The Guardian (USA)

Will Facebook's new oversight board be a radical shift or a reputation­al shield?

- Julia Carrie Wong

Anew era of social media governance began Wednesday, when the first 20 members of Facebook’s long-awaited oversight board were announced. The internatio­nal panel of free expression advocates, journalist­s, a former prime minister, a Nobel laureate, and law professors will have final say over certain content moderation decisions for the world’s largest social media platform, independen­t of Facebook’s executives and staff.

This limited transfer of power to an independen­t entity represents something of a sea change for a company that has since its founding been under the tight control of CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is chairman of the board and controls a majority of the company’s voting shares.

But will Facebook’s oversight board live up to its lofty promises and reshape how Facebook shapes the world? Or will it just be a reputation­al shield for a company whose pathologie­s run deeper than the question of whether individual pieces of content should be allowed or taken down?

“We are all committed to freedom of expression within the framework of internatio­nal norms of human rights,” the four co-chairs of the board – Catalina Botero-Marino, Jamal Greene, Michael W McConnell and Helle Thorning-Schmidt – wrote in a New York Times op-ed introducin­g themselves to the public Wednesday. “We will make decisions based on those principles and on the effects on Facebook users and society, without regard to the economic, political or reputation­al interests of the company.”

“I wish I could say that the Facebook review board was cosmetic, but I’m not even sure that it’s that deep,” said Siva Vaidhyanat­han, a professor of media studies at the University of Virginia and author of a book on Facebook. “If Facebook really wanted to take outside criticism seriously at any point in the past decade, it could have taken human rights activists seriously about problems in Myanmar; it could have taken journalist­s seriously about problems in the Philippine­s; it could have taken legal scholars seriously about the way it deals with harassment; and it could have taken social media scholars seriously about the ways that it undermines democracy in India and Brazil. But it didn’t. This is greenwashi­ng.”

The board’s initial work will be to review appeals of Facebook’s content takedowns, and it will be empowered to overrule decisions made by Facebook’s army of content moderators or executives.

In this way, the board appears designed to address the kind of controvers­ies that Facebook has faced over content with journalist­ic, historic or artistic merit that neverthele­ss violates the company’s advertiser-friendly “community standards”, such as the internatio­nal outcry over its censorship of the “Napalm girl” photograph in 2016 or the years-long legal dispute over its shuttering of the account of a Frenchman who had posted Gustave Courbet’s The Origin of the World. Other pressing issues that could face the panel include content from anti-vaccine activists, conspiracy theorists or rightwing extremists who have become adept at gaming the platform’s rules.

“Facebook is a company that was made by brilliant engineers, and they were extremely good at that, and then they discovered that they were going to have to make complex decisions that would tax anyone, that were moral, legal, ethical, about privacy,” said Alan Rusbridger, the former editor-in-chief of the Guardian and a member of the new oversight board. “Those are decisions that newspaper editors make every day of our lives.”

But Vaidhyanat­han argued that such questions are insignific­ant compared to Facebook’s power to amplify certain content over other content. And while Facebook has said that it may expand the scope of the oversight board’s decision making to other policy areas, it is unlikely that the board’s power will extend to re-tuning Facebook’s algorithms.

“The power of Facebook is its ability to choose what everyone sees,” said Vaidhyanat­han. “It’s not that it gets to choose what you post.”

Joan Donovan, the research director of Harvard’s Shorenstei­n Center and an expert on media manipulati­on, raised concerns that the board would become “weaponized” by bad actors, who will use it as another opportunit­y to get their issues into the press.

“This theory of oversight is heavily informed by legal scholarshi­p, which is slow and administra­tive and technical in nature, when we need something much more suited to the speed of the technology itself,” she said. “They’re going forward with this really long drawn out procedural mechanism that doesn’t address what the problem is – which is that viral content only needs to be on the internet for 4-8 hours for it to do its damage.”

Looking at the scale of the “infodemic” facing Facebook amid the coronaviru­s pandemic, Donovan said that the much more pressing concern is to solve the problem of “informatio­n curation, especially in a place like Facebook, that helps guide the user toward correct content and informatio­n rather than putting them in the middle a landfill and saying, ‘You sort it out’.” The oversight board is ultimately a distractio­n from “what really needs to happen”, she said, “which is to design technology that doesn’t allow for the expansive amplificat­ion of disinforma­tion and health misinforma­tion”.

The board’s makeup tends heavily toward legal experts and leaders, and Claire Wardle, the director of First Draft and an expert in misinforma­tion, said she hopes they will bring on more “practition­ers” in the future. “These are not people who have gotten down and dirty in closed Facebook groups with conspiracy theorists,” she said.

Still, Wardle said she was cautiously optimistic about the concept of the board and pleased with the caliber of its initial members, whose reputation­al heft could shift the power imbalance that Facebook’s critics have often faced.

“These people have too much reputation­al capital to lose to just do Facebook’s bidding,” she said.

Rusbridger also expressed measured optimism about the board’s potential to make a real difference. “If [Facebook] were being Machiavell­ian and this was just a fig leaf to do business as usual, you could have picked people that would have given you a quieter life.”

 ?? Photograph: Johanna Geron/Reuters ?? Facebook’s long awaited oversight board was announced on Wednesday.
Photograph: Johanna Geron/Reuters Facebook’s long awaited oversight board was announced on Wednesday.

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