The Guardian (USA)

Tackling racism on social media is just the tip of the iceberg

- Owen Jones

• Kano: an apology. This article mistakenly carried a photograph of Kano when it was first published. The Guardian apologises unreserved­ly to Kano and our readers for the error, which has now been corrected. We would also like to clarify that Owen Jones was not involved in this error Twitter is simultaneo­usly many things: a means of elevating otherwise ignored voices, a platform for facilitati­ng debate, a portal to access a bewilderin­g array of informatio­n – and a cesspit of hatred.

This weekend, the grime artist Wiley – with his half a million followers – unleashed a tirade of undiluted antisemiti­sm on to the site over the course of two days, leading some to observe a 48-hour boycott of the social media platform to protest Twitter’s slowness to act. But it has not proved uncontrove­rsial; some users have noted that the website has long hosted unapologet­ic neo-Nazis such as US white supremacis­t Richard Spencer, so why wait for a black celebrity to make antisemiti­c comments to take such action? It took Twitter years to remove inflammato­ry far-right personalit­ies, such as Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins. With a range of Jewish organisati­ons urging a boycott and antisemiti­c hate crimes at a record high, I’m among those who heeded the call, while respecting the views of others who believe this is not an effective means to challenge racism.

That Twitter needs to take further action is beyond doubt. On a daily basis, the site pulses with Islamophob­ia, anti-blackness, antisemiti­sm, misogyny, homophobia, transphobi­a, and every other form of bigotry, often directly targeted at individual­s. As Alex Hern, the Guardian’s technology editor notes, Twitter’s policy in this area has grad

ually evolved from a commitment to free speech fundamenta­lism, which regarded racism as a bad opinion to be challenged, to a commitment to upholding minority rights in the face of illegitima­te hate speech.

But it is a tech company that is “fundamenta­lly underfunde­d in Silicon Valley terms”, says Hern, and is slow to develop new ideas, let alone clamp down on hate speech. This doesn’t mean Twitter should not invest in more moderators and take swifter action, particular­ly in a case like this one, which was so egregious because of the size of Wiley’s platform combined with the intensity and duration of his racist tirade.

There is something profoundly uncomforta­ble about this debate, however. Twitter reflects hatred that is embedded in the nation’s social fabric as much as it incubates it. Racism and other forms of bigotry remain organising principles of British society. As the scholar Alana Lentin puts it, racism is not a moral “problem of ‘bad’ individual­s”, as the current debate on Twitter’s toxicity encourages us to believe, but a “systemic one” rooted in European colonialis­m, when the subjugatio­n of African and Aboriginal peoples was justified by treating them as biological­ly inferior.

Similarly, antisemiti­sm consists of deadly, centuries-old conspiracy theories ingrained in European culture that present Jews as devious puppetmast­ers behind injustices, “which in turn drew on Christian antisemiti­c themes”, as Professor David Feldman notes.

The systems of racism and other bigotries – rather than individual racists and bigots – should be our starting point. Black people are discrimina­ted against by the justice system and more likely to be condemned to lower pay and unemployme­nt; while patriarchy leaves women objectifie­d and subjected to routine misogyny, and LGBTQ people treated as gender traitors deserving verbal or physical punishment beatings. An online platform open to all will inevitably project these wider phenomena; no Twitter moderation policy, no matter how robust, can adequately counter bigotries that are systemic in our societies.

Unfortunat­ely, our public discourse prefers theatrical debates about whether a person or statement is “racist” or “not racist” to a proper reckoning with how race functions as a system of power. And power, in turn, is part of what is missing from a conversati­on about racism in public life that focuses on tweets rather than the powerful institutio­ns that set the tone in any national community. Hopkins, who was banned from Twitter this year, was not a monster created by social media. She was a columnist for the Sun, where she compared migrants to cockroache­s, leading to condemnati­on from the United Nations. She continued to fall upwards, rewarded with a column at Mail Online and a chatshow at LBC. It was the old media who built her up, generously adding to her Twitter follower count in the process: a positive feedback loop of hate.

This week, a leader in the Times delivered a pious judgment on “social media and hate speech: Publish and Be Damned”. This is the newspaper that was forced to issue a correction after a series of misleading articles that began with the front page splash “Christian child forced into Muslim foster care”.

Just this week, as the Twitter boycott began, one Times columnist published a piece headlined “Let’s not be afraid to challenge Traveller culture”. When this paper of record publishes articles with headlines such as “Islamophob­ia is a fiction to shut down debate” – written by Melanie Phillips, whose work was approvingl­y cited by Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Breivik – its bigotry is considerab­ly more dangerous than that of @barry48593 from Slough on Twitter. Its reach is far greater, and it confers respectabi­lity and permissibi­lity on racism and bigotry.

In 2016, the Sun and the Daily Mail were identified by the European Commission against Racism and Intoleranc­e for fuelling bigotry against minorities. Unsurprisi­ngly so: the former once printed a front page claiming one in five British Muslims backed Syrian extremists such as Islamic State, forcing a belated correction. A 2019 study found that 59% of British news stories featuring Muslims had negative themes, with the Mail on Sunday the worst offender .

Online hatred is an urgent and growing problem, but its seriousnes­s is not diminished by observing that powerful rightwing newspapers are this country’s most prominent platform for bigotry. Do tech firms need to do more? Yes, absolutely. But the lack of consistenc­y in this debate risks looking like hypocrisy.

When we ask who has helped to fuel the doubling of hate crimes in a five-year period, our scrutiny should not be confined to slobbering bigots hunched over computers, but should also include those with far more power and clout. Anything else misses the point.

• Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist

 ?? Photograph: Ollie Millington/Redferns ?? ‘Grime artist Wiley – with his half a million followers – unleashed a tirade of undiluted antisemiti­sm on to Twitter.’
Photograph: Ollie Millington/Redferns ‘Grime artist Wiley – with his half a million followers – unleashed a tirade of undiluted antisemiti­sm on to Twitter.’

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