The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on China and the Uighurs: everyone’s business

- Editorial

It has taken too many horrors, but at last the world is paying heed to China’s treatment of the Uighurs. Satellite pictures of detention camps, and procuremen­t requests for spiked clubs, have been supplement­ed by leaked internal documents warning “allow no escapes”, and growing testimony from relatives and former inmates whose desperatio­n has overcome their fear of retaliatio­n for speaking out.

What once, perhaps, seemed remote and opaque to those in other countries has become much more immediate. The crackdown in Hong Kong, taking place in the public eye, has highlighte­d the ruthlessne­ss of the

Communist party’s response to perceived challenges. Reports of the forced use of IUDs, sterilisat­ion and abortion suggests a campaign to slash birth rates among Uighurs and other minorities, which some experts have described as “demographi­c genocide”. Last week a coalition of rights groups warned that virtually the entire fashion industry is complicit in abuses, due to the use of forced labour in Xinjiang’s mammoth cotton industry. It is harder to turn your back on people who made the shirt upon it.

An estimated million or more Uighurs, and other Turkic Muslims, have been held in the camps for the most moderate expression­s of religious belief, having relatives abroad, or even failing to pay bills. Former inmates describe political indoctrina­tion and abuses ranging from being forced to eat pork to rape and torture. Though some have been released, others have been sentenced to long prison terms or transferre­d to factories as forced labour. Those outside dwell in a digital gulag, under relentless hi-tech and human surveillan­ce. China, which initially denied the camps’ existence, now says they are vocational centres to reeducate those “infected” by extremism and terrorism – a necessary deradicali­sation campaign following violent attacks. Yet its approach in the region amounts to treating Uighurs and their way of life as fundamenta­lly suspect. Almost any expression of Uighur culture, bar singing and dancing, is regarded as threatenin­g – and thus in need of eradicatio­n.

The US has already blackliste­d com

panies and institutio­ns it believes are involved in human rights violations in the region. But though Donald Trump has now signed a law calling for sanctions against officials responsibl­e for violation, he reportedly told Xi Jinping that the detention camps were “exactly the right thing to do”. Meanwhile, hawkish Republican­s voice a hitherto undetected interest in Muslim religious rights. The administra­tion’s cynicism is not an excuse for others to dodge the issue. On the contrary: it is all the more reason to demonstrat­e the depth and breadth of opposition to outrageous violations of human rights.

Britain and France have stepped up their criticism. The UK now has an opportunit­y to use the new Magnitskys­tyle law to target officials responsibl­e for crimes in Xinjiang. But China has too long been able to play countries off against each other. The European Union must do more. António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, should publicly press China to allow his rights chief access to the region. Muslim countries remain shockingly silent.

Pressure should also be exerted on companies doing business in the region. The coalition that issued last week’s warning on the fashion industry is urging government­s to strengthen laws banning trade in goods produced using forced labour, and to require human rights due diligence in supply chains. But consumers can play their part too. British lawyers have argued that the internatio­nal community is legally obliged to take action over what is happening in Xinjiang. The moral case needs no debate. Uighurs can wait no longer.

 ??  ?? Workers at the perimeter fence of what is officially known as a vocational skills education centre in Xinjiang. Photograph: Thomas Peter/Reuters
Workers at the perimeter fence of what is officially known as a vocational skills education centre in Xinjiang. Photograph: Thomas Peter/Reuters

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