‘Individual­ly, we must stop eating animal products. Collective­ly, we must transform the global food system and work toward ending animal agricultur­e.’ Photograph: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg /Getty Images

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