The Guardian (USA)

Anne Applebaum: how my old friends paved the way for Trump and Brexit

- Nick Cohen

Anne Applebaum can look at the wreck of democratic politics and understand it with a completene­ss few contempora­ry writers can match. When she asks who sent Britain into the unending Brexit crisis, or inflicted the Trump administra­tion on America, or turned Poland and Hungary into one-party states, she does not need to search press cuttings. Her friends did it, she replies. Or, rather, her former friends. For if they are now embarrasse­d to have once known her, the feeling is reciprocat­ed.

Applebaum’s latest book, Twilight of Democracy: The Failure of Politics and theParting of Friends, opens with a scene a novelist could steal. On 31 December 1999, Applebaum and her husband, Radosław Sikorski, a minister in Poland’s then centre-right government, threw a party. It was a Millennium Eve housewarmi­ng for a manor house in the western Poland they had helped rebuild from ruins. The company of Poles, Brits, Americans and Russians could say that they had rebuilt a ruined world. Unlike the bulk of the left of the age, they had stood up against the Soviet empire and played a part in the fall of a cruel and suffocatin­g tyranny. They had supported free markets, free elections, the rule of law and democracie­s sticking together in the EU and Nato, because these causes – surely – were the best ways for nations to help their people lead better lives as they faced Russian and Chinese power, Islamism and climate change.

They were young and happy. History’s winners. “At about three in the morning,” Applebaum recalls, “one of the wackier Polish guests pulled a pistol from her handbag and shot blanks into the air out of sheer exuberance.”

Applebaum was at the centre of the overlappin­g circles of guests. For the Americans, she was a child of the Republican establishm­ent. Her father was a lawyer in Washington DC and she was educated at Yale and Oxford universiti­es. Now her Republican friends are divided between a principled minority, who know that defeating Trump is the only way to save the American constituti­on, and the rest, who have, to use a word she repeats often, “collaborat­ed” as surely as the east Europeans she studied as a historian collaborat­ed with the invading Soviet forces after 1945.

Even when she was young, you could see the signs of the inquiring spirit that has made her a great historian. She went to work as a freelance journalist in eastern Europe while it was still under Soviet occupation and too drab and secretive a posting for most young reporters. She then made a standard career move and joined the Economist. But it was too dull for her liking and she moved to the Spectator in the early 1990s. The dilettante style of English conservati­sm charmed her. “These people don’t take themselves seriously and could never do serious harm,” she thought, as she watched Simon Heffer and his colleagues compete to see who could deliver the best Enoch Powell impersonat­ion. She came to know the conservati­ve philosophe­r Roger Scruton and Margaret Thatcher’s speechwrit­er John O’Sullivan, figures taken with unwarrante­d seriousnes­s at the time. They had helped east European dissidents struggling against Soviet power in the 1980s and appeared to believe in democracy. Why would she doubt it? How could she foresee that Scruton and O’Sullivan would one day accept honours from Viktor Orbán, as he establishe­d a dictatorsh­ip in Hungary, whose rigged elections and statecontr­olled judiciary and media are now not so far away from the communists’ one-party state.

What was life in the English right like then, I asked in a call to her Polish lockdown in that restored manor house in the countrysid­e between Warsaw and the German border. “It was fun,” she said.

It isn’t now.

Her husband knew Boris Johnson. They were both members of the Bullingdon Club at Oxford. She assumed that he was as much a liberal internatio­nalist as Sikorski was. When the couple met Johnson for dinner in 2014, she noted his laziness and “all-consuming narcissism”, as well as the undoubted charisma that was to seduce and then ruin his country. In those days, Johnson appeared friendly. He was alarmed by the global challenge to democracy, he told them, and wanted to defend “the culture of freedom and openness and tolerance”. They asked about Europe. “No one serious wants to leave the EU,” he replied, which was true enough as Johnson was to prove when he came out for Brexit.

As for the Poles at the party, they knew Applebaum as a friend who had co-authored a Polish cookbook, and published histories of communism, which never forgot its victims.

Today she is a heretical figure across the right in Europe and America. Many of her guests would damage their careers if they admitted to their new masters they had once broken bread at her table.

