The Guardian (USA)

Ten years from graduating, I'm still not sure university was a good decision

- Eleanor Margolis

Under my bed, in a shoebox covered in dust, lie a disused strap-on and my degree. In a sense, this physical copy of my 2:1 in English literature from a middlerank­ing university is the most expensive thing I own. This month marks 10 years since I graduated into a thumping recession and – joke’s on you, Student Loans Company – a whole decade in which I haven’t paid off a single penny of my student debt. A fact that has made me look back on those three years, all that time ago, I spent at uni and wonder – what exactly wasthat?

Obviously, I was incredibly lucky to go to university. Especially at a time when tuition fees were a third of what they are now. Or – perhaps more pertinentl­y – at a time where a global pandemic wasn’t sending the entire education system into a very real existentia­l crisis. I was lucky that my middle classness made higher education an inevitabil­ity. Like growing boobs and starting my period, university was a fact of life. When it came to choosing my degree, I simply went with the subject I’d always done best in at school.

It never occurred to me there was any other way. But this was when I was still a a perpetuall­y horny, semicloset­ed lesbian teenager with depression and anxiety up to the eyeballs, and the self-esteem of a naked mole rat that finds itself in a hall of mirrors. I was in no way ready to make a major life decision that would cost me tens of thousands of pounds. I had no idea who I was yet, let alone how I should be spending the next three years of my existence.

I assumed I’d muddle through it – just how I’d muddled through GCSEs and A-levels. You do the reading, you churn out essays, you progress to whatever the next thing is that’s expected of you. Plus, the work side of things was a minor considerat­ion compared to the thought of all the other queer girls I might meet. It was going to be fun, eyeopening, vital.

It was and it wasn’t. Over the next

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