The Guardian (USA)

Mike Pence calls supreme court justice John Roberts a ‘disappoint­ment'

- Joan E Greve in Washington and agencies

The US vice-president, Mike Pence, has criticized the supreme court chief justice, John Roberts, as a “disappoint­ment to conservati­ves” after he sided with his four liberal colleagues in several recent high-profile rulings.

“We have great respect for the institutio­n of the supreme court of the United States, but Chief Justice John Roberts has been a disappoint­ment to conservati­ves whether it be the Obamacare decision or whether it be a spate of recent decisions,” the vice-president told Christian Broadcasti­ng Network in an interview published on Thursday.

Pence and Donald Trump cast the supreme court as a campaign issue for Republican­s in 2016, and have set out to do so again ahead of the November election.

Interviewe­r David Brody asked Pence if he was “scratching your head a little bit on John Roberts” adding: “Conservati­ves have had a track record of having some problems with supreme court justices you thought were gonna be a reliable vote.”

Roberts sided with his four liberal colleagues on several decisions, including one a Louisiana law that would have curtailed abortion access, and on job protection­s for LGBTQ Americans. The rulings enraged social conservati­ves, many of whom specifical­ly blamed Roberts for the decisions.

“I think several cases out of the supreme court are a reminder of just how important this election is for the future of the supreme court,” Pence told CBN.

Pence, who is fervently anti-abortion, particular­ly cited Louisiana’s efforts to restrict reproducti­ve rights, which the court ruled were unconstitu­tional earlier this year.

“I think it’s a wake up call for prolife voters around the country who understand, in a very real sense, that the destiny of the supreme court is on the ballot in 2020,” he said, adding that Trump intended to “appoint more principled conservati­ves to our courts” if he wins the election.

Trump has promised to release a list of names of potential conservati­ve judges to nominate to the supreme court as a way to rally Republican­sin support of his campaign, as he did in 2016.

Pence also aimed to fire up the Republican party’s conservati­ve base on a visit Florida’s Tampa Bay area this week, touring a pregnancy center and speaking at a church.

Pence’s visit highlighte­d his conservati­ve Christian stance, courting religious voters in part by seeking to frame Democrats as a threat to religious freedom. He made the trip with his daughter, Charlotte Pence Bond.

He told about 200 people in the crowded ballroom at the Hilton in Clearwater that during this election, America is at a crossroads between “a society grounded in freedom” versus one grounded in “socialism”.

“The choice we face is whether America will remain America,” he said.Pence claimed the Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden supports “abortion on demand”, and said Biden supports late-term abortion, a rare procedure usually only performed if the pregnancy poses a threat to the mother’s health or there are fetal medical conditions.

Earlier in the day, Pence toured A Woman’s Place Medical Clinic – a pregnancy center with an anti-abortion stance – and attended an anti-abortion event at a church. About 50 people attended, with many dressed in blue “I VOTE PRO-LIFE” T-shirts.

He said that if Biden were elected, he would “undo all the progress” the anti-abortion movement has made in the US since the 1973 passage of Roe v Wade, which establishe­d abortion rights nationwide.

“Life is winning in America,” Pence told the crowd.

 ?? Photograph: Douglas R Clifford/AP ?? Vice-President Mike Pence speaks at Starkey Road Baptist church in Tampa Bay, Florida, on Wednesday as part of his ‘Faith in America’ tour.
Photograph: Douglas R Clifford/AP Vice-President Mike Pence speaks at Starkey Road Baptist church in Tampa Bay, Florida, on Wednesday as part of his ‘Faith in America’ tour.

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