The Guardian (USA)

So Gen Z-ers hate millennial­s now? A handy guide to the generation wars

- Poppy Noor

There may well have been a time when age was not considered a personalit­y trait. But not any more – because if there is one thing that solidifies something as being real, it’s a new term. And there are terms aplenty when it comes to the generation­s that divide us: boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, millennial­s … and Gen Z.

But for those of us who have been condensing these brackets – viewing everyone over the age of 40 as a boomer and everyone under that age as a millennial – there may be a surprise for you coming: you are being offensive – at least to real young people (AKA Gen Z).

Those aged under 25 no longer want to be compared to millennial­s, and have been vocal about it on social media for some time.In March, TikTok celebrity Isabella Avila posted a video complainin­g about being confused with Facebook-using, avocadotoa­st-loving millennial­s.

“Just because you’re so old you can’t remember the difference, doesn’t mean it’s OK to lump us altogether,” she said.

If you are guilty of that particular crime, this handy little guide on how to navigate the age wars might help.

No. It turns out millennial­s – some of whom are 40 now (gross!), are actually very uncool, and very different from Gen Z.

Really? I thought boomers were the problem.

Boomers are the problem. No one likes boomers.

OK. So how come we hate millennial­s too, now?

Millennial­s are a very distinct group. They do things like: sort themselves into Harry Potter houses aged 34, say the word “doggo” a lot, and complain about “adulting”.

Anything else?

It looks like most of Gen Z today would rather be boomers than hear one more millennial talk about not wanting to be spoken to before they have their morning “coffee”.

Wow. I’m a millennial, and that was sort of close to the bone. How can I fight back?

Just make fun of Gen Z for only wanting to tear stuff down because they don’t pay taxes.

Burn! So millennial­s hate Gen Z, too?

Yes, in fact you can find millennial­s making fun of Gen Z for being superior, puritanica­l, revolution­ary to the point of nihilistic – oh, and not being able to get into clubs.

Where are the boomers in all this?

Well, boomers are the ones who first started making fun of millennial­s. Remember when they accused young people – sorry, millennial­s – of not being able to afford their own homes because they eat too much avocado toast? Many millennial­s hated this, pointing out that boomers are the ones who parented millennial­s, so why are they surprised at how they came out?

Yeah! Leave millennial­s alone!

… which leads to Gen Z pointing out that millennial­s are obviously so lame because they grew up under boomers.

So how does this all end?

Apparently Gen Alpha is coming, and they’re going to think we’re all old and lame, even Gen Z.

Sounds like it might be time for some good old age-irrelevant solidarity.

Ugh, what a millennial thing to say.

 ??  ?? It turns out millennial­s – some of whom are 40 now (gross!), are actually very uncool, and very different from Gen Z. Photograph: Deagreez/Getty Images/iStockphot­o
It turns out millennial­s – some of whom are 40 now (gross!), are actually very uncool, and very different from Gen Z. Photograph: Deagreez/Getty Images/iStockphot­o

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