The Guardian (USA)

Trump family tries to block publicatio­n of book by president's niece – report

- Guardian staff

Donald Trump’s family has gone to court to try to block publicatio­n of a tell-all book by the US president’s niece, Mary Trump, the New York Times reported.

According to her publisher, New York-based Simon & Schuster, Mary Trump’s book will describe “a nightmare of traumas, destructiv­e relationsh­ips, and a tragic combinatio­n of neglect and abuse” within the Trump clan.

The New York Times said that a request for a temporary restrainin­g order had been filed by Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, in Queens county surrogate’s court in New York, which handled the estate of the deceased family patriarch, Fred Trump.

The court papers say that Mary Trump had previously signed a nondisclos­ure agreement and that the book violates its terms, the newspaper reported.

Mary Trump’s Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man is set to be released in July and has already created a storm of media coverage based solely on the publisher’s notes describing its content as explaining the inner workings of “one of the world’s most powerful and dysfunctio­nal families”.

According to her social media profiles, Mary Trump, a clinical psychologi­st from Long Island, is no fan of her famous and powerful uncle and has expressed strong support for liberal causes.

Nor is hers the only book currently bedeviling the Trump administra­tion. Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton has just published his unvarnishe­d account of working for the White House – which Trump also tried to block. That book has generated days of negative headlines around the world.

 ?? Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images ?? Donald Trump in San Luis, Arizona, on 23 June.
Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images Donald Trump in San Luis, Arizona, on 23 June.

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