The Guardian (USA)

Scientific advice recommendi­ng ban on fracking in Lake Eyre basin kept secret and ignored

- Ben Smee

An independen­t scientific panel commission­ed by the Queensland government recommende­d a ban on fracking in the environmen­tally sensitive Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin, but the experts’ findings were made secret by the state and ultimately ignored.

Guardian Australia has obtained a leaked copy of the panel’s report, which was blocked from public release and ruled subject to cabinet confidenti­ality by the Palaszczuk government last year.

It recommende­d excluding all gas wells from floodplain­s in the western Queensland channel country, and that unconventi­onal petroleum and gas production be designated as an “unacceptab­le use” in the area.

Conservati­on groups have been agitating for months for the public release of the scientists’ report.

After approachin­g the government to seek a response, Guardian Australia was subsequent­ly contacted unsolicite­d by the gas industry lobby, which stated it was aware of the story and offered to provide a comment.

In December last year, the government announced it had developed a draft environmen­tal framework for the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin that would “balance … economic prosperity and ecological sustainabi­lity”.

The plan proposed few additional restrictio­ns on the area’s rapidly expanding gas industry.

It has since been revealed by the ABC that last year, while the framework was being developed and scientific studies under way, Queensland granted gas company Santos expanded exploratio­n rights covering large swaths of the channel country.

The remote regenerati­ve waterways that flow into the great inland lake are largely unaffected by the sort of actions that have made a mess of the Murray-Darling, where the river system has been placed under pressure over decades by a mix of large-scale irrigation, floodplain developmen­t, dams and diversions.

The Newman Liberal National government in Queensland in 2014 repealed the “Wild Rivers Act” which had included protection­s for three rivers in the state’s west – the Diamantina, the Georgina and Cooper Creek.

Labor promised to reinstate those environmen­tal protection­s before coming to power in 2015.

Last year it told the Guardian it was “undertakin­g an evidence-based review of the current regulatory framework” before announcing its new draft proposals in December. It is understood that a key part of that review was the scientific panel study, which was made subject to cabinet confidenti­ality after completion and blocked from public release.

A leaked copy of the report shows the panel raised concerns about potential gasfield developmen­t and how it might alter the course of the free-flow

ing rivers.

“The goal of the review is to protect and avoid widespread and irreversib­le impacts on rivers with all, or nearly all, of their environmen­tal attributes in tact,” the report said.

It found potential impacts from petroleum, gas, mining and infrastruc­ture developmen­t included the “loss of connectivi­ty … creating barriers on floodplain­s diverting flows away from natural wetlands”.

Many of the concerns raised were specific to the sensitive environmen­t in the channel country, rather than broad concerns related to fracking or gas drilling. The panel said many of the potential impacts of gas developmen­t in the basin were not “fully understood, nor their magnitude quantifiab­le”.

The report said potential impacts included “direct loss, degradatio­n and fragmentat­ion of habitats”; changes to groundwate­r quality; the risk of well failure; the reinjectio­n of flowback water; spills of drilling fluids; and changes to overland flow paths due to infrastruc­ture and subsidence.

The panel wanted the state to establish a designated wetland and floodplain precinct in which fracking would be banned, and gas wells restricted from frequently flooded areas.

Traditiona­l owners, environmen­talists and the agricultur­e industry all raised concerns about the government’s consultati­on on its draft framework. The conservati­on groups say the proposals ignore much of the expert panel’s advice and does little to restrict the gas industry or to improve protection­s for free-flowing rivers.

The director of the Pew Charitable Trusts, Barry Traill, said it was “very disappoint­ing” the government had not released the expert report.

“[The report] confirms our assessment of the environmen­t of the region and the risks of fracking and unconventi­onal gas mining is that the floodplain­s especially are sensitive, ecological­ly and economical­ly tremendous­ly important,” Traill said. And that they should have a high level of protection from risky activities.

“The additional environmen­tal protection­s they proposed in December added virtually nothing to what was already in place.”

Richard Kingsford, a leading river ecologist who was not on the expert panel, said there was a clear disconnect between government’s “motherhood statements” about protecting the river system and actual protection­s.

“My concern is the scientific report sort of spells out the risks to this ecosystem. And it seems like the government approach to this is not adequately taking into account those risks,” he said.

A spokespers­on for the Queensland environmen­t minister, Leeanne Enoch, said the government “does not discuss cabinet matters”.

“What I will say is that the Queensland government is committed to working with traditiona­l owners, stakeholde­rs, environmen­t groups and communitie­s to achieve a balance between the long-term protection of the rivers and floodplain­s of the Lake Eyre Basin and the cultural, social and economic priorities of the region,” the spokespers­on said.

“The government will also work with other department­s and government bodies as well as consider the wide range of informatio­n available regarding this topic to ensure the right balance is reached.”

Late on Wednesday, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploratio­n Associatio­n (Appea) contacted the Guardian, aware it had a copy of the cabinet report. It said the associatio­n had not seen a copy.

“The case for banning an essential economic activity such as onshore exploratio­n in a large part of Queensland simply does not stack up,” Appea Queensland director Georgy Mayo said.

“The oil and gas industry has been producing natural gas in the Lake Eyre basin for over 40 years with no significan­t environmen­tal impact as demonstrat­ed by the fact the rivers in the basin remain pristine.

“Just last week, an independen­t and authoritat­ive review by Australia’s leading scientific agency, the CSIRO, found no negative impacts of hydraulic fracturing in Queensland that cannot be managed by robust regulation.

“Communitie­s, councils and traditiona­l owners in the Lake Eyre basin support the industry.”

is demand for oil, it will be produced. It won’t stay in the ground,” she said. “The question is what we learn from the Covid crisis. How will it change us? How will government­s respond? It will really be the government response that will have a huge impact on what happens next.”

The IMF said last year it would incorporat­e climate risks into decisionma­king, which could would undermine the already-weak viability of Vaca Muerta. María Marta Di Paola, the director of research at the Environmen­t and Natural Resources Foundation in Argentina, said the project was not aligned with the Paris climate agreement. “If the Vaca Muerta fracking expands as initially planned, its emissions will quadruple by 2050,” she wrote.

Stockman urged the IMF, Argentina and other government­s to move away from fossil fuels in their economic stimulus packages. More subsidies, he said, would simply set up another boom and bust in the future. “Rather than bailing companies out so that executives and shareholde­rs are protected, government­s should be using the stimulus to support clean energy production and demand, and help workers transition. That is not happening.”

While a lot of projects look uneconomic in the current situation, few are being actively scrapped when the prospects of a price spike may be only a year or so away. Once again, the absence of policies to guide and manage a transition are failing us on climate, as well as on equity, justice and preventing the next disaster.

 ?? Photograph: Instagram / Wrightsair ?? An independen­t scientific panel commission­ed by the Queensland government recommende­d a ban on fracking in the sensitive Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin.
Photograph: Instagram / Wrightsair An independen­t scientific panel commission­ed by the Queensland government recommende­d a ban on fracking in the sensitive Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin.

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