The Guardian (USA)

Boris Johnson accused of plan to 'emasculate' UK devolution

- Libby Brooks, Steven Morris and Lisa O'Carroll

Boris Johnson has been accused of planning an “emasculati­on” of the devolution settlement, with senior officials and politician­s warning that plans for a post-Brexit UK-wide internal market will put Scotland and Wales on a collision course with Westminste­r.

As support for Scottish independen­ce shows a sustained polling lead and the Welsh parliament prepares for a debate on Wednesday about holding an independen­ce referendum, the UK government has been accused of bringing a “statutory fist crashing down” as it attempts to regulate policy and standards across the four parts of the UK.

Sources voiced concerns about a more aggressive approach towards devolution from a new generation of Conservati­ve politician­s. Some observers believe coronaviru­s has brought home the true extent of the devolved parliament­s’ ability to diverge from London. Health is a devolved matter, and the four countries of the UK have reached contrastin­g decisions and timelines for imposing and easing lockdown measures.

The Welsh government in particular has profound concerns about a lack of communicat­ion with the UK government. Its first minister, Mark Drakeford, has not spoken to Johnson since 28 May, which was also the last contact Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish first minister, had with the PM.

Drakeford said last week: “If you are minister for the union [the title Johnson used when he became prime minister], speaking to the component parts of the union seems to me a sensible way of dischargin­g those responsibi­lities.”

Immediate concerns surround proposals to legislate for a post-Brexit UK internal market, which are expected to be published before the Commons recess this month and are believed to include two elements that could undermine the powers of devolved parliament­s. First is a plan for an unelected oversight body that would hold any new devolved bills to a “market impact test”, which the Scottish government believes would have jeopardise­d Scotland-only initiative­s such as free university tuition, minimum unit pricing for alcohol or the introducti­on of a smoking ban before the rest of the UK.

Second is the proposal for a “mutual recognitio­n regime” requiring regulatory standards in one part of the UK to be automatica­lly accepted in others. Jeremy Miles, the Welsh counsel general and minister for European transition, said this would “drive a coach and horses through the capacity of individual government­s in different parts of the UK to deliver policy objectives in their economies”.

In practice this could leave them unable to reject UK government decisions on, for example, chlorinate­d chicken or geneticall­y modified (GM) organisms, he said, adding: “If the UK government does what it tends to do, which is to deregulate, it will create intolerabl­e pressures on the UK in terms of internal market.”

A senior member of the Northern

Irish assembly suggested that Michael Gove, who this month was appointed by Johnson to head up a cabinet sub-committee on the union alongside Rishi Sunak, is trying to reassert his government’s power over the devolved administra­tions.

Michael Russell, Scotland’s Brexit minister, described “an inbuilt hostility to devolution” and said: “This group don’t believe, in the era of Brexit, that they should be sharing power with anyone. Some of them are senior ministers. They certainly don’t believe that there is any right for the Scottish parliament, or Welsh assembly, to operate.”

Sources in all three devolved government­s describe varying degrees of frustratio­n at the lack of consultati­on or clarity, although the Brexit withdrawal agreement’s Northern Ireland protocol means exceptiona­l rules will be in place from January, which Johnson initially tried to dismiss, claiming there would be no checks on goods entering the region.

While Miles insisted the Welsh government “want[s] the union to work”, he said any mutual recognitio­n scheme “needs to be agreed between the four government­s, not imposed by one, and it needs to be flexible and nimble, not a statutory fist crashing down across the UK.”

Proposals to enshrine mutual recognitio­n in law would “create a huge constituti­onal fight”, he said. “In essence it emasculate­s the devolution settlement. That’s not going to be tolerated.”

The Welsh and Scottish government­s have written to Gove setting out these concerns. Russell said his letter made it clear that “we’re not going along with it. If it’s a voluntary code we won’t observe it, if it’s legislatio­n we’ll challenge it every inch of the way”.

A UK government spokespers­on said:“We continue to seek a shared approach to the UK internal market with the devolved administra­tions. Unfortunat­ely, however, the Scottish government voluntaril­y withdrew from this piece of work over a year ago. We will continue to engage with all three devolved administra­tions on how best we can bring people together and protect businesses throughout the UK.”

 ??  ?? The Senedd in Cardiff. The Welsh government has profound concerns about the lack of communicat­ion with UK ministers. Photograph: Matthew Horwood/Getty Images
The Senedd in Cardiff. The Welsh government has profound concerns about the lack of communicat­ion with UK ministers. Photograph: Matthew Horwood/Getty Images

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