The Guardian (USA)

'Here's a bedsheet, make a parachute!' Republican­s say, pushing us out of a plane

- Hamilton Nolan

The Republican fetish for “work” has always been a sham. The prime beneficiar­ies of Republican policies are, after all, the investor class, who by definition make their money while not working. As our current economic crisis worsens, Republican­s cling to ideas that become increasing­ly separated from reality, like fundamenta­lists rejecting modern medicine even as their family member is dying. All of you, go back to work, or die trying! 

Most of the world has asked people to stop going to work – temporaril­y, in theory – for the sake of public health. In the wiser countries of the world, the government is covering the payrolls of businesses through the worst part of these shutdowns, which has the dual benefits of helping employers not go broke, and keeping workers paid and employed until things can start getting back to normal. 

America, of course, did not do anything so rational. Instead, we just sweetened unemployme­nt benefits, forcing nearly 40 million people to pile into broken and dysfunctio­nal state unemployme­nt systems, while millions more give up altogether. The US did an excellent job propping up the financial markets, a mediocre job giving lifelines to businesses, and a poor job saving working people. And now, as we stare down the worst unemployme­nt crisis since the Great Depression, Republican­s in Congress have a bright idea: cutting off the extra money we’ve been giving to unemployed people, and instead incentiviz­ing work. As if workers needed more incentive than desperatel­y trying to avoid starvation. 

Rob Portman, the Republican senator from Ohio, is proposing a temporary new $450-a-week bonus for unemployed people who go back to work. Consider the wonderful benefits this would provide: the Republican­s will do away with the $600-a-week benefit you are currently getting for the unemployme­nt you were forced into, and instead offer you a lesser amount in order to return to your job that no longer exists. The government’s failure to put in place a coherent response to this crisis from the beginning – a failure that will now force countless small businesses to close forever and will leave tens of millions of people persistent­ly unemployed and tens of millions more newly stuck in part-time jobs without benefits – will now be compounded by a weird adherence to the idea that everyone is dying to cling to public benefits for the rest of their lives, unless we force them to do otherwise. Portman’s plan is like pushing someone out of a plane and then offering them some string and a bed sheet on the way dow – incentiviz­e them to make their own parachute, rather than lazily relying on a government handout. (Republican­s are also pushing a capital gains tax “holiday”, so the investor class will be handed two parachutes each, just in case anything goes wrong with the first.) 

It is the lie at the heart of the Republican governing philosophy that causes all of these ludicrousl­y insufficie­nt responses to an existentia­l crisis. The fundamenta­l purpose of the Republican party is to cut taxes and otherwise serve the interests of the rich. That’s it. Everything else is in service of that goal. In order to hang on to enough electoral support to do this, they construct a morality tale about the sanctity of work and the evil of government handouts, a quasi-religious tale designed to ensure both the upper class and working class parts of the party’s base that the existing social arrangemen­t is honorable and right. Now that we find ourselves in a crisis for which the obvious solution is unpreceden­ted government support of the economy, the Republican party finds itself in a quandary. Doing what should be done would lead a lot of people to begin asking uncomforta­ble questions. If government aid can save us from another Great Depression, might it not be able to do something about inequality too? Republican­s simply can’t have that in their own party. 

What we will get instead are paltry tax credits and work incentives and much rhetoric about Strong Americans Rallying Around the Flag, while the stock market is backstoppe­d and everyone without six months of expenses saved up is told that risking their lives to return to work is the patriotic thing to do. In one sense, the Republican leadership was prepared for their role at this moment. Fomenting the possibilit­y of mass death in order to avoid any softening of the public’s attitude towards socialism is something that they have been adept at for many years. 

People need healthcare. People need jobs that pay a living wage. People need food, and the forgivenes­s of rent payments, and a social safety net that is up to the challenge of being strained like it never has before. These are things the Republican­s do not offer. They have an alternate plan: support for capital markets, a little bonus if you can find yourself a new job, and a vow to “wait and see” how things go, after state and local government­s are forced to slash public services. Doesn’t that sound nice? Your $0 stock portfolio can sustain you over the next year after the restaurant where you worked goes out of business. The closer you slide to homelessne­ss, the greater your incentive to participat­e in the economy will become. 

The government’s response to this crisis does not work for the majority of humans. But it does work for the Republican idea of work itself. Work comes above all. The more of your fellow Americans that die, the greater your chance of finding a new job. When you look at it like that, it’s a win-win situation.

Hamilton Nolan is a labor reporter at In These Times

 ??  ?? ‘The fundamenta­l purpose of the Republican party is to cut taxes and otherwise serve the interests of the rich.’ Photograph: Vladimir Smirnov/Tass
‘The fundamenta­l purpose of the Republican party is to cut taxes and otherwise serve the interests of the rich.’ Photograph: Vladimir Smirnov/Tass

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