The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on Israel and annexation: unlawful, unwise and immoral

- Editorial

Annexation looks like the executione­r of the two-state solution. Israel has changed the facts on the ground, with the rapid growth of settlement­s rendering that goal less and less viable. But the declaratio­n of sovereignt­y over parts of the occupied territorie­s, in putting a formal seal on physical realities, will be a new and terrible moment, and above all a fresh injustice to Palestinia­ns.

Under the deal agreed to form Israel’s unhappy unity government, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, can begin annexation from 1 July. But the plans may be delayed. Benny Gantz, Mr Netanyahu’s coalition partner and political foe, has said that the date is neither “sacred” nor urgent, given a second surge in coronaviru­s cases and economic damage from the first. While Donald Trump is as erratic as ever, Israeli media have reported that a lack of US support is pushing back an announceme­nt.

The plans may also be diminished. Though Mr Netanyahu has leaned towards a maximalist stance, including all of the Jordan Valley and up to 30% of the West Bank, there are signs that the internatio­nal pushback may have led him to initially focus on a handful of settlement blocks close to Jerusalem in an essentiall­y symbolic move.

The corruption charges that Mr Netanyahu faces mean that he needs a big prize for voters. Though some think an eternally deferred promise may be more useful to him than delivery, too long a delay might mean a new US president thanks to November’s election: Joe Biden is unlikely to keep handing Mr Netanyahu gifts as Mr Trump has done, even if he also seems unlikely to claim them back.

Whenever annexation comes, and whatever precise form it takes, it will breach internatio­nal law. As Michelle Bachelet, the UN high commission­er for human rights, observed: “Annexation is illegal. Period. Whether it is 30% of the West Bank, or 5%.”

The consequenc­es for Israel and its neighbours are far-reaching and potentiall­y calamitous. More than 200 former leaders from Mossad, Shin Bet, the military and the police have said that it risks igniting “a serious conflagrat­ion”, including through the collapse of the Palestinia­n Authority. King Abdullah of Jordan warned of a “massive conflict”. The UN secretary general, António Guterres, has warned that it would destabilis­e the region. Yet critics point out that Mr Netanyahu and others will have factored these issues into their thinking and have calculated that Jordan and Egypt, for instance, will ultimately uphold agreements which serve their own interests.

What is unarguable is that annexation is wrong. Israeli voices that angrily rejected comparison­s with apartheid South Africa in the past now draw it themselves as they contemplat­e the institutio­nalisation of the military occupation, without the granting of citizenshi­p or equal rights to Palestinia­ns. The lawyer Michael Sfard predicts a large-scale expropriat­ion of Palestinia­n land and property, and expulsions.

Leading Jewish figures and groups in the UK, the US and elsewhere have expressed concern and outrage. The internatio­nal condemnati­on has been loud. But no country has taken concrete measures in response, notes Saeb Erekat, the chief negotiator for the Palestinia­n Authority.

Labour has said it will support a ban on Israeli imports made in West Bank settlement­s if the annexation goes ahead. The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has warned that its ties with Israel will “inevitably” retract. There is a precedent: the sanctions imposed on Russia over the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol. Be they diplomatic or economic, real consequenc­es are now required.

 ??  ?? A protest in Gaza against Israel’s plans to annex the West Bank. ‘The lawyer Michael Sfard predicts the large-scale expropriat­ion of Palestinia­n land and property, and expulsions.’ Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
A protest in Gaza against Israel’s plans to annex the West Bank. ‘The lawyer Michael Sfard predicts the large-scale expropriat­ion of Palestinia­n land and property, and expulsions.’ Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

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