The Guardian (USA)

Trevor Noah on the pandemic: 'It's been especially hard on Donald Trump'

- Guardian staff

Late-night hosts discussed Donald Trump’s inability to follow safety precaution­s and his willingnes­s to let Americans die to protect the economy.

Trevor Noah

On The Daily Show, Trevor Noah spoke about the coronaviru­s pandemic being hard on everyone but “it’s been especially hard on Donald Trump” as he’s used to playing golf and travelling around “like an ignorant Dora the Explorer”.

On a trip to Arizona, the president left Air Force One and proceeded to try to shake the hand of a greeting official but instead opted for an awkward back slap. “What is the point in avoiding a handshake if you then wipe your hands all over the other guy’s suit?”

Noah asked. “At that point you’re just using him as a corona napkin.”

Trump also refused to wear a mask while visiting a mask factory. “The mask would literally the least distractin­g thing on his head,” he said.

During an ABC News interview, Trump claimed that he wasn’t preparing for the pandemic because of the “hoaxes” created by his detractors. “He spent three years not preparing for a pandemic because he was distracted by all the scandals he created,” he said.

Trump has also blamed Barack Obama for he inherited. “It feels like anytime Trump needs an excuse, his go-to is Obama,” he said. “He’s probably been doing this since he was a kid.”

Stephen Colbert

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert also commented on Trump refusing to wear a mask at the factory and instead choosing goggles. “Wearing goggles in a mask factory is like walking into the bedroom with a condom on your nose,” he said.

There was also word this week that the coronaviru­s taskforce might be shut down. “Of course this is Donald Trump so that means that things end when he finds a hotter, younger taskforce,” he joked.

In the aforementi­oned ABC News interview, Trump also said that reo

pening would put some people’s lives in jeopardy. “That’s just a risk that Trump is willing for you to take,” he said.

Colbert also joked that Keep America Great should be changed to “Kill Americans? Groovy” before playing footage of Live and Let Die being used as Trump’s backing track at the factory. “Are they punking us now?” he asked.

When asked what message he would give to grieving relatives, Trump said that they should be pleased that there will be a “raging economy” next year. Colbert said his response was “colder than the caves of Pluto”.

Jimmy Kimmel

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host showed footage of Trump pretending he was wearing a mask “backstage” at the factory while sitting in the Oval Office for National Nurses Day surrounded by nurses. “Clearly he did not wear a mask and, by the way, he’s sitting there with a bunch of nurses not wearing a mask saying this. Is this really a surprise?” he said. “If there’s one thing we know from Stormy Daniels it’s that wearing protection isn’t his No 1 concern.”

He also spoke about his ABC News interview: “I love when he claims he doesn’t want credit while he complains that he’s not getting credit.”

When asked about the mass loss of life, Trump said that no one has been losing more sleep than him over it. “Even in grief, he is No 1,” he said.

Kimmel added: “The reason you don’t sleep at night is because you’re watching Fox News and rage-tweeting at Kellyanne Conway’s husband.”

Samantha Bee

On Full Frontal, Samantha Bee said that another reason to be scared of going back to work is that “all of our offices definitely belong to the roaches now”.

She dedicated a segment to the various ways in which the government has responded that should teach us about how people should be treated in the future.

Bee spoke about the employment benefits for freelancer­s and those within the gig economy are now getting, calling it “the bare minimum”.

“It shouldn’t take a pandemic for us to start taking care of people,” she said.

Various insurers have lowered the exorbitant prices of vital medicine such as insulin, which is usually about $100 yet made for less than $5. “It’s like how a McDonald’s value meal used to cost $400 until the fry guys got caught spending that money on blood diamonds,” she joked.

There have also been TelAbortio­ns created, which help women in need call up and get everything they need for a 10-week or under abortion at home, “including a Sex and the City boxset that also functions as a heating pad”.

Airlines and other big brands have also been giving food away to those in need. “It shouldn’t just be up to companies seeking good PR to do it.,” she said. “America has enough food to feed everyone.”

She added: “We can afford to protect each other through social safety nets … We have to keep fighting for reimaginin­g a more equitable world.”

 ?? Photograph: YouTube ?? Trevor Noah on Trump: ‘He spent three years not preparing for a pandemic because he was distracted by all the scandals he created.’
Photograph: YouTube Trevor Noah on Trump: ‘He spent three years not preparing for a pandemic because he was distracted by all the scandals he created.’

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