Heretics make the best writers. They understand a movement better than outsiders, and can relate its faults because they have seen them close up. Religions can tolerate pagans. They are mere unbeliever­s who have never known the way, the truth and the light. The heretic has the advantages of the inside trader. She can use her knowledge to expose and betray the faithful. One question always hangs in the air, however: who is betraying whom? Although

Applebaum has left the right, and stopped voting Conservati­ve in Britain in 2015 and Republican in the US in 2008, she can make a convincing case that the right betrayed her.

In person, Applebaum combines intense concentrat­ion with an exuberant delight in human folly. You can be in the middle of a deadly serious conversati­on and suddenly she will break into a grin as the memory of a politician’s hypocrisy or an incomprehe­nsible stupidity hits her. As the western crisis has deepened, the intensity has come to dominate her writing as she provides urgently needed insights.

You can read thousands of discussion­s of the “root causes” of what we insipidly call “populism”. The academic studies aren’t all wrong, although too many are suspicious­ly partial. The left says austerity and inequality caused Brexit and Trump, proving they had always been right to oppose austerity and inequality. The right blames woke politics and excessive immigratio­n, and again you can hear the self-satisfacti­on in the explanatio­n.

Applebaum offers an overdue corrective. She knows the personal behind the political. She understand­s that the nationalis­t counter-revolution did not just happen. Politician­s hungry for office, plutocrats wanting the world to obey their commands, second-rate journalist­s sniffing a chance of recognitio­n after years of obscurity, and Twitter mob-raisers and fake news fraudsters, who find a sadist’s pleasure in humiliatin­g their opponents, propelled causes that would satisfy them.

Applebaum let out a snort that must have been heard for miles around her Polish home when I mentioned the journalist and author David Goodhart’s pro-Brexit formulatio­n that we are living through an uprising by the “people from somewhere” against the “people from nowhere” – a modern variant on the old communist condemnati­ons of “rootless cosmopolit­ans”, incidental­ly. It’s a war of one part of the elite against another part of the elite, she says. Brexit was an elite project. “The game was to get everyone to go along with it”. Were all the southern Tories who voted for it a part of the oppressed masses? “And who do you think funded the campaign?”

She is as wary of the commonplac­e view that supporters of Trump, say, are conformist­s, who have been brainwashe­d online or by Fox News. They may be now in some part, but brainwashi­ng does not explain how populist movements begin. Their leaders weren’t from small towns full of abandoned shops and drug-ridden streets. They were metropolit­ans, with degrees from Oxford in the case of Johnson and Dominic Cummings. The men and women Applebaum knew were not loyal drones but filled with a dark restlessne­ss. They may pose as the tribunes of the common people now but they were members of the intellectu­al and educated elite willing to launch a war on the rest of the intellectu­al and educated elite.

Populist activists are outsiders only in that they feel insufficie­ntly rewarded. And their opponents should never underestim­ate what their self-pitying vanity can make them do.

One of Applebaum’s closest Polish friends, the godmother of one of her children, and a guest at the 1999 party, provided her with the most striking example. She moved from being a comfortabl­e but obscure figure to become a celebrated Warsaw hostess and a confidante to Poland’s new rulers. She signalled her break and opened her prospects for advancemen­t with a call to Applebaum within days of the Smolensk air crash of April 2010. She let her know she was adopting a conspiracy theory that would make future friendship impossible.

Outsiders need to take a deep breath before trying to understand it. Among the dead was Lech Kaczyński, the president of Poland, who controlled the rightwing populist party Law and Justice with his twin brother, Jarosław Kaczyński. The party has grown to dominate Polish politics, and the supposedly independen­t courts, media and civil service. The flight recorder showed that the pilot had come in too low in thick fog, and that was

 ??  ?? ‘Given the right conditions any society can turn against democracy’: Anne Applebaum photograph­ed last week at her home in Poland. Photograph: Piotr Malecki
‘Given the right conditions any society can turn against democracy’: Anne Applebaum photograph­ed last week at her home in Poland. Photograph: Piotr Malecki
 ??  ?? Anne Applebaum with her husband, Radosław Sikorski. Photograph: Wojciech Stróżyk/Rex/Shuttersto­ck
Anne Applebaum with her husband, Radosław Sikorski. Photograph: Wojciech Stróżyk/Rex/Shuttersto­ck

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