The Guardian (USA)

Donald Trump goes without mask at Michigan Ford plant despite company request

- Joanna Walters in New York

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battlegrou­nd state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilator­s and personal protective equipment to use in the coronaviru­s crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

When asked if Trump was told it was acceptable not to wear a mask in the plant, the Ford executive chairman, Bill Ford, said, “It’s up to him.” The company had indicated before the visit that the president should wear a mask at the factory.

And the Michigan state attorney general, Dana Nessel, had written to the White House saying it was the law in Michigan that everyone should wear a mask in such a setting – an indoor venue with many people in attendance.

“The president is like a petulant child who refuses to follow the rules. This is not a joke,” she told CNN, adding that Trump’s behavior was “extremely disappoint­ing” and that thousands of people in Michigan have died from coronaviru­s.

The US death toll on Thursday surpassed 94,000 and there are more than 1.5m confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the nation.

Trump said he tested negative for Covid-19 on Thursday morning, but within the last week two senior White House aides have tested positive, and the president has said he has been taking the drug hydroxychl­oroquine as a prophylact­ic.

This despite it being not proven for treating the coronaviru­s and garnering stern warnings from federal regulators and the World Health Organizati­on that it should not be taken for coronaviru­s outside clinical trials.

Earlier in the visit to the state, Trump held a roundtable discussion with African American leaders concerning vulnerable population­s disproport­ionately hit by the virus.

Trump has consistent­ly disregarde­d guidance from the top federal public health experts, both urging people to wear masks in close company and urging states not to rush to reopen while the coronaviru­s is not under control in the US.

But the president continued his pressure for states to reopen for business nonetheles­s and on Thursday, at the discussion with African American leaders, urged the swift reopening of churches for in-person religious services.

He appeared to put pressure on the leading federal agency the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) when he told the roundtable: “We are opening our churches again. I think the CDC is going to put something out very soon, spoke to them today. I think they are going to put something out very soon. We got to open our churches.”

But he later acknowledg­ed that if he held political rallies again soon they would be outdoors.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who has clashed in recent weeks with Trump over statewide social restrictio­ns to limit coronaviru­s, and moves towards mail-in voting during the pandemic, prevailed on Thursday in a highstakes challenge from Republican lawmakers over her stay-at-home orders.

She was sued by the Republican­controlled state legislatur­e who disputed the extent of her authority to declare emergencie­s in Michigan, such as the coronaviru­s crisis, and mandate the reach and duration of restrictio­ns as a result. The legislatur­e will appeal, although Whitmer is moving to gradual reopening.

Early on Wednesday parts of central Michigan were hit by devastatin­g flooding after two dams burst, after many years of warnings, following record rains.

And Trump on Wednesday threatened to withhold federal funding from Michigan over its plan for expanded mail-in voting, spuriously claiming that the practice could lead to voter fraud – though he later appeared to back off

the threat.

Trump won Michigan in the 2016 election, the first Republican to do since 1988.

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