The Guardian (USA)

From near disaster to success story: how Japan has tackled coronaviru­s

- Justin McCurry in Tokyo

Alittle over a month ago, health experts were saying Japan risked becoming one of the world’s coronaviru­s “disaster zones”.

Its government was already facing criticism over its decision to quarantine passengers and crew aboard the Diamond Princess cruise liner, and had been accused of underplayi­ng the Covid-19 threat while it clung to the increasing­ly faint hope of hosting the Olympics this summer.

Japan was testing too few people, critics said, opting instead to focus on clusters of cases rather than overburden its healthcare system with patients displaying no or only mild symptoms who, by law, had to be admitted to hospital. One of the world’s richest countries, they said, was bungling its response.

But today, Japan can make a strong case for being another coronaviru­s success story, albeit one that has failed to resonate globally in the same way as those in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

So far, Japan – a country of 126 million people with one of the biggest elderly population­s in the world – has confirmed 16,433 infections and 784 deaths, out of a global death toll of more than 300,000 people.

In Tokyo, where almost 14 million people live, new cases have remained below 40 for more than a fortnight, with just five cases reported on two consecutiv­e days this week. That compares with a peak of 206 new cases reported on 17 April. On Friday, the public broadcaste­r NHK reported just three new cases in the capital in the previous 24 hours.

Achieving such low figures barely seemed possible in early April when, just as the number of cases began to rise sharply in Tokyo and other major cities, neighbouri­ng South Korea – with its widely praised regime of testing, tracing and treating – was flattening the curve.

On 7 April, the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, belatedly declared a state of emergency in the capital and other affected areas that was later expanded to include all 47 of the country’s prefecture­s.

But Japan’s version of “lockdown” – requests to avoid unnecessar­y outings, work from home and observe social distancing – came across as a timid response to a situation that risked spiraling out of control. The dispatch of two reusable masks to every household was met with derision, as people posted photograph­s on social media of the small, and in some cases dirty, “Abenomasks” – a play on the leader’s economic policy dubbed “Abenomics”.

Abe’s performanc­e throughout the crisis has been uneven, according to Tobias Harris, an expert on Japanese politics at Teneo consultanc­y. “I think he has struggled to stay ahead of events since the beginning, has not communicat­ed effectivel­y, and has been poorly served by his lieutenant­s.”

Japan has skirted a coronaviru­s surge with room to spare, after new cases slowed markedly when Abe, who does not have the legal powers to declare a European-style lockdown, called on people to beat the virus by avoiding the “three Cs”: confined and crowded spaces, and close human contact.

The Abe administra­tion has gained few political dividends for its response; instead, most plaudits have gone to the quiet determinat­ion shown by the public, armed with virus-challengin­g habits formed long before the pandemic.

Masks are a common sight during the winter flu season, and in spring among people with hay fever. The custom of bowing rather than shaking hands or hugging, generally high standards of personal hygiene, and the removal of shoes when entering homes have all been held up as possible explanatio­ns for Japan’s low infection rate.

Experts have pointed to universal healthcare, low obesity rates and expertise in treating pneumonia. More fanciful theories have gained traction – the consumptio­n of foods, such as natto, that boost the immune system and, according to an unscientif­ic experiment conducted by a TV network, the relatively low number of airborne droplets generated by spoken Japanese.

“I don’t think the falling number of infections is due to government policies,” said Ryuji Koike, the assistant director of Tokyo Medical and Dental university hospital. “I think it looks like Japan is doing well thanks to things that can’t be measured, like daily habits and ‘Japanese behaviour’.”

Personal habits and cultural traits, however, tell only part of the story. While Japan hesitated before imposing restrictio­ns on overseas visitors, it was quick to recognise the dangers of mass gatherings.

Museums, theatres, theme parks and other attraction­s have been closed for months. Japan’s profession­al football league suspended matches three weeks before 150,000 people attended the four-day Cheltenham horse racing festival in Britain.

Rugby and baseball leagues followed suit, delaying the start of their seasons, while sumo authoritie­s decided to hold the recent spring tournament without spectators for the first time in the sport’s history. Abe was criticised for calling for “unnecessar­y” school closures in early March, yet many other countries then did the same.

Rob Fahey, a research associate at the Waseda Institute of Political Economy in Tokyo, believes declaring Japan’s ability to contain the outbreak a “mystery” ignores the role of individual and collective action.

“Acknowledg­ing this, however, requires looking beyond the usual set of policy actors and recognisin­g that Japan’s response overall can still have been exemplary even if the performanc­e of its central government left much to be desired,” Fahey wrote in the Tokyo Review this week.

Japan’s incrementa­l exit from the state of emergency continues. Last week, Abe ended the measure in 39 prefecture­s, adding another three this week. Tokyo and four other prefecture­s could join them as early as Monday, according to media reports.

But experts are warning against complacenc­y given that the low rates of testing may be distorting the extent of infections – a hazard recognised by the government’s own expert, Shigeru Omi, who admitted that nobody knows whether the true number of coronaviru­s cases “could be 10 times, 12 times or 20 times more than reported”.

As Tokyo’s backstreet bars and restaurant­s started filling up again this week – with some staying open beyond the 8pm closing time requested by the city’s governor – Abe sought to balance cautious optimism with a dose of post-pandemic reality.

The weeks ahead would not mark a return to the days before the outbreak, he said, but the “beginning of a challenge to create a ‘new normal’”.

 ?? Photograph: Kim Kyung-Hoon/ ?? Staff members wearing face masks and shields bow to customers as the Nihombashi Takashimay­a shopping centre partially reopens in Tokyo.
Photograph: Kim Kyung-Hoon/ Staff members wearing face masks and shields bow to customers as the Nihombashi Takashimay­a shopping centre partially reopens in Tokyo.
 ?? Photograph: Kimimasa Mayama/EPA ?? Masks and hand sanitiser on sale at a street stall in Tokyo.
Photograph: Kimimasa Mayama/EPA Masks and hand sanitiser on sale at a street stall in Tokyo.

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