The Guardian (USA)

Biden holds daunting lead over Trump as US election enters final stretch

- Lauren Gambino in Washington

One hundred days before the presidenti­al election, Joe Biden has built a commanding and enduring lead over Donald Trump, whose path to victory has narrowed considerab­ly in the months since the coronaviru­s pandemic began.

The president’s fortunes appear increasing­ly tied to the trajectory of a public health crisis he has failed to contain, with the death toll past 145,000 and the economy in turmoil.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll this month showed Biden far ahead of Trump, 55% to 40% among registered voters. That contrasted with March, when Biden and Trump were locked in a near tie as the virus was just beginning to spread.

The same poll found Trump’s approval ratings had crumbled to 39%, roughly the same share of the electorate that approved of his response to the outbreak while 60% disapprove­d. Especially troubling for the president are a new spate of polls that suggest he is losing his edge on the economy, formerly Biden’s greatest vulnerabil­ity.

“It is very hard to envision a scenario where you can make an argument for the president’s re-election if unemployme­nt is well over 10% and there’s no sign that the pandemic is under control,” said Michael Steel, a Republican strategist who was an adviser for Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

“The political environmen­t and the economic situation could look very different 100 days from now, but if the election were held today, it is very likely that the former vice-president would win – and pretty substantia­lly.”

Surveys show Biden ahead in a clutch of battlegrou­nd states that secured Trump’s victory in 2016, including Wisconsin, Pennsylvan­ia and Michigan. A Quinnipiac University poll of Florida, seen as crucial for Trump, found Biden up by 13 points.

Biden’s campaign is now eyeing an expanded electoral map that could also deliver control of the Senate, challengin­g Trump in traditiona­lly Republican states like Arizona, where the former vice-president has consistent­ly led in statewide polls, as well as in conservati­ve stronghold­s like Texas, where a new Quinnipiac poll found the candidates neck-and-neck.

Trump has dismissed polling that shows him losing as “fake”, adamant that he defied Beltway prognostic­ators in 2016 and is poised to do it again. “I’m not losing,” he insisted during a recent Fox News Sunday interview, when presented with the network’s latest poll showing him trailing Biden by eight points.

Political strategist­s caution that much can – and almost certainly will – change in the coming months, especially in a race shaped so profoundly by the pandemic. There is a general expectatio­n the contest will be closely fought, as presidenti­al elections have been for decades in a deeply polarized climate.

At the same time, widespread uncertaint­y hangs over the security and administra­tion of an election again threatened by foreign interferen­ce and disinforma­tion. The pandemic has raised new concerns about voting procedures, amid Trump’s escalating attacks on mail-in ballots and unpreceden­ted efforts to sow doubt about the legitimacy of the result in November.

Trump’s prospects likely hinge on his ability to persuade Americans he deserves a second term. Yet he remains almost-singularly focused on rallying a loyal but shrinking core of supporters. In recent weeks, he has sought to stoke white fear and cultural backlash with an aggressive response to antiracism protests, a defense of Confederat­e monuments and a dark Fourth of July speech in which he claimed children are being taught to “hate” America.

The approach worked in 2016, but the nation has changed, transforme­d by the pandemic, economic crisis and a growing racial justice movement ignited by the death of George Floyd.

“Trump’s problem is that he wants to run a campaign like it’s 2016, but he’s been the guy in charge for the last four years,” said Heidi Heitkamp, a former Democratic senator from North Dakota.

Heitkamp believes Trump’s re-election chances are bound up with his economic approval rating. Once a bright spot for the president, voter dissatisfa­ction with his handling of the economy has risen ominously as the outbreak worsened in many parts of the country.

Without a strong economy to preside over, she said Trump “doesn’t have a theory of the case for his re-election.”

In recent weeks, the president has tried to draw attention to criticisms of Biden and frame the election as a choice between a political outsider and an establishm­ent insider. But Trump is no longer the insurgent of 2016. He is the president, amid a historic crisis that a majority of Americans say he has mishandled.

Even his supporters view November as a referendum on his presidency. Among Trump voters, 72% said reelecting him was most important to them in this election, the Washington Post-ABC News poll found. Among Biden voters, 67% said it was most important to defeat the president.

