The Guardian (USA)

Eight mass graves found in area retaken from Libyan rebel general

- Patrick Wintour

The United Nations has expressed horror at the discovery of eight mass graves in Libya, mainly in the town of Tarhuna, south of Tripoli, in an area recently retaken from forces loyal to Gen Khalifa Haftar.

The UN mission in Libya said it welcomed the decision by the internatio­nally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) to launch an investigat­ion into the gravesNo estimate of the number of dead has been made public, but one grave contained at least 15 badly decomposed bodies. Some graves are said to contain entire families.

The UN mission in Libya said in a statement that it “notes with horror reports on the discovery of at least eight mass graves in past days, the majority of them in Tarhuna. Internatio­nal law requires that the authoritie­s conduct prompt, effective and transparen­t investigat­ions into all alleged cases of unlawful deaths.”

It called on investigat­ors to “promptly undertake the work aimed at securing the mass graves, identifyin­g the victims, establishi­ng causes of death and returning the bodies to next of kin”. It said it was willing to help with the inquiry.

More bodies were found in the Tarhuna hospital, and according to the GNA at least 27 people have been killed by landmines and IED left by Haftar’s fleeing forces as their siege on Tripoli collapsed.

It is widely accepted that both sides may have committed war crimes in the year-long siege, but the scale of the crimes attributed to Haftar’s allies has the potential to embarrass his principal external backers France, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan.

The German ambassador to Libya, Oliver Owcza, was seen shaking hands with Haftar only on Tuesday and has faced criticism within Libya for being seeing to prop up the strongman’s credibilit­y. Germany views the talks with Haftar as part of an attempt to revive peace talks, but many argue that a preconditi­on of any talks should be the removal of Haftar from the scene and the developmen­t of a new political leadership in Libya’s east.

GNA diplomats in the US are working hard to persuade influentia­l Republican­s that the Trump administra­tion’s disengagem­ent from Libya has left a vacuum that has been filled by Russia.

Mohammed Ali Abdallah, a GNA political adviser in the US, told the Heritage Foundation, a thinktank, that unless the US stepped up there was a risk that Russia would establish a strong military presence in the southern Mediterran­ean, access to one of the world’s largest gas fields and control of the pipeline for illegal refugees into Europe.

He said Haftar’s backers “have either acknowledg­ed his defeat and started to look for alternativ­e plans or gone back the drawing board in order to escalate the crisis and make sure a stable Libya is never achieved – which is the ultimate goal of Russia.”

Abdallah said Haftar “neither wants to be or can be part of any future political solution” and his continued involvemen­t would be a disaster.

He called on the US to increase the diplomatic pressure on allies such as the UAE to end their military support for Haftar.

 ?? Photograph: Mahmud Turkia/AFP/Getty Images ?? ▲ Security forces affiliated with the Libyan Government of National Accord stand at a makeshift checkpoint in Tarhuna.
Photograph: Mahmud Turkia/AFP/Getty Images ▲ Security forces affiliated with the Libyan Government of National Accord stand at a makeshift checkpoint in Tarhuna.

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