The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on coronaviru­s harms: pandemic shows inequities are deadly

- Editorial

Last month Boris Johnson claimed “it’s humanity against the virus – we are in this together”. The path of the pandemic shows we are not. In deprived areas of England and Wales people are dying from Covid-19 at more than twice the rate than in affluent areas. The disease disproport­ionately infects and kills black and minority ethnic people, revealing a racial pandemic within the viral pandemic. The reason for this is that Britain is an extremely unequal place. There’s a social gradient in health which means that even in normal times the poor die earlier than the rich. There is also a “weathering” effect where poor health results from a lifetime of discrimina­tion. The coronaviru­s pandemic has highlighte­d and amplified such inequaliti­es with deadly results.

Ministers prefer to talk about the vulnerabil­ity to coronaviru­s in terms of biology rather than society. That is understand­able given that a decade of Tory government has not reduced health inequaliti­es but exacerbate­d them. If people live in poorer areas they will have councils struggling with fewer resources and find themselves with shorter, less empathetic GP consultati­ons. They won’t be as shielded from the virus as those who live in wellheeled parts of the country. If people have low-paying work that can’t be done remotely, have to take public transport to get to frontline jobs, or live in crowded houses, they do not have the same fighting chance as those higher up the social scale. The disease knows where to find the weakest links.

Pandemics are not “great equalisers” impacting rich and poor alike. Their effects will be shaped by the policies that reinforce the divisions in society. There has been no national strategy to tackle health inequaliti­es because ministers do not want to acknowledg­e that these disparitie­s exist. Similarly, that structural racism plays a part in the severity of coronaviru­s infection is not something ministers want to hear, because they do not want to act. They prefer sermons about how the virus does not discrimina­te between individual­s. Their response to official studies that reveal otherwise is to bury them.

Mr Johnson continues with policies and statements that contribute to the vilificati­on of minority groups while feigning concern that they are being marginalis­ed. Perhaps the prime minister sows seeds of division because he calculates that he can profit from them politicall­y. This strategy of scapegoati­ng migrants was honed by the Vote Leave campaign, whose main players now sit in Downing Street. While Priti Patel, the home secretary, last week offered apologies after the BBC’s dramatisat­ion of the real-life story of wrongful detention and threatened deportatio­n of a British black man, the policies that caused the Windrush scandal have never been repealed, and she has made no commitment to reverse them. In a similar manner, ministers know that people in unstable jobs and without access to adequate sick pay face increased risk of poor health but are fighting a legal case brought by a trade union over such discrimina­tory employment protection­s.

Covid-19 may be new, but the inequities it gives rise to are not. If we want to prevent these from recurring then the conditions that heighten the health risks must be tackled. The pandemic shows that our fates are interconne­cted but also that divisions unfairly leave the most vulnerable to bear the greatest human loss. Mr Johnson was relaxed about poverty and race because he thought the voters were too. Ever the glib opportunis­t, his levelling-up agenda has been unmasked as austerity in disguise. Coronaviru­s has put the social question back into the centre of politics, with the public rightly demanding an answer.

 ??  ?? ‘Boris Johnson continues with policies and statements that contribute to the vilificati­on of minority groups while feigning concern that they are being marginalis­ed.’ Photograph: James Veysey/Rex/Shuttersto­ck
‘Boris Johnson continues with policies and statements that contribute to the vilificati­on of minority groups while feigning concern that they are being marginalis­ed.’ Photograph: James Veysey/Rex/Shuttersto­ck

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