There are signs the president is beginning to grasp the severity of the challenges facing him. After weeks of dismissing surges in infections, hospitaliz­ations and deaths across the south and west as the last “embers” of a pandemic that had been largely curbed, Trump abruptly changed his posture.

He has encouraged Americans to wear face masks – which he had long resisted – and resumed the White House coronaviru­s news conference.

On Thursday, Trump announced that the Republican convention in Jacksonvil­le, Florida, would be cancelled, citing the threat of the virus, which is ravaging the state. Democrats have also scrapped plans for a traditiona­l convention, moving their event largely online.

Since becoming the presumptiv­e Democratic nominee in April, Biden has run a relatively low-key campaign from his home in Wilmington, Delaware, improving his standing in the race even as he shrunk from the national spotlight.

Despite a contentiou­s primary, the party has largely united behind him while his campaign has ramped up fundraisin­g, narrowing the president’s once-vast cash advantage.

Biden is also buoyed by polls showing him carrying women by a historic margin and building a lead with independen­ts and moderates. Since Trump’s election, white suburban women have fled the Republican party, joining with women of color to help Democrats regain the House in 2018. In recent weeks, Trump has attacked Biden on such turf, issuing blunt appeals to the “Suburban Housewives of America”.

As in 2016, both candidates are widely disliked, a reflection of deep polarizati­on and the disenchant­ment many Americans feel. That year, voters who disliked both candidates swung hard for Trump. Four years later, polling suggests voters who don’t like their options – the so-called “haters” – strongly prefer Biden.

Perhaps even more worrisome for Trump is an erosion of support among older voters, who are disproport­ionately vulnerable to the pandemic. Retaining his dominance with such Americans, who tend to turn out at higher rates and are overly represente­d in swing states, is critical.

There are risks for Biden, too, particular­ly as the race intensifie­s.

Trump supporters are far more enthusiast­ic and committed to voting than are supporters of Biden. And Democrats worry particular­ly about support from black, Hispanic and young voters, who are crucial to building a winning coalition.

“Who he picks for VP is going to tell us a lot about not only what his vision is but it’s going to tell us the direction of the Democratic party,” said LaTosha Brown, co-founder of Black Voters Matter, describing it as the “most significan­t” decision Biden will make in the next 100 days.

Biden has vowed to name a woman, but Brown believes choosing a black woman would “meet the moment”.

“We’re in the midst of a highly racially polarized environmen­t,” she said. “Black people are, quite frankly, fed up. People are not going to be OK with politics as usual.”

Few count Trump out. If the pandemic abates and the economy rebounds, he could benefit. A national disaster or a supreme court vacancy could shift the dynamics of the race. The Trump campaign’s massive ad campaign to define Biden as weak and ineffectua­l could begin to resonate.

“This race is far from over,” said Sam Nunberg, a former adviser to Trump. “The president has proved that he can come back from behind before.”

Yet after years of bending reality to his political will, Trump has seemingly accepted that he cannot will the coronaviru­s away.

Ian Sams, a Democratic strategist and adviser to Navigator Research, a left-leaning polling firm which tracks public opinion on the coronaviru­s, has closely monitored the relationsh­ip between approval of the president’s handling of the pandemic and judgements of the candidates.

Most voters view the 2020 election “through the prism of the pandemic”, said Sams, who previously worked on Kamala Harris’s campaign for the Democratic nomination and for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“Unless something fundamenta­lly changes – and we have 100 days so anything can happen – the handling of the pandemic is going to be the central question in voters’ minds when they step into the voting booth in November.”

 ?? Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images ?? A poll this month showed Donald Trump trailing Joe Biden 55%-40% among registered voters as ratings for his handling of the coronaviru­s crisis have plummeted.
Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images A poll this month showed Donald Trump trailing Joe Biden 55%-40% among registered voters as ratings for his handling of the coronaviru­s crisis have plummeted.
 ?? Photograph: Jim Watson/ AFP/Getty Images ?? Trump this week endorsed mask-wearing for Americans, months after resisting health experts’ advice.
Photograph: Jim Watson/ AFP/Getty Images Trump this week endorsed mask-wearing for Americans, months after resisting health experts’ advice.